Chapter 4

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The sun finally set and I'm currently lotioning my body for bed.

Kayson knocks on the door that's already cracked opened and slowly opens it even more.

"New scent?", he asked.

"", I said after looking at him for a moment.

"Why the look?", he asked.

"Just tryin to figure out why you're in here", I said as I stood up and walked to the bathroom to hang my towel up.

"I told you I'm not sleeping on the couch", said Kayson as he walked to the bed and sat down.

"Oh so you must like the floor", I said as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Nah", he said before taking his shirt off.

I look at his ab his chest, arms, and abs. He's gotten more muscular since I've last seen him with his shirt off.

"I'm sore as hell", he mumbled as he stretched a little.

"Floor", I said as I pointed to the floor.

Kayson lays back in the bed with his legs cross and his hands behind his head. He looks at me with a slight smirk on his face.

"What?", I asked.

"Fine chocolate thing", he said.

"Look just because I said we can start picking things back up doesn't mean I want you in the bed with me", I said.

"You scared?", he asked. "I don't bite."

I roll my eyes as I laugh to myself. I began walking to the dresser.

"Or is it because you wanna see what Nick's about?", asked Kayson.

I didn't say anything. I didn't look at him. I just continued doing what I was doing.

"That's the one who works for A&P right?", asked Kayson. "Drives the Benz? Where's the nice suits? Flashy muthafucka? He only care about his imagine and material stuff."

"Oh maybe he just likes the finer things in life", I said as I turn around.

Kayson sits up on the edge of the bed. "Oh so you telling me about him? How long you been talking to him?", he asked.

"I feel like you came in here to start with me", I said.

"I just asked a question ma'am", he said.

"No. You wanna hear me say something that you're going to bitch and cry about", I said.

"So that's what's up? That's what you wanna do? Fuck with him?", asked Kayson.

"No.", I said.

"That's what you just said", said Kayson.

"No, that's the answer you're looking for because you're being insecure right now", I said.

"I ain't never insecure", said Kayson.

"You sure?", I asked.

"Yea. It's a difference between insecure and knowing that you already lost somebody", said Kayson.

"What makes you think you lost me?", I asked.

"You don't even say I love you back, let's start there", said Kayson.

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