With a very bare idea of a plan running through Averines head, she found herself and Error making their way towards Yositile. As nice and mostly quiet Seria was, leaving the city to the people that reside in it didn't seem like that big of an issue. Not like she'd be gone for too long anyhow.⦅ Well now that you're mentioning it, is the city going to be good without you flying around? ⦆
❝ Seria will be perfectly fine. It's been a lot quieter then usual so I'm not worried about it at all. They also have Kaven City a short distance away and that city has plenty of capable people. ❞ A curious silence followed her words and led to a tilted glance. ❝ What brought the sudden thought of Seria? I didn't say anything about it. ❞
⦅ Just curious. It was taking you on a run for a good while when I was watching you. ⦆
Averines tilt turned into a squint as she gazed off ahead of them. That hasn't been the case in a good while, which further solidified the very straining warning Haven gave her. It did leave a small hole I'm that theory, one that was pretty much a make or break. If he's been watching her for that long, how does he not know who she is?
❝ Now that you brought it up, I wanted to ask you about that. How long have you been watching me exactly? ❞
⦅ Uhhhhhhhhhmmmmmm pppsssshhhhuhhh. . . . likeeee. . . . in this run a few months. I showed up for a bit before that but it was mostly just window shopping. ⦆
❝ What do you mean 'this run?' ❞
⦅ Universe hopping. I passed by here before going to another, much more square world. After that I can back here to look for that red head I saw on said passing by. ⦆
❝ I see. . . . that certainly explains the way you talk then. ❞ With that small explanation came another running thought in the Star's little brain. ❝ May I ask what your world is like? My guess is it's much more advanced then ours. ❞
Upon her new curiosity, Error found the rhythm of his steps disturbed. Averine was able to walk in front of hhim but did the kinder option of slowing her pace to match the entities. With a subtly closer inspection however, she was able to notice a dent in his usual smug front.
❝ Are you okay? Did you hear something? ❞
That very same dent hammered itself straight, pulling the entity back to the outside world. ⦅ Huh? Ye- No. Speaking of, what's the deal with your whole cat thing? ⦆
❝ Ah. . . . well that's from my d─ ❞ She swiftly held her tongue when she heard a breaking twig nearby. It was a sharp contrast to the quiet the two have been enveloped in for so long. ⦅ Man, you're real jumpy as of late. I'm sure whatever it is ain't something to be concerned about. ⦆ Another snap followed his confidence, one that was slightly louder. Then another, and another. . . those poor sticks.
Averine formed one of her signature guns as the sound crept towards them, immediately preparing for the w─ ⦅ Wow you don't waste any time for you? That could be a deer and you're just hopping to the trigger. ⦆ Averine met his judgement with a shrug. ❝ Better to be ready for it. ❞ ⦅ $10 say that it's not anything dangerous. ⦆
A rustle in the brushes and crunching leaves pulled the duos attention to them, and with it erected a human figure. Averine raised her gun to keep it in place─ 𓆩 SHOOTING STAR! HIIII!!! 𓆪 The voice from around the plants was definitely familiar. . . but the person it came from wasn't ringing every bell. 𓆩 How have you been? What cha up to? Who's your friend? 𓆪 Marisse ran up to them and gave Error a cartoonish inspection from pokes to glances. She gave his tail one of said pokes but it was met with her hand being swatted rather harshly. ⦅ Don't touch. I'm saving my first time for someone special. ⦆ Marisse responded with a rebellious tongue-out gesture.
❝ Uhh. . . . Marisse right? Did you do something with your. . . you? Something looks different about you. ❞ 𓆩 Oh yeah! I went over to the lllllllllll. . . . 𓆪 Marisse caught herself with a severely off-key note. 𓆩 Stylist! Got myself a new hair style and. . . stuff. Anyway you didn't answer my questions! 𓆪 ⦅ She still has to answer my question first, get in line. ⦆ 𓆩 Nuh uh! Your question can wait cause you're with her already! 𓆪 ⦅ Doesn't that put me above you because of that? ⦆ Averine shushed the two of them at full volume before another squabble could start. For the first time Error wasn't the one confusing people.
