The next morning I took my usual seat in the back of the class but unlike previously, I now felt a new sense of determination that I never thought I'd feel.
My screams had woken me yet again, but as soon as I had calmed myself, I experienced a moment of clarity that had never presented itself before. It was a thought that had crossed my mind once, but I had become so used to ignoring every aspect about my future, that I had never allowed the idea to come to fruition, until today.
I had decided to pursue a career in criminal justice and become a lawyer. I knew that the only way I'd ever truly be able to move on with my life would be if I could make sure that people like the filth who had killed my sister, would have no chance of ever being released from prison. I felt that if I could get justice and keep monsters like that off the streets, I'd finally start to heal and find some peace. I knew in my heart that this is what I needed to pursue to not only give my life meaning again but also, to make up for failing her. It was going to be a long and difficult process but it was one I decided I was ready for.
After my morning classes it was time for English. I noticed the asshole with the khakis sitting next to the weird girl with the Converses in the front row and I was glad to be sitting in the back. She had her nose buried in a book, what I could only assume was Pride & Prejudice given our assignment, and he was scrolling through his phone. That reminded me I still had to get a new cell phone. I made a mental note to buy one after class.
The professor began by helping us us outline key points of the novel and I was glad, for it further aided my comprehension of Austin's intricate wording.
We all sat in silence towards the end of class, continuing to outline on our own when I happened to turn towards the windows to my left and I instantly felt the color drain from my face. The white car. There it was again parked just outside the window. The person in the ball cap had their face downturned, managing once again to conceal themselves enough that I still had no idea if they were male or female. They were also becoming more brazen, parking the car closer each time. I shot up from my seat and raced outside. I knew I shouldn't approach this person on my own but the anger and adrenaline overpowered my apprehension. Sure enough as soon as I made it to the street the car gunned its engine and sped away so fast this time that the screeching tires left erratic black lines in their wake, the smell of burnt rubber hanging thickly in the air.
I quickly ran back towards the classroom to retrieve the books I had left behind. My mind was racing, trying to figure out who would want to stalk me and why. The only thing I could think of was that maybe this person was somehow linked to the filth I had killed. But if so, why stalk me? Why hadn't they tried to find me before? And if they happened to know something why hadn't they turned me in yet? Or maybe they were still planning to. All I knew is that I finally had to tell my uncle and find out what he makes of it all.
The classroom was empty when I returned and class had ended just a few moments ago. I noticed right away that my books were gone and my heart immediately sank. Normally I would've cared less about some books that are replaceable, but my sister's copy of Pride & Prejudice was not, and now it too was missing. I grew angry with myself, I should've just taken my books with me but everything had happened so fast.
I ran out into the hall hoping to catch Professor Nichols and I spotted him heading towards the stairs.
I was out of breath when I caught up to him.
"Ah, Dimitri, what can I do for you?"
"My books, did you happen to see who took my books? I'm sorry I ran out I had to.....tend to something."
"Yes I sent them home again with the Quinn girl, Dove is her name. Sorry but wasn't sure if you were coming back. She's the same girl who I sent home with your books yesterday as well. I saw her head out the main entrance if you hurry you might be able to catch her."
"Sir I have no idea who that is, I haven't really learned many people's names yet."
"She sat in the front row today, light brown hair. Either way if you can't find her she's been instructed to drop them off to you right away so I'm sure you'll see her when you arrive home."
Great. If he was talking about whom I think he was talking about, this day, which had started off well, was now taking a turn for the worst.
"Thank you sir."
I went into the main office and had them phone Hughes for me. I really need to buy that cell phone. I decided to phone the concierge when I got back. I knew they'd be able to go out and buy one for me. There was no way I had time to go myself. I had to get back and get my sister's book from this Dove Quinn.

I Did It For You
General FictionAfter losing you, I fell into darkness, a darkness I never thought I'd get out of. Anger and I became inseparable. It's all I had left. If I allowed myself to feel anything else, I'd crumble. The anger was my only distraction, the only thing that he...