Chapter 55: Twice over

Start from the beginning

As the pastor continued, Zac's gaze drifted, lost in memories of his father—the times they laughed, the arguments they had, the lessons Michael had imparted that shaped Zac into the man he had become. He swallowed hard, the overwhelming sense of loss hitting him once again.

Fatima leaned closer, pressing her shoulder against his, a silent reminder that she was right there with him. Zac took a deep breath, letting her presence anchor him through the pain.

The pastor's words turned toward hope—about finding peace in the love Michael had left behind, and carrying forward his memory. Zac looked at his mother again, seeing the heartbreak in her eyes, and then at Fatima, her face filled with unwavering support. He knew this wouldn't be easy. The loss would never fully go away. But maybe, just maybe, with Fatima by his side, he could find a way to move forward.

The ceremony continued, and though Zac's heart ached, he held onto Fatima's hand, knowing he wasn't facing this alone.

Tia's sobs echoed across the quiet cemetery as Diana hugged her, whispering words of comfort. The grief was palpable, a weight everyone there could feel. Zac stood nearby, his eyes fixed on the casket as it was slowly being covered by the earth. His heart ached as he watched his father's final resting place disappear beneath the ground, the reality of the loss settling into his chest like a heavy stone.

Fatima stood beside Zac, her dark Gucci shades concealing her expression, though her presence was steadfast. She had her hand intertwined with Zac's, her black Birkin bag dangling from her other arm. She could feel the tension radiating from Zac, his sadness and helplessness at watching his mother crumble under the weight of her grief.

"No!" Tia cried out, her voice breaking, as she tried to move toward the casket, her desperation evident. Zac was quick to act, stepping forward to grab her before she could collapse on the fresh grave. "Ma," he said gently, his voice thick with emotion as he tried to calm her, but her grief was too overwhelming.

"She's about to faint—" Fatima said urgently, tapping Zac's arm. Just as she said it, Tia's body began to go limp, her knees buckling beneath her. Zac's reflexes kicked in, and he caught her, struggling to keep her steady as her weight leaned into him.

"Oh God!" Diana gasped, her eyes wide with shock. The situation was quickly becoming overwhelming for everyone around.

Fatima didn't hesitate. She reached into her Birkin bag, pulling out a small hand fan and moving closer to fan Tia, trying to bring her some comfort. "Don't do that," Diana snapped, her voice sharp with panic and emotion, clearly disapproving of Fatima's actions.

Fatima shot Diana a cold glare, her voice low and edged with anger. "Talk to me like that again, and I'll surely beat your ass," she snapped back, her protective instincts flaring up.

"Tima," Zac said sternly, his voice filled with tension. He knew Fatima was only trying to help, but now wasn't the time for confrontation. He needed everyone to focus on his mother, who was struggling just to breathe.

Fatima pressed her lips together, swallowing the retort that sat on her tongue. She looked down at Tia, shifting her attention fully to the woman who needed all the help they could give her. Diana stayed silent, her face flushed as she moved to help support Tia.

With Diana's help, Zac guided his mother away from the grave, moving her toward a bench set up nearby. He could hear the murmurs of other attendees, some judging, others concerned, but he blocked it all out. Right now, his only priority was his mother.

Fatima followed closely, her expression softening as she looked at Tia's pale face. She kept fanning her gently, determined to help despite the tension in the air.

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