Hans 5: The Fuhrer

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After the truck had rolled away I walked back into my shop, I walked up the stairs and crashed onto the couch. After a few minutes I stood up and grabbed a beer out of the fridge, cracking it open and taking a large sip.

I walked down the stairs and back into the shop, turning the closed and opened sign to say that it was open. I walked over to the table and pulled out a newspaper.

"November 2nd, November 2nd" I muttered to myself, flipping through the pages, "Aha"

I took a look at the page, "Terrorist Attacks Increase, More Soldiers Sent to Wales" I said to myself reading the title of the article, "That might be what am looking for"

Increase of terrorists in Wales, a state in Nazi Britannia, causes Fuhrer Adolf to send more men to the British isle.

The chosen men were the 41st Heer Regiment, this regiment has a proud history. This regiment had fought in the Second Battle of Moscow and were the first to march into the Portuguese capital, Lisbon.

After the Unification Wars the regiment had served in what was left of the Soviet Union, taking control of the dreaded communists and slavs.

The regiment gained important Anti-Terrorist methods in the snowy tundra as they often fought the inhabitants of this area.

Well this couldn't be it, I said to myself. I skimmed through to see if anything else happened on November 2nd. Deciding my search was over I put down the paper and decided to see what was happening around town.

Closing the shop I walked outside and to the local diner, Emlin Eats. I walked inside to see the red and white tile flooring, the walls were painted red with a fireplace to the side.

On top of the fireplace was a photo of an old woman, with a sharpie written under it grandmother Emlin. Sitting down a woman with a skirt and apron walked over, "Welcome to Emlin Eats, what can we serve you today?" she asked with a smile.

I looked at the menu, "I'll just take the pancakes and sausage. That vanilla milkshake looks good too"

"Is that all sir?" she asked writing down the order

"Yes, thank you" I said

She nodded and walked behind the counter to the kitchen. After a while of waiting she came back again, "Pancakes, sausage and vanilla milkshake" she said, putting the plate down.

"Thank you" I said as I began to eat.

The pancakes were delicious, the sausage was too, but I had better vanilla shakes.

Suddenly on the tv the words "Breaking News" were on.

"Heil Hitler, dear viewers. We come with breaking news from Switzerland. On a diplomatic meeting with the President of Switzerland the Fuhrer has been shot and killed in cold blood" Said the woman working with the news

Me and everyone in the room gasped.

"Anti-Nazi terrorists killed him in the street of Bern. I repeat Fuhrer Adlof Hitler has been killed!"

I have a feeling this is not going to blow over easily with the Germans, eh? well this is the second to last chapter. Only Henry left. Please give feedback for the book so I can make it better. Anyway, remember to vote, comment, add to library and I'll see ya next time

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