Chapter 88- Christmas

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"It's good to be back." I smile.

"It is isn't it?" Brad says, squeezing my hand.

"You two shut up we were here a month ago." Brookelyn laughs as we all come in with our luggage.

"Wait so how's the sleeping orders going to be?" Destinie asks.

"Nat is gone with her boyfriend, and she offered her room to you and Brookelyn." Brad tells Destinie.

"So that means that I'm going to be sleeping alone?" Connor asks.

"They have a guest room Con." I laugh.

"Yeah, Brooke would probably ditch me and sleep with you." Destinie laughs. "That came out wrong didn't it?"

"Pretty much, you're still 5." I laugh.

"I'm 18 and 5 months old, I'm not a kid." Destinie laughs.

"Oh shut up child." Brookelyn says as we all go upstairs to unpack.

Brad and I go to his room.

"God I miss this room." Brad smiles as he lands on his bed, as I lau with him.

"This never changed." I smile.

"I know." Brad laughs.

"Wheres your mum, dad, and Jes?" I ask him.

"They're all out taking a walk... they don't know we're here.. just Nat knows." Brad says.

"Why didn't you tell them?" I ask.

"Because." Brad smiles. "It's Christmas Eve."

"How sweet." I smile.

"Jay." Brad says. "I-" He pauses.

"What?" I ask as I get up, sitting up. Brad sits up with me.

"I have something to give to you." Brad says.

"What?" I ask him, laughing. "It's not even Christmas yet."

"I know but-" Brad says. "You want to wait til tomorrow?" He asks as I nod.


"Brad."  I groaned. 

I woke up beside Brad, as he was still sleeping. 

Sleeping Beauty.

Or the Beast?

"Bradley."  I say once again as he wouldn't wake up.

I chuckle at the fact we wouldn't wake up.

I grab one of his pillows, slapping him with it. 

"What?"  He said with is raspy morning voice.

"Merry Christmas."  I smile as Brad looks at me.

"Merry Christmas Babe."  Brad smiles as he moves a piece of my hair out of my face, and gives me a kiss.

We cuddle a bit, I just stare and play with my bracelet Brad gave me forever ago. His red one.

"You still love the bracelet?" Brad asks as I nod.

"I've always loved it." I smile.

"Well I mean, what about the rips, you always say that it rips whenever you're performing." Brad says.

"It's special Brad, I wouldn't want anything else." I smile as Brad's smile turned into bit of a frown.

"Brad what's up with you?" I ask him.

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