Why Are the Flowers Glowing?

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Those were the last words I remember my sister saying.

A brilliant blue glow swept across the field in seconds, accompanied by a soft hum. My vision began to go fuzzy as the night sky around me started to spin. The next clear thought I had was the feeling of the grass tickling my face and the screams echoing from the village above. I jolted upright, alone in the now empty field, looking for answers, for her. My home was absorbed by the light of hundreds of flowers, buildings covered in an algae-like shimmer. My feet could carry me, but for how far? Why did I run towards it? What did I think I could accomplish? The cries of distress grew louder as I dared closer.

There was no blood or viscera; simply an end of life. As I stood on the outskirts of the luminescent village, I watched the lives of those I knew drained from grappling roots; bodies collapsing and returning to the earth once more. The blue lit flowers drifted in the wind, carried towards the center of town. Looking passed the ruins in front of me, I focused on the growing foliage that was overwhelming the tops of every building. Was she in there? was I too late? Was there anyone else left? My knees quivered until I collapsed, staring at flourishing monstrosity that consumed our home.

"Brother!" My head flicked in the direction of those resonating words. Atop the hill to the West, a slim hope back dropped by moonlight. The sound of my own heaving blocked everything else, reaching her the only thing keeping my body moving as she continued to call to me. As I raced up the incline I could see more, she wasn't alone. Survivors, the injured and the lucky. I didn't stop until I had her in my arms, both of us sobbing.

We were allowed the few precious moments before someone came to collect us. A few dozen others at most, not much more than what was in our pockets. Familiar faces gathered, but none that were family. We looked one last time at the azure garden that was once our village, said our goodbyes, and began the trek into the wilderness. Some began to tell stories of vast towns, shared hopes of a new beginning; others feared similar fates awaiting at the end. My mind scattered through the memories of the lost, and the unknown future, until I felt a hand squeeze mine. I returned the gesture with a shaking grip. She was here, we were alive, and I had never been happier to wake up to the orange radiance in the morning sky.

Arising AnthologyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora