Chapter 2 - Discover

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The morning had passed as the sun guided their travels West, the drive proceeding without issue. The silhouettes of buildings long over, replaced with nature's pallet among the trees and rivers, extending far into the horizons.

"It's always so peaceful to escape the town and have nothing to hold us back." Inke waved her arm out the window, playing with the wind moving between her fingers. "I'm surprised your parents didn't come out this time, they are always so gung ho about this trip." She looked over to Toby with a curious expression.

He sighed, "Yeah, I think this is the second time in almost twenty years that they've not gone; and the last time was because of a hospital visit." He turned down the music a tad, glancing between the scenery and clear road ahead. "Thankfully, it's just something for mom's work, but I know they will still give me grief when I get back." Toby chuckled, "And as much as dad begged me to steal him away, there was no way she would let him go have fun at the cabin without her."

"Yeah, Janice can be strict like that." Inke laughed, "Still, it was nice of them to let us have free roam of the place! I haven't been in years, and it was such a fun time!" Her eyes narrow, a smirk finding her lips. "Is mister huggles still there?" Her words twisting into prodding baby talk, followed by raising an arm to block an incoming jab. "Hey!" she snickered.

"No. That tattered teddy bear was burned in the fire pit a year or two after your last visit. Thing was practically missing a limb already when you saw it." Toby shook his head, giving her a glare from the teasing. He peaked down at the dashboard, "Oh, next gas stop is switching time, and some food."

"What? But I was just getting comfy." Inke sank in her seat, groaning.

"That was the deal, passenger princess. Plus, my legs need a good stretch." Toby yawned, "and my brain needs a rest. Driving for six hours really drains you."

"Fine, but music choice is mine!" She squirmed back up, stretching out her arms "And I guess the next part is all trees and hills anyway, not a whole lot of cars head out into Fraiser forest around this time." Inke turned her attention back to the scenery out the window.

Toby nodded, "Yeah, part of the reason we always went in October. All the summer tourists are gone and only a few cabin owners remain. Just let me know if it gets too much for you and we'll swap back."

Another fifteen minutes passed before Toby and Inke found an exit to get out and rest. One of the last restaurants in the area to get a bite to eat and making sure they were fully prepped to make the journey into the, mostly, untamed wilderness; so they called it.

"Come on Inky! it's already been like thirty minutes, how long are you taking?" Toby poked his head out the passenger window, calling back to her, while she rummaged through her bag to find her gum.

"Cram it To-boy, or you'll discover how slow I can really drive!" Snatching the pack of gum, she tossed the partially opened bag back into the pile and closed the trunk hatch. Inke made her way to the driver's side, sliding into the car and glaring at him, "How about next time, I just breathe garlic stank all over you." She locked her seat belt in and started the car, taking off back onto the quiet road.

"At least we know you're not a vampire." Toby chuckled, leaning against the open window.

"Yet. Don't forget there is still lots of time for my to-be husband, or gorgeous wife, to sweep me away to their castle, and leave your sorry ass in the woods, alone." Inke stuck her tongue out.

"Yes yes, woe is me; unable to get a pale, toothy, blood sucking, recluse to find me, and drain my flesh of life- ow." His dramatic acting was cut off by a swift punch to the shoulder, smirking at Inke.

"Bite me, and not in the good way." She pointed at Toby to stop his next remark. "You let me know how your phantom girlfriend hunt goes.

"At least I know she will be good in the sheets." The laughter was his own, "Because you know, ghosts, and sheets; like a Halloween costume." Toby had a stupid grin while wiping away a tear. "Inke. Inke, get it?"

Inke rolled her eyes, turning up the volume, hoping to drown him out. "I swear, if this wasn't your car you would be walking back to that gas station." Her hand went up to push his face away, Toby cackling from his own humour. The last signs of population faded in the rear mirror as the two continued their journey into Fraiser forest. Another few hours journey before their destination, trying to beat the fading daylight.

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