-Part 6-

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(Adian's p.o.v) Everything became pretty normal and we had the peace of mind that we can live here without my past haunting us but it was always in the back of my mind...but i ignored it  for Angelina so she didn't have the stress of her dad on her on top of getting use to things...Aly has been very supportive and there's been days when i fell apart with anxiety attacks of our perfect life fall apart again...she's been a great support...and it made me love her even more for it...
  one night i was in bed with Aly and a bit stressed about how our future would look like...because there's things we can't do because we left in a hurry "what if she comes back and takes Angie away "i said anxiously pressing the middle of my hand  to keep me from freaking out to much "then we will fight...and we will fight hard..."Aly said and rubbed my back and looked down..."we can't get married...I'm not officially divorced...what if you resent me for that...i..."i said and pressed harder on my hand and she put her hand through my hair and pulled me close and i bit my bottom lip nervously "we don't need that to be a family" she said "but you said...you told me...you want to get married and have kids...and..."i said i feel my anxiety growing even more thinking about it all and she nodded "i did say that but its just not time for those things...we have Angie...i treat her as my daughter even though its not by blood for me..." Aly said and i looked down at my hand and she guided me to look at her "look...Adian...I accepted this life...I'll never resent your for the things we can't do right now...Aidan...i love you i choose you and I'm so happy that you choose me....and I'm even more happy that Angie choose me too...and I'm doing my absolute best to keep everyone happy...and i will continue that Adian..."she said and then touched my cheek and she kissed my lips and my heart beating fast every time our lips met...with Aly...its like she sees me...she calms me down in my worst nights even though she has her own anxieties she was always like a rock for me...she grounds me...and i felt it the day we met...my mind was a mess but that night...i felt love for the first time ever....real love...not fake...I looked into her eyes and she giggled... "your blushing " she teased and i rubbed my face trying to calm my cheeks from being red...it failed but she thought it was cute...and I took some time to looked at her and she giggled cause I was staring "i want to give you everything...." I said and she smiled "i don't need everything " she said and rolled her eyes playfully "I just need your love and Angie's..."she said and i felt that...my heart skipped a beat hearing that...i never want this to end...

A few weeks later i came home with Aly and Angie in my side when we saw our fate unfold...our house was broken into and cops were all around the place and my heart sank and my anxieties came to light again...Aly took Angie from my arms sensing i was going to pass out from sheer shock and the whole world went in slow motion as a crying Erika came towards Aly to grab Angie and Aly held onto Angie with all her might to keep Erika taking her...the cops approached the scene to brake it up and pulled Erika away from Aly and Angie because Angie screamed and cried not to take her away from Aly...Me, still in shock came too as soon as the police pulled Erika away enough for me to get in between them "she took my baby...Angie is my fucking daughter and i want her back!" Erika yelled "Angie wants to be with us...she has a new life and she is happy with me and Aly" I yelled back in anger and fear of Angie being taken from us "I gave birth to her you don't have my consent to take her away from me..." Erika said and I looked at her "I'm her father...and i don't need your consent...she choose me and Aly over you" I said "did you do this in a legal setting or did you just take her" the police man said "NO! he kidnapped her and told her probably god knows what to make her choose him" Erika said and i looked at her with such anger making me out to be worse then i actually am..."don't say it like that Adian has nothing but truthful to Angie...he loves her..."Aly stepped in "he groomed her to think that!" Erika said that and I can't believe this...how can she sink so low...making up real unforgivable accusations to make me out as some creep..."no! that's a lie! he never..."Aly yelled and the police took action now" your under arrest for taking a minor without her mother's permission...anything you say or do will be used against against you in the court of law" the police said and he handcuffed me...i can't blame them...Erika was the one to blame...i cooperated as to show the officers i wasn't a threat to them or others...the officers took Erika out of Aly's arms and Aly co-operated too for probably the same reasons to not seem we were hostel or anything...Erika went to grab Angie who was crying and upset at the scene but the officers didn't give Angie to Erika either they just took Angie to the police car and locked it...took me and Aly to a separate car both of us being detained an arrested for Kidnapping... 

once at the police station i was pulled into questioning "Adian...why did you take your child from her mother" the detective said sitting down on the chair "Angie didn't want to be around her abusive mother towards her father" i said "you were abused? why didn't you report it" the guy said "kinda hard to report a rich families daughter for being an abuser...they will use there money to pled her case" i said a bit annoyed... "and why bother...because men don't get abused in the laws eyes" i said and looked down "did she ever hit Angelina? " the guy said "no...i wouldn't let her...i put my body in front of Angie when she was about to" i said and the guy wrote that down "I'm going to jail...am i..." i said "kidnapping is still on the table but if it was in good reason to protect your daughter....it can have a different outcome... but we need witnesses....evidence to claim your statement is true..."Angie would be the first witness she saw it all play out even if we tried to hide it...and Aly...my girlfriend...she saw my lip busted up after going home late at night...me and Erika was an arranged marriage by her parents and we never...loved each other...we did what we had too...we got married had Angie and i was forced to stay in a situation i didn't want to be in...so if i go to jail...it will be a hell of a lot better then what the fuck prison i was in that house..."i said and the detective left with that...

(Aly's p.o.v) i was in a room by myself with my thoughts i was crying upset...i was worried for Adian and Angie...Adian was accused of the worst crime imaginable for a man...and i didn't want him to be seen as a monster like that...and Angie...she must be so scared...worried for her father...a detective came to the room "where's Adian...where's Angie...are they okay...he would never hurt Angie...he just wanted to protect her from her hell bound mother..."i said and the detective tut and sat down in front of me "its not looking good for him...but the only thing that might save him is the fact you were a witness of his abuse...if he can fight this with a reason of his wife being abusive he may be pardoned with a mustimeter and community service but this is serious...the mother believes he is a danger of her daughter..."the detective said "he loves her with all his heart he will never do anything to her that will hurt here...i lived with him and he was nothing but a great father to her...supporting her...working hard for her...to the point of exhaustion...her so called mother dismisses her daughter's pleas to stop hurting her dad and hurt him anyway..."I said poking the desk with anger  "we need solid proof" the detective said and i took out my phone and showed him a picture of Adian when sleeping with a clear busted lip "this proof enough...he came to me crying and distraught and not knowing what to fucking do next after this...and i will GLADLY testify for his innocence...he was a father at the end of his rope and wanted to protect his daughter from the WOMEN who did this to him...and almost did this to her own Daughter...out of frustration for trying to protect her fucking father" i said with tears rolling down my face and face full of anger...

(Adian's p.o.v) the detectives came back hours later to talk to me about the next steps to the investigation...they talked to Erika and talked to Angie with some child care specialist and found no reason to paint me as a groomer...and that Erika was erratically changing her story and they don't see as her as fit to take care of Angie...and that paperwork and court is gonna finalize it...but Angie will be in cps custody until its finalized and i was detained for the night but i wanted to see Aly before she goes back home...because she really helped me with that photo and her willing to take it to court in my defense and though they were wary of my request they gave me a few minutes to see her but in the middle of the office and she kisses me and told me to stay strong and not to give up...she was always my rock and being separated is going to be hell..."I'll dive into our savings and find a good lawyer for you okay...don't give up hope..."Aly said and i nodded...then we were separated again...i was locked in a detainment hall and Aly was sent home...and i sank down to the ground and took a deep breath...trying to aid my anxiety the best i can without Aly...

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