Your Letter

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. . .

I waited until midnight, where my uncle would be sitting passed out on the living room couch.

I sneaked into his bedroom, which was completely trashed with empty bottles of vodka and cigarette buds.

Searching through the mess and every drawer, I would eventually find my phone.

I grabbed it and rushed back to my room, locking myself inside.

I quickly started typing a text message to Noelle.

"Hey Noelle, it's Drystan," I paused. "I'm looking forward to our hangout soon and I'm so happy. Let me know whenever you are free. Goodnight, sweet dreams <3.."

I send her a rather cheesy message, but I don't care. I'm so happy, I just can't help but gush. She makes me forget about all the pain and awful things I'm going through... especially today...

I sighed.

What kind of date would Noelle and I... even go on...?

Could this even be considered a date?...

Urgh... All of this is making me so nervous...

. . . .

Next  Morning.

I woke up to a message of Noelle:

"Good morning! :) let's meet in front of my classroom at Lunch!"

I stared at the message, a grin creeping up across my face. She responded... She actually responded! I couldn't stop smiling all morning, counting down the minutes until lunch.

. . . .

Lunch time finally arrived, I was so nervous...

Talking to Noelle, meeting her, being alone with her... heh.. yay...

I nervously walked to her classroom, fidgeting with my sleeve.... I can't believe I was able to make it this far, this has to be a dream...


I was waiting for Noelle in front of her classroom, when I felt something tapping my arm, I turned around to see her...

I felt tense, my heartbeat quickly pacing up in speed.

"Let's go!"

"Ah.." Before I could say anything, she grabbed me by my hand and dragged me to the bench where she would always sit with her friends, only this time... we'd be sitting there.. alone... together.


I waited for her to speak... but she just wouldn't say a word, so I put all my courage together to form a sentence. "So... about the d-date.. I mean hangout... ....When are you free?"  I blushed hysterically at the fact that I just called our planned hangout a "date" was a date to me but.... I... I doubt she'd see it the same way as I did... this is so embarrassing... so awfully embarrassing...

"How about tonight?" I returned my attention to her and the blush on my face grew deeper. Nervously fidgeting with my fingers underneath the table.

"T-Tonight..? Y-Yeah.. Tonight sounds good.. what are you planning on doing?"

"Did you watch 'Saw'?"

My eyes grew in surprise. She was into such grotesque things?

"O-Oh.. Uhm.. Yeah... everything but the 6th movie... well.. yeah.."

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"Perfect!" She smiled at me. "The cinema next to the Dairy Queen in the city is playing Saw VI tonight! Then next month once 'Saw 3D' finally comes out we can watch that together too!"

I blushed. She seriously wanted to watch 'Saw' with me? Was she for real...?

"W-Well... sure... Of course.. I'm down."

She looked extremely excited. "Awesome! But... it's rated R, and I'm 16... so..."

I stared blankly at her.

"We just gotta sneak into the correct theater after  passing through the ticket booth and then...!"

Was she actually.... Being real? She wanted to commit a crime together with me.... Yet it didn't bother me, if anything... it made me want her even more.

"O-Okay... When does the movie start?"

"At 9:30!"

"..Alright... I'll.. p-pick you up at 8, and we go there together?"

"Of course!" I stared at her smiling state, noticing a faint tint of blush forming on her cheeks.

She then got up from the bench, walking off, before pausing in front of me.

„I'll see you tonight, Drystan." She flashed me a smirk and lifted down my hood, ruffling through my already messy hair, messing it up even more. I could hear my heart almost beating out of my chest, she left me starstruck.

How could I ever prepare myself for tonight... A real date with Noelle... how could all of this happen so fast...

. . .

After School

At home, I quickly took another shower, just in case...

Damn, two showers in the span of one week.. never had this much.

I picked out a casual outfit, grabbed my bag and walked outside, ready to pick up Noelle.

I'm so nervous, so nervous, so nervous, so nervous.


I let out a soft groan.

. . .

As soon as I walked up to Noelle's porch, she'd already walk out of her house, grabbing my hand, her actions keeping me left speechless...

My hands grew more sweaty by the second.

"I'm so excited for tonight!"

She cheered as we walked to the metro station together. Why. Why was she doing all of this. Accepting my date, giving me her number, messing my hair up, holding my hand.

What was all of this supposed to mean?

Everything seemed to confuse me more and more...

We continued to walk, until she suddenly stopped.

"?" I looked at her puzzled.

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