❝ I'm going to Yositile to find someone, I'm good, and this is Error. ❞ He gave a perfectly cued wave with the name drop. ❝ May I ask why you're all the way out here? ❞ Marisse dug into her pocket and pulled out a very sparkly looking beetle, encased in a small glass box. Errors face immediately lit up when he saw it, replicating the same behavior Marisse showed toward him. 𓆩 The bugs out here are a lot prettier then the ones in Kaven. It's really hard to not start collecting them honestly. 𓆪 ⦅ What's stopping you? Let them in your house, if you're comfy they should be too. ⦆ 𓆩 I can't, my complex doesn't allow bugs since someone made them infest the place a while ago. 𓆪
Marisse placed the bug back into her pocket, now noticing the gun that was in Averines hand. 𓆩 Oooh, who is this for? 𓆪 With a nervous chuckle, Averine quickly waved away her gun. ❝ Aha. . . I thought it would be someone else appearing, don't worry about it. ❞ It took a little bit to finally notice, but a gear finally clicked in the Stars' head. There were miniscule details that didn't align from before, from her eye shape to her pupils. It was by a measely difference but her purple was a bit brighter, with her eyes being slightly wider. Either her stylist was an expert or something didn't click. Marisse noticed the intensive staring and took it on herself to end their little meeting.
𓆩 Weeeellllllp, this was a lovely little surprise but I'm gonna get going. There's a certain spider I have to find. 𓆪 Marisse turned back to the trail of broken twigs she came from and started on her wa─ ❝ You and Terri are seperate, right? Same body, different minds kind of thing? ❞ Oooh. 𓆩 Pretty much, yea. . . why do you ask? 𓆪 ❝ Your physical traits don't split between each other right? ❞ 𓆩 Uh. . . I don't think so? 𓆪
A lingering glance and a pondering mind followed the string of questions. She's never seen Terri outside of that alley a ways back, so maybe that's who she was talking to? Assuming that's how it works anyway. . . but that wouldn't answer the appearance shift. ❝ Good to know. Anyway, I wanted to ask if you could do and or wanted to do something while I'm gone. Well less for me and more for Seria. ❞ Marisse finally turned around with a very agitated stance. 𓆩 You just interrogated me, why would I do anything like that? 𓆪 She spoke with a thorn in her voice, yet Error effortlessly waved it off. ⦅ I'd hardly call that an interrogation if were being honest. ⦆
❝ No no, just. . . listen. I'm not going to be here for a few days and I wanted to ask if. . . ❞ Would this be insensitive to ask? Please don't be, please don't be. ❝ Terri could peek around in case anything happens? I know there's some people that can handle themselves but others can't as well as others. ❞ That pulled a very sharp gasp out of the bug hunter. She attempted to slap Averine but found the restraint when her. . . boyfriend(?) glanced at their hand. 𓆩. . . First of all, that's rude to just ask like that. Second, I'm more then capable of doing whatever it is you think Terri can. 𓆪 Marisse followed her words with a shunning pout, causing the star girl to frantically wave her hands apologetically. ❝ I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I've just ever only seen her in combat and even then it wasn't for too long! If you're able to do it then by all means go right ahead! ❞
A finger hit the girls chin as she pondered the Shooting Stars request. Would she have to quit work for this. . . no she had to get money somehow. Not unless she wanted to go back to her mom's place, which was. . . ew. 𓆩 What would I be getting out of it? I can't exactly quit my job since I'm already so known. 𓆪 For whatever reason, Error raised his hand in between their conversation. Marisse gave him a subtle nod to speak. ⦅ Where do you work that makes you that known? Public speaking? ⦆ 𓆩 No, sex work. I don't have a lot of popularity outside of this region but in this town specifically I do. It's honestly why I moved here to begin with. 𓆪 Averine turned her glance to a tilt yet again. ❝ What would that have to do with what I'm asking? Wouldn't it work in your favor for them to know you? ❞ 𓆩 No it would not. Having people that see you as an object see you as anything besides that doesn't bode well. 𓆪 That. . . was a striking sentence that pulled the air out of Averines chest. She almost regrets asking now.