Chapter 64: Meet the twins

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A light knock echoed on the door before Khalid peeked his head in with a bright smile. "Hello! Big brother has arrived," he announced, stepping into the room with two pink teddy bears in hand.

"Hi, baby," Fatima beamed, reaching her hand out toward Khalid.

He leaned down and hugged her tightly. "Hey," he said warmly.

Zac stood up from his chair, greeting Khalid with a nod. "What's happening here?" Khalid asked, eyeing the large platter of sushi sitting in front of Fatima.

"This is what she requested," Zac said with a chuckle, as Fatima nodded down at the sushi with pure satisfaction.

"I'm in paradise," she said between bites, completely content.

Khalid raised an amused brow. "Where are the twins?" he asked, glancing around the room.

"The nurse took them to get cleaned up and checked. They'll be back in a few," Zac explained.

Fatima sighed, pushing the sushi platter aside. "I miss them already," she said wistfully before holding out her hand to Zac. "I gotta pee," she added.

Zac helped her out of the bed carefully as Khalid watched. "So, who do they look like?" Khalid asked, his voice filled with curiosity as Fatima made her way to the bathroom.

"I'd say they're a perfect mixture of both of us," Zac replied proudly, his face lighting up. "They're just so perfect and little," he added with a soft coo, still in disbelief that he was now a father. He already adored his baby girls more than anything.

Khalid smiled, his expression softening as he watched Zac talk about the twins. Moments later, Fatima returned from the bathroom, and Khalid stepped forward to help her get back onto the bed, adjusting the pillows behind her to make her more comfortable.

"Thank you." she said.

"So, have you guys named them yet?" Khalid asked, setting the teddy bears down gently on the bedside table.

Fatima and Zac exchanged a quick glance before they both nodded in unison. "Yes," they said at the same time.

"What's their names?" Khalid pressed, his curiosity growing.

Before they could answer, the door opened, and the nurse walked in, pushing the twins' bassinets inside with a smile. "Knock, knock," she greeted cheerfully.

"My babies!" Fatima cooed, reaching out as the nurse positioned the bassinets beside her bed.

"Hi, Mom," the nurse said with a smile, making sure everything was in place. "Both of your little ones are doing great. Baby A weighs 5 pounds and 4 ounces, and Baby B is a little bigger at 6 pounds and 1 ounce. Both girls are perfectly healthy and strong," she said warmly, updating them on the babies' condition. "Baby B is also a little more content and quiet, while Baby A seems more alert and active."

The nurse stayed a moment longer, ensuring both babies were settled, before leaving the family to enjoy their time together.

Zac washed his hands quickly and moved over to the bassinets, still in awe at the sight of his daughters. "You wanna meet your sisters?" he asked Khalid with a soft smile.

Khalid quickly wiped a little tear from the corner of his eye, then moved to the sink to wash his hands. "Yeah, of course," he said excitedly.

Zac carefully lifted one of the babies out of the bassinet and handed her over to Khalid. "This is Khari," Zac said as Khalid cradled his sister in his arms, marveling at how small and delicate she was.

"She's so little," Khalid whispered, his heart melting at the sight of her.

"Yeah, she's a little smaller than her sister," Zac explained, glancing over at the second bassinet where Baby B, was sleeping soundly. "You're holding Khari. She's the oldest, but the smallest," Zac said with a smile.

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