Chapter 19

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"Room full of demons I'm still fighting, I ain't giving up" Major Nine

Kali "Candy" Barnes

We all sat in the waiting room waiting on news about Deangelo. He was shot twice in the chest. I was able to slow the bleeding down with the towel but I don't think it was enough. One of the bullets hit the left side of his chest where his heart is at. It's a good sign he was talking but by the time we got him here he was unconscious. I did everything in my power to keep him awake. It wasn't enough though.

Deangelo was the only one that was shot because he had just walked over to the back gate. I don't know what he was doing over there.

I won't even front like I wasn't worried about him. I'm scared they're going to come out and tell us he dead. Last update we got was 6 hours ago when they told us he was going into surgery. I was trying to keep cool because Jamal was here. He said he was here for moral support and I just didn't have the courage to be tell him to leave right now. Inside I was going crazy. No matter what I say I'll always love Deangelo.

"Man what the fuck taking so long!?" Juju yelled standing up from his seat.

"Babe please calm down. You have to let the doctors work on him. No news is good news." Anika said calmly. I just put my head down in my hands. I still had Deangelo's dried up blood on them.

"Come on let's wash that off of you." I heard Zuri say. I looked up and noticed she was talking to me. I nodded my head and got up to follow to her to the bathroom.

Once inside the bathroom Zuri helped me wash the blood off. All the emotions I had been holding in for the past few hours had came spilling out. I held on to the sink as I cried.

"Come on let it out." Zuri softly said as she rubbed my back. My heart is hurting. I am beyond scared. I'm terrified right now. Although we doing our own thing and not together I'll never wish any bad on him. Especially something like this.

Zuri allowed me to cry and I was grateful for it. I needed to let this out. I am learning not to keep my emotions in. I couldn't keep this inside if I wanted to.

My chest felt like it was tighten. I knew this feeling. I was about to have a panic attack. All I keep thinking about is what if he dies.

"Take deep breaths." Zuri instructed me to do. I couldn't focus on her words right now. My mind is running wild right now.

What if he dies?! WHAT IF HE DIES?! LORD PLEASE!

Zuri turned me around and slapped me hard ass fuck. "Shit!" I cursed as I held my face.

"I'm sorry but you were spiraling."

"It's okay. Thank you." I said. Zuri grabbed some paper towels and started to softly wipe the tears off my face.

"He's going to be okay. You can't allow your negative thoughts take over."

"I haven't felt like this since the first time Lou got shot." I told her.

"Oh yeah I remember that. That the summer before we started college right?" She asked.

"Yeah. That summer was wild ass hell and ended with Lou getting shot." I turned to the mirror and saw how puffy and red my face was. Damn I gotta fix that. I can't let Jamal see I was crying over my ex.

"Let's go see if the gift shop open to get you a new shirt." Zuri said grabbing my hand. I followed out the bathroom and to the gift shop. Unfortunately it was closed and it didn't open until 10am. That was about 3 hours from now. Truthfully I didn't want to be in this shirt another 3 hours.

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"Damn let's see if it's a Walgreens or something close by." Zuri said pulling out her phone.

"It's a Walgreens around the corner." I told her. I was a student nurse here when I was still in college. I would've worked here but they didn't have any openings on the unit I wanted to work.

"Okay. Come on we can walk. We can both use the air." She said.

"I don't have a coat or jacket." I told her.

"We have an extra one in the car." She said. I nodded my head. We walked out the hospital and over to the parking garage. I don't know why I didn't take the tunnel. It's cold ass hell out here.

"Kali." Zuri said.


"I know this probably not the right time for this but you sure you want to date Jamal?" She asked me.

"Yeah why you ask that?"

"Because you were the first person to run towards Deangelo. You noticed he was shot before anyone else. You literally pushed Jamal arms off of you and jetted towards him even though gun shots were still going off." Zuri said.

"I'm a nurse Zuri." I defended.

"Just think about what I said." She said dropping the conversation. We had reached the car. She opened the trunk and grabbed one of Lou's fleece jackets out.

"Thank you." I told her. I put it on as she locked the car. We headed over to Walgreens and of course I led the way. She had given me something to think about. I know I still love Deangelo that I been figured out but do I really need to let Jamal go? I want something different and he's my something different.

Lou "Louis" POV

Damn it seems like every time I'm taking a step back here I go having to get right back in it. Yeah I'm officially out the shit but we would look weak ass hell right now if I didn't find the person that did it and put their ass in an early grave.

Shit was fucking with me. I had the next year planned out for me and my family. Don't look like my plans going to happen. My mama always use to say "want to make god laugh tell him your plans".

Kali and Zuri walked back in. I noticed she had my jacket on. I didn't even give a fuck right now. It ain't like it's the first time she ever had on some of my clothes any ways.

"Family of Deangelo Santana." A doctor called out. We all stood up and walked towards the doctor.

"All of you guys immediate family?" He asked.

"Yeah." We all answered.

"He got lucky. The bullet missed his heart by 3 centimeters. Any closer and this would've been a different conversation. We were able to remove the bullet and repair all the damage. He's in recovery now. Once a bed becomes available he'll be moved to a room." The doctor told us. A weight felt like it was lifted off my shoulders. This shit never gets easier.

"How long is his recovery?" Kali asked.

"About 8-10 weeks. He'll need someone helping him out daily until he's able to do things on his own. We can talk more about that when he's ready to be discharged." The doctor answered. "If any one wants to see him he's allowed two visitors back in recovery. Everyone else would have to wait until visiting hours."

"Thank you doc. For everything." Santana said.

"I'm just doing my job." With that the doctor walked off.

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