Short Story: Your Dept is Paid Full

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I love you but Jesus loves you way more 🤍😁

It has been five years, five years since you've been locked up behind bars. Five years since you have been seen as guilty and was sent off to prison. During those years you realized the mistakes you've made in the past and this is what they deserve.

"I deserve this, I'm paying for the consequences of my actions." You glance down at the chains around your arms and ankles.

You laid your head in your hands sobbing.

"I might never get out of here! But I don't deserve to get out of here, I'm a horrible person." Your sobs got louder.  

At that moment you came to a conclusion, "I guess this is where I belong, no, this is where I belong." You whispered. The cell was dark, dirty, and cold.

As you sat there on the floor finally coming to terms with your situation. You didn't notice the footsteps that stopped at your cell door.

"Do you regret your actions?" The mystery person asked.

You nodded your head as tears kept streaming down your face.

"If I unlock this cell door and take those chains off of you, will go back to your old ways once you're free?" 

You frantically shook your head, "No! I never wanna go back to that way of living." Then it hit you, "That's just it, I wasn't truly living. I thought I was, but I was just digging myself a bigger hole."

The man smiled, "That's right, before you were living in darkness, not knowing the light. You were lost and blind. Now you see the truth that stands before you."

You lift your head smiling, "For the last four years I've been praying and asking God for forgiveness. I realize I'm a sinner." You cried at the end. "I turn away from my wicked ways." 

The man unlocked the door and opened it, "You are free to go."

You calmed yourself down and looked at the man.

"What?" Your eyes grew.

"You're free to go." 

You watched as a guard passes him coming toward you and taking your chains off.

There was a red ring around both your hands and ankles. You rubbed your wrists as you sat there replaying what the man said in your mind.

"W-how?" You asked.

"Someone went to court to bail you, and you were found innocent."

"But I'm guilty."

The man shook his head, "Someone paid the price, you are now found innocent from all charges. Everything is paid for, you can leave."

The guard helped you up and you walked to the man, "Thank you."

"Don't thank me, thank Him." You saw the man look up and immediately you knew what he meant, and nodded then left the cell. The guard saw you out after you were given new clothes to wear, "Don't go getting in trouble again." He told you and closed door.

You stared up into the sky and closed your eyes, 'Thank you, God,' this is a new day, and only the beginning of your new life. A brighter life. 

You spread your arms out wide and smiled brightly.

This is the beginning, with Him leading the way.

"From this day onward Lord, I will follow you, forever!" You declared.

You are done living in the dark.




What do you think about this chapter?


Romans 5:8 But God showed his great love for us by
                       sending Christ to die for us while we were still

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift
                       of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our

Colossians 1:14 Who purchased our freedom and forgave
                             our sins.

Colossians 2:13 You were dead because of your sins and 
                             because your sinful nature was not yet cut
                             away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for
                             he forgave all our sins. 14 He canceled the
                             record of the charges against us and took it
                             away by nailing it on the cross.

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