Chapter #5 (The Heavy Weapons Guy)

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Nelson: Let's see.... the next one is called The Heavy Weapons Guy.

Hannah: Heavy Weapons Guy?

Molly: Maybe he's a user of heavy weapons like mini guns or something...

Sucy: He better show at least some competence like Demoman...

The video starts with the opening theme and the title card saying: MEET THE HEAVY.

Aisha: Meet the Heavy?

Teresa: Way better than Heavy Weapons Guy, it's too long.

Alma: Judging by his name, he must be the largest and strongest of the group.

Nina: Let us wait and see...

The video shows Heavy carrying is mini gun and placing it down on the table as he sits down for the interview.

Heavy: I am Heavy Weapons Guy...

Sarah: No shit, sherlock.

Ursula/Chariot: (Sternly) Sarah, what did we just told you?

Sarah: (Sheepishly) Sorry...

Chloé: Seriously, you need to watch your mouth.

Heavy: (Touches the handle of his gun) And this, is my weapon. She weighs 150 kilograms and fires $200 custom tool cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute.

Blair: (Surprised) Woah! He's well versed at his gun!

Sucy: Yup, he's competent.

Heavy: (Looks at the camera) It cost $400.000 to fire this weapon, for 12 seconds...

The amount of money to fire such weapon for a few seconds causes everyone to be even more surprised.

Finnelan: (Shocked) Four hundred thousand?! That's extremely expensive!

Jeanne: (Shocked) How does he pay that much?!

Akko: Maybe the people he worked at is paying it? I mean, he is a mercenary so he's getting payed to kill.

Diana: That could be, but that still doesn't explain how he acquired such weapon!

The video shifts into Heavy laughing hysterically.

Linlin: What's he laughing about?

Dorothea: Maybe he's laughing at our surprised reaction or something, I don't know.

The scene shifts to Heavy inspecting his gun until...

Heavy: Oh my god, who touched Sasha?

Hannah: Did he honestly named his gun Sasha?

Croix: Kid, some soldiers name their gun out of habit.

Jasminka: Also, I realized that he has this russian accent on his voice.

Katya: Same thing!

Verochka: So a fellow russian? That's pleasing to hear.

Heavy: Alright... WHO TOUCHED MY GUN?!!!

The video shifts to Heavy contemplating.

Heavy: Some people think they can outsmart me... maybe... (sniff) maybe...

Heather: I mean, yeah. Some people can outsmart you.

Henrietta: Snipers, tanks, bazookas, air strikes, cannons, you name it.

The Heavy then looks at the camera as he leans in and shows it a large bullet.

Heavy: I've yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet.

Amanda: Unless there is a way for to be impervious to bullets, he's right. No one can really outsmart a bullet.

Finnelan: (Smirking) I assure you, Ms. O'Neill. There are some spells that can do such.

Akko: (Surprised) Wait, really?!

Ursula/Chariot: Yes but they're rather complicated to master.

The video shifts into a battle with both RED & BLU team sustaining severe casualties. The Heavy is seen firing his weapon as he walks up onto a top of a large rock.

Heavy: Weeeeeeehhhh! Uwaaaaahhhh! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! CRY SOME MORE!!!!!

Sucy: (Disturbed) Okay, he may be competent, but he is sure as hell sadistic if he's enjoying killing people like that...

Esther: (Disturbed) The way he smiles is like he's having the time of his life...

The video then fades to black as the Heavy's voice can be heard again.

Heavy: Heh, cry some more...

The video then shows the close-up look of the Heavy's face as it zooms out with the closing theme.

Alma: Well, that was rather short.

Priscila: But very straightforward.

(End of Chapter)

P.S: We now conclude Heavy's part as we hop onto our next mercenary, The Texan Builder.

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