12. Shadows Of The Light

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The coffee shop was busy, the teens behind the counter were all smiling and handing out cups before telling whoever left to have a good day

It was in the middle of the afternoon on a thursday, usually the busiest time on the busiest day

When a lady stomped inside and slammed her cup against the counter


The people behind the counter all had wide eyes, the lady was usually kind, and sweet... Soft spoken too

Yet now she looked like she was seconds away from ripping someone's head off

One of the teens, Timmy,  frowned "Is everything alright, Merissa?"

Merissa threw both of her hands up "It tastes different!! Who made it today? Was it them?"

Timmy blinked "Uh... Who are you asking about exactly?"


Adam, another teen, frowned "We promise you, Merissa... We don't know, there's a lot of people working here"


"Merissa... Stop screaming please, Them who?" Michelle said with a frown

Merissa took a deep breath "Small, crazy personality, crazy hair, wears a tag that says they them instead of their name"

A collective 'Ohhhhh' was heard from behind the counter, and Michelle smiled

"You mean Enzo!!"

"Yes!! Enzo!!"

Timmy shrugged "Enzo isn't in today"

Merissa blinked "They're always here at this time"

Timmy shook his head "Not today, they called off"

Merissa huffed and put her hands on her hips "I come here today, at this time because I know usually Enzo would be here"

Adam blinked then looked at everyone standing at the counter "IF ANYONE IS HERE FOR ENZO TO MAKE THEIR COFFEE, THEY ARE NOT HERE TODAY"

A collective groan was heard and people left the shop in an instant

The teens all blinked and looked at each other "Does our coffee taste that bad?"

"No, Enzo just does it better" Kaya said, their head on their arms on the counter

"Where are they anyways?"


Enzo rubbed the horses head before they gave it a carrot, whispering a quiet 'Good boy' with a smile

They heard the sound of trotting and turned towards it, they smiled seeing Zayn

He chuckled and got off of the horse "I like the hair"

Enzo perked up "You do?"

Zayn nodded "Better than the green it was last week"

Enzo cringed "Let's not talk about that…"

Zayn hummed as they tied up their horses and continued the rest of the way on foot with their backpacks on

They stopped and hid behind trees, both of them opened their bags

Both of them pulled out Keffiyehs, Zayn did he like he usually wore it, but Enzo wore it in a way that covered their head

They turned to each other with only their eyes showing

"Ready kiddo?" He said with a smile, Enzo smiled back

"Ready baba"



At 14, Enzo is well known around the zone.

Other than being the boss's kid, they also usually dye their hair crazy colours and are crazy... In all aspects; big nobody really says anything

Louis taught them how to make colour one day, because Enzo desperately wanted to change their room colour but couldn't find the exact shade of green they wanted.

Some got in their hair and they decided to start dyeing their tips from then on

They started to regularly train with Zayn, combat, guns, disassembling and reassembling guns, quicker way to make molotovs, and how to add a silencer layer to their guns

They now go out together, going into other zones and freeing them from the military reign

Though Zayn was hesitant in the beginning, he's now proud of them...

And he does enjoy spending time with the kid, they've been in the better part of his life for the past 2 years


They both walked into their home and smiled, they dropped their backpacks and rushed into the kitchen where Zayn's aunt was pulling a chicken out of the oven

"Smells so good in here" Enzo said, holding onto a seat

She hummed then looked at both of them "Clean yourselves up"

Zayn frowned "I'm clean…"

She pointed a spoon at Enzo "They aren't"

Enzo frowned "It's just mud and I'm starving though..."

"Go shower, by the time you're done, it'll be ready"

Zayn chuckled and she looked at him and raised an eyebrow

"You shower too, I don't do favourites"

They both mumbled 'Sure you don't' and walked up the stairs

Zayn walked into his room opened the door and smiled

"Hiya Jaan" he said walking into the room

Liam looked at him and smiled "Hi, love"

"Ok... Ok um" Zayn said then shook his head


"Dad, what can we do?" Enzo said but Niall pulled them back slightly


"What do we do?" Niall said looking between Zayn and Louis

Louis shook his head and stepped back "I'm not killing him... I'm not putting a fucking bullet in my best friends head"

Enzo cringed and Liam sighed

"Can you all-"

"Nobody is killing him, stop saying that"

Liam watched them all argue, Niall saying they should put Liam out of his misery, Louis agreeing but refusing to do the action and Zayn threatening to hurt Niall if he keeps saying that

Liam gritted his teeth "GIVE ME A FUCKING MOMENT TO TALK!!"

They all looked at him and he took a deep breath

"I'm immune"

Zayn hugged him from behind and kissed Liam's neck, Liam leaned against him and slipped his socks on

After Liam told them he's immune, Zayn and Enzo immediately believed him

Louis was hesitant, because if Liam was he would've told him

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