Picture of Jace at the top"Morning Herondale," my girlfriend Clary said as she walked into my room.
I watched her walk towards the bed and smiled as she leaned in to give me a kiss. I always thought that she was a wonderful girl. She's stayed with me through everything I've went through in the past.
I couldn't even begin to imagine what my life would be like without her.
"How long ago did you get here?"
I was wondering why she was here. As I looked at the clock beside me that read 8:16 am.Her shadowhunter training wasn't supposed to start until 3:00 pm.
"I actually just got here a few minutes ago. I got an emergency call from Mayrse. She even called my mom here too."
"Well what's the emergency?"
I was clearly confused."I don't know. No one knows. Mayrse wanted to tell all of us together. She sent me up here to wake you up."
"Ok, I'll be out in a minute."
I watched as Clary left the room. It's been almost a year since Sebastian was defeated and everything has been going fine. Of course we still have to do the whole demon killing thing, but that's just the usual.
For months now, there haven't been any real threats to the institute or the clave. So you could imagine my confusion as I was being told by Mayrse that there's been a newfound threat to the institute.
"For the past few weeks there's been a shadowhunter from England that's wanted the institute for a while now. His name is Damien Ashwell. At the clave meetings regarding the institute, the consul agreed to keep me as head. As you can imagine, Damien wasn't very pleased with his decision. Now he's been kidnapping both downworlders and Shadowhunters. God knows what he's planning on doing with them."
Clary and I gave each other a quick glance. It was clear that we both had a hundred questions to ask but we both stayed silent. Everyone in the room was thinking the same thing. The 2 names that no one liked talking about.
We all knew that Valentine tortured and killed downworlders. His son Sebastian was no different.
It was Isabelle who spoke first.
"So what are we supposed to do now?""We're working closely with the Clave on this one. For now we have to guard the institute. Be careful and keep a sharp eye. Who knows when he could strike."
Mayrse was clearly stressed. She looked as if she'd been up all night. With shadows under her eyes and strain in her voice. She'd been through a lot with losing her son, Max , and going through all the problems and the divorce with Robert.
We all detected the hint of sadness in her voice when she spoke. But knowing Mayrse, she would never talk to us.
"So, do you think Damien will be a big threat to us?" Clary whispered to me as Mayrse went on about safety and being careful.
"What? Are you worried about him?"
"I don't now, just wanted to hear what you thought about it. You've been quite this whole time."
" Ok, well, if you're worried about him, you have no reason to be. We'll take him down."
I saw her small face visibly relax, but her green eyes still held a small amount of uncertainty.
Soon after we were dismissed. Alec went off to see Magnus, Clary went home, and Isabelle went skipping off to her room.
At times like this there wasn't much to do but train.
I headed to the training room and spent the next few hours training. At around 2:30 Clary called to tell me that she couldn't make training today. Something about Luke, and art supplies.
Since I usually train Clary for around 2-3 hours, I had my schedule cleared.
Tired and sore from training, I headed to the library to read for the rest of the day.
At 1:00 am. I was in my bed, sleep wasn't coming easily for me tonight. But after a while sleep took me away.
Still half asleep, I heard a noise in my bedroom.
I didn't pay it any mind since we lived in New York, where the noise never stopped.
"PSSSSSSSSSSSSSST!"Who the heck would be in my bedroom at this time? Clary maybe? No.
This voice sounded unfamiliar so my hand automatically went to the dagger I kept under my pillow. People normally keep daggers under their pillows just in case they need to hurt people right? I mentally chuckled at the thought."No need for that," the voice said. "I'm not here to harm you."
"Who are you?"
I didn't know who he was, but I had gotten out of my bed and was pointing the blade, arm extended, at the hooded figure standing by the open window. I remember Clary telling me about crap like his happening in the movies.
The figure slowly took down his hood, to reveal his face.
"I'm Nate Corestone, and I know a way to help you win against Ashwell."
First chapter done! I hope you like it!~Anaya G.