Chapter 17: Refreshing And Cheerful

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Jimin had mastered the art of a neutral resting face. She could show her face with no emotion at all, no matter what kind of situation she was in, she could always do that. Except when it came to Minjeong.

But for that too, she learned that some people also had the same capability. Like Minsik right now, as he was staring at his sister in front of him, whose face was showing all of the emotions mixed in together. But mostly, anger and disgust.

A few minutes ago, Minjeong had thrown all of the questions to him, but none of them he answered. Jimin could tell that the blonde was getting even more frustrated now, but she also knew that after this, she would feel relieved. Not every question needed an answer.

When Minsik's eyes slightly shifted to Jimin, Minjeong abruptly stood up, hand still holding hers tightly. "If you're not gonna talk, then I guess we're done here."

He opened his mouth, fully turning his eyes to the dark haired woman. "Can I talk to you?"

Jimin frowned but Minjeong tugged her hand gently. "Let's go."

That face he had been putting on, was slipping as he furrowed his brows angrily. "You don't own her."

"Actually, Minsik." Jimin stood up with a sigh. "She does." She wasn't the only person who was shocked by her own words as she felt the slight movement in her hand. But Jimin continued. "If Minjeong says we're going, then I'm going with her."

Anger plastered clearly on his face but it didn't stop the couple from turning away until he spoke up. "Wait." He called out, standing up before the officer behind him forced his body down again. "I'll talk." He said through his gritted teeth. "I'll answer each one of your questions if you let me talk to Jimin after. Alone."

Minjeong bit her lip in anger. Obviously, she didn't even want him to see her girlfriend in the first place, let alone leaving them alone. But she was too desperate, she had poured her heart out and this was the only way for her to get her closure. So, she looked back at Jimin. "Is that okay with you?"

She didn't have to ask, Jimin would do anything for her. Nodding her head, she rubbed Minjeong's back soothingly. "I'm fine with anything you want." She leaned in to whisper. "But I think it's better for me to wait outside? I don't think he will be honest if I'm here with you."

Taking a deep breath, the blonde glanced back and forth. The way Minsik was looking at Jimin, she didn't like it one bit. It would be hard to control her emotions if the woman wasn't around, but what she said might be true.

Hesitantly, Minjeong nodded.

Then Jimin did something she didn't expect. Neither did Minsik.

Leaning her forehead on Minjeong's side face, she cupped her cheek and turned the blonde around to face her before capturing her lips. The guards that were standing inside quickly looked away.

At first, Minjeong thought Jimin was doing this because she wanted to show Minsik what they were. Jimin was just putting on a show. But then she felt the slight tremble on her skin.

Jimin was worried.

To reassure her, Minjeong pushed away her thoughts and kissed her back just as passionately, pulling her even closer to tell her that she would be okay. The truth was, Minjeong knew how she had been behaving lately, how it was worrying the older woman, she felt guilty and she hoped, she really wished that after today, everything would come back again, she would be freed from the hatred she wasn't familiar with, and could love Jimin to the fullest.

They were too deep, too drowned in each other, even Minsik banging the table angrily didn't shock them. "That's quite enough." He gritted his teeth, unable to look away with his pained eyes.


With one last softer, gentler kiss, Jimin pulled away and smiled. Still staring at the blonde who kissed her palm that moved to her lips to wipe Minjeong's lips. "I need to stop wearing red lipstick." She chuckled.

"No, I love them."

One of the guards cleared his throat and Jimin bit her lip. "I'll be right outside, okay?" Minjeong nodded and with one last warning look she gave to the man in blue, Jimin walked out of the room.

"Did you sleep with her?"

Minjeong sighed as she sat down on her seat. "I'm the only one who will do all the asking here." She gestured with only her eyes. "Sit down."

"Did you fuck her?"

"That's none of your business." She sharpened her eyes, telling herself to calm down. "If you don't sit down I'm gonna walk out of here and I will make sure that you will never see Jimin again, you will not even hear her name ever again. So if you don't want that, sit down."

He was still angry, Minjeong could see it well. His breath was cut short, but he obeyed her eventually.

That didn't make her happy one bit. "Do you love her?"

"More than you do."

Minjeong snorted. "I doubt that." She shifted her chair closer. "You were planning to kill her."

"I was never going to go with that plan."

"It's your words against whose?" She was already winning. "Now that Jimin isn't here, you can show your true color, Kim Minsik." Setting her arms on the table, she leaned in. Minjeong had a lot of anger inside her, but right now, she was tired. Instead, sadness reflected on her eyes. "Does Jimin mean a lot to you?"

She tried her best to read the way he was looking at her, Minjeong had nothing. Minsik was someone she didn't know nor had she met anyone similar to him. His action was contrary to his words, and despites being so calm and quiet, he turned out to be a violent person. It hurt her to think of her own brother as evil, but he really was one.

"Right now.. I understand what you did." The words she said, she didn't believe it herself. "I really could kill you right now after the way you were looking at her." Seeing him smirking, she tilted her head. "But you have it worse, don't you? After all, I don't really have to kill you since even though you love her, Jimin doesn't love you back." To hurt him like this, it hurt her too. "In fact, she hates you so much, she's only here because of me."

But Minjeong needed this.

"I feel sorry for you."

"Fuck you."

The corner of her lips twitched up, in a bitter way. "You have nobody, Minsik. You're alone." She leaned back away from him. "To tell you the truth, I came here because I still had some hope that maybe one day, someday in the future, we could be the family that we were supposed to be."

But the sight of him was enough to break all of those. This was her truth and Minjeong had to accept it. She didn't know why she even bothered, it wasn't like that she needed another family beside the one who had been loving her unconditionally. She now even had Jimin.

Truly, she didn't understand herself either. Maybe it was the nature, to know that the only person she shared her blood with, was still alive. She had been refusing the fact that he, however, didn't have the same nature as her.

Maybe her sister was right about Minjeong being too kind for her own good. Perhaps, she was doing this out of pity. She was giving Minsik another chance, that he didn't want, that he didn't even deserve.

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