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"Try not to hold onto the power of the Force. It'll be really hard not to", Mother Talzin whispered. My fear started increasing tremendously, I remember exactly what was about to follow. Incredible pain. I knew exactly the words I asked in response to her after that, "Why would I try to hold on to the power, I'm here because I don't want it.". Then a nightsister said, "No matter how much you don't want it, when your body feels yourself losing your force-sensitivity, your instincts will make you hold on to it. If you do, your body will deteriorate.". That last word made me shiver. I let them wrap some magical rope onto all my limbs, and started summoning their magic. I was beyond scared but I tried to remind myself of the new life I'll get to have after this. I thought of all the times the Empire hunted me down, the Inquisitors, and I remembered that as long as I'm force-sensitive, I always have the duty to try to help the galaxy, because there's very few others that can. Even the ones that can have given up on the galaxy, I can't do that, but once I lose my abilities, it's out of my hands. That thought kept me going when the Nightsisters' appearance turned demonic, adn magic surrounded me. Mother Talzin had a look on her face, I knew that this was going to make her more powerful. Then in all of a sudden, before I could expect it, I felt the Force being drained from me. It felt like nothing I'd ever felt before. It felt like I was able to feel a sixth sensation all of a sudden and that sensation told me I was dying. Then before I knew it, I was holding onto my power, I didn't even realise that I was, until I noticed my body deteriorating. My skin was exploding into shards and getting ripped off me, and I felt my organs starting to fail, I was losing sensation in my limbs. Then I tried to make myself not hold on. I remembered the first tiem I realised I was Force Sensitive. It was in with my fellow clone cadets. We were doing a trial run through a battlefield with simulation droids, and my friends were all cornered, and were about to be shot by the practise bullets, and something stopped them in the air. It was me. This led me to think of a few days later, when the Jedi took me out of my Clone Battalion. Master Yoda was the one to speak to me, "Hey CT-1834, you won't be going here anymore. You're a special clone. You're the first clone ever, to be born Force-Sensitive, you're going to become one of the Jedi now, your world is about to become much bigger than it was before.", Master Yoda said. Then, I remembered Mace Windu's words, "Like many would say, it's more of a curse than a gift, unless you manage to balance it. I've learnt, and I tried to teach my padawan once, but it didn't work out. My own master doesn't try to master the balance because, he's too afraid of the dark side. But that's what gives the Dark Side the power over you, fear. Emotions in general is weakness, and a hindrance to mastering balance. If the world around you is being destroyed, the Force is more likely to take you to its Dark Side. If we come to that situation, being Force-Sensitive itself is a danger to everyone.". Then I thought about the Galaxy's destruction around me by the Empire, and all the fallen Jedi. It worked. I was ready to let go. I lost my force-sensitivity, and I survived. The nightsisters and Talzin were very surprised as I could tell by their face, they did not think I would live through this, but I did live through this. Maybe not for the best. Now, I just live on a lonely planet without anyone else. That thought reminded me of the present, and I woke up. 

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