The City of Above
And here they are, in the City of Above. The mission didn't start yet at the hour we are witnessing now, since all of them were still getting on their positions. As a Guardian, RY4N was obligated to remain behind to supervise the area, and with him was the Leader of the whole group, CHE5TER. There were a few others too that were only present to protect those from the inside of the building, but on a larger distance from both of them.
Technically speaking though, CHE5TER was an Investigator at that time too since he has decided to switch His role from Guardian, role that He chose to have when He entered the first time the Southeast Base, to the Investigator role some time before, but the Leader has to stay behind in order to lead the mission properly. A reason why He is not a part of the mission like He is in the present, especially in those times when they used to have many Investigators in the base. And so, to make sure that the mission is ready to start, He begins talking in His airpods to all the other members.
[CHE5TER]-Everyone ready?
[CHE5TER]-Alright. Strikers, get into the building and get the soldiers' attention in order for the Investigators to go to the higher levels and search for what we need. Everyone else, take your positions. At my signal!
[/D4NI3L]-We need connection to the cameras, Hackers! Tell us when you guys are ready!
[/KYR4]-It's being established! Have some patience, god dammit!
[/LUK3]-Ohohoh, bring it on!
[CHE5TER]-Oh, gods... RY4N, make sure to not fire a bullet by mistake, alright?
[RY4N]-I've trained with my rifle, CHE5TER. I know how to handle it.
[CHE5TER]-I'm just saying... We don't want to alarm them now and I know what you are capable of causing.
[RY4N]-Hey, who do you take me of!?
[CHE5TER]-Oh, forget it... Just be careful to not fire now.
[RY4N]-Yeah, yeah... I swear, this lack of trust...
Once He is done talking, the Great Leader stands in front, looking at the huge building from far away that took His father's life away. It is now when He reestablishes His legacy, in a mission of Life and Death, even not aware. Many of the soldiers that had worked before Him knew about the incident with the previous Great Leader here, but now it is time to take His death as rebirth... To finally find out about the General's plan and bring peace onto these lands.
And so, the mission has begun at His signal. The Strikers got into the building and started the chaos, while the Investigators got inside without any trace, searching for the unknown documents that the ruler assumes they are present on the higher levels of the base. It was like a small battle from an endless war, but where everyone only tries to survive and not cause too many deaths.
The Great Leader in the meantime was supervising everyone's position and case, while the Guardians were protecting the area. Inside the building, the Ynash'saveghtah Gas was already spreading at some parts of the area, making some of the involved people's immunity affected and it was then when Death started dancing on their graves.
Many soldiers of the M were killed or have been injured, but the C soldiers didn't seem to be in a better position either. Though they are more skilled than the whole M military in general, some of them already got injured and had to be rescued. And it was then when the true chaos started, as Investigators have started being caught and chased down to be killed. One of them sure had a problem like that, his name being CA7HAN, one of the former Investigators of the Southeast Base. Since the role of an Investigator is to work and fight alone if obligated by fate, while the Strikers are put to work in groups to avoid losing people because of the constant battles needed with the role, it explains why they need help in drastic situations since nobody is there for them during the whole chaos. A Striker by the name of S1V3RT was obligated to go and save the Investigator in danger as a consequence, which led later on to more terrors to come.
[/S1V3RT]-Master CH#;&@>... We need backu&@^%/...
[CHE5TER]-I can't hear you, S1V3RT!
[/S1V3RT]-...CA7HAN and #^@&&!*... injured! ^@&*$@ ...HELP! ^@&*?&^#!
[CHE5TER]-S1V3RT? S1V3RT, can you hear me?
No response. He waits a few seconds and tries again.
[CHE5TER]-S1V3RT! Answer me!
Still nothing. But after some more tries, a small "beep" sound appears in the headphones which annoys the ruler even more.
[CHE5TER]-...Dammit! I lost connection to him! M4SASH1, can you reestablish the connection!?
[/M4SASH1]-I'm trying!
[/ER1C]-Master! There are way too many soldiers! We cannot keep this up forever!
[CHE5TER]-What's the situation there!?
[/ER1C]-We've managed to kill some soldiers in order to defend ourselves, but there are way too many to keep fighting! They already injured some of us! We have to leave if we don't want to lose people!
[CHE5TER]-Do you know anything about S1V3RT's situation?
[/ER1C]-One second!
He waits a bit for the soldier to respond, then he talks again.
[/ER1C]-...Master, I've asked around and someone said that he found CA7HAN injured, who was suppose to be saved by S1V3RT, and tries to take him out right now! But we don't know where S1V3RT is! CA7HAN said that he lost him on the way out as he remained to fight and protect him to not worsen his injuries!
[CHE5TER]-Can someone go back and find him?
[/ER1C]-I don't think we are able t--
[/H1K4RI]- --Master! I found something!
Then, the ruler and the Striker were interrupted by a different member. H1K4RI was another former Investigator of the base who had also lived the moment of the previous mission in this building. Now, she seems as she has managed to achieve the first goal of the current mission and tries to inform the ruler.
[CHE5TER]-What? What did you find?
[/H1K4RI]-There is a guarded room somewhere at Floor 81, but I can't get in to see what's inside. What do I do? Do I wait orders to find a way into the room?
Even so, CHE5TER seems a bit overwhelmed by the situation this time. He finally found something that might help to end the whole war, but He also has a soldier missing and gets more people injured in the meantime. So, wishing to not have any deaths in this mission, He whispers to Himself in disappointment...
[CHE5TER]-...Dammit! Dammit! DAMMIT!
...and then finally takes action.
[CHE5TER]-I want everyone to retreat now! Stop the searching! Take the wounded and get out! Did you all hear me!? RETREAT, NOW!
[/H1K4RI]-But Master! The room is right h--
He then looks in a rush to RY4N first, saying a final word and getting on the edge of the building, as if He prepares for a new plan. So, He talks one last time...