Denver waited for Cheyenne's eyes to close before releasing her. She breathed easy under the water, just like he'd been told she would. It seemed the magic of the pool kept her safe as promised. Which was good, because he didn't want to hurt her.
I'm getting soft. In the past, he wouldn't have cared so much. Why now? Why Cheyenne? I don't like it.
Soft Denver was a weak and vulnerable Denver. He didn't get the luxury of being either of those things. They'd lead to his destruction, and if there was one thing he planned on doing, it was surviving.
Having Cheyenne's parents around sparked a whole new flurry of emotions inside of him. Anger mostly. Her father glared at him like he was the evil demon trying to kidnap and marry his daughter. All because I bit her, twice. Still! She told me I could do it the first time. I'm pretty sure that means I can do it again. Her mouth complains, but not the beating of her heart.
It practically begged for him to never leave her side.
I'm not the bad guy. He made plenty of bad decisions, but he wasn't a villain. If she wanted him to stop, truly stop, he would. She doesn't want me to leave her.
Cheyenne's eyes opened in the water. They glowed an electric blue. She rose out of the water and took in the sight of the cave.
"I haven't been here in centuries," she whispered.
"Hmm?" Denver asked.
"I wasn't speaking with you, peasant," she snapped.
Denver held up his hands. "Wow, okay. Is that how you want to treat the guy who just freed you from your spiritual prison?"
"You?" Cheyenne's eyes narrowed and her gaze roamed up and down his body. "I'm surprised."
"Yes, I'm sure you are."
"What are you wearing?" She glanced down at her own clothing. "What am I wearing?"
"It's all the rage in the modern world." Denver gave her a small bow. "Welcome back Persephone the First. We've missed you."
Not really. Though, a part of him did long for the spirit now awakened before him. Too many conflicting emotions, and he hated it. Weak and soft. Weak and soft.
"I..." She grabbed her forehead and screamed. "No, I don't want to go back. I want to stay where I am!"
Good girl, Chey. Fight her. Denver put a hand on her shoulder. "That's something you two are going to have to figure out together. I've done my part."
"I'll make sure you're rewarded appropriately." The growl she let out made it clear she didn't find him worthy of anything good. He'd be surprised if he got a pat on the back.
Whatever, I didn't do this for her anyway. I did this so Lucien upholds his end of our deal. That's what he cared about.
Denver moved closer to the spirit possessing Cheyenne. He put a firm hand on her shoulder. "If you hurt her, I will hurt you. I don't care who you are."
"You're threatening a goddess?" There was so much fire in her eyes.
"Yup. You don't scare me."
Their eyes met, and for a few seconds, she faltered.
At last, she cleared her throat. "You're a bold one, boy. Perhaps I'll have use of you after all."
"Yeah, sure, whatever. Let's get out of here."
He moved to the entrance of the cave so he could escort her back to the surface. Every so often he glanced back at her as they walked. What did I do? I'm not sure I did the right thing. He scowled. I'm not sure why I care.
And yet, a whole other part of him was excited for what was about to come.

Pangaia: Agendas (Year One: Fall)
Teen FictionWelcome to Pangaia! A school for all things mythical and magical! Here the descendants of gods and goddesses mingle with their future minions to get a well balanced education. Meet our new student Cheyenne Loveless. She's transferring here after a l...