He knew the road. And he knew the address. And he knew who lived nearby.
Since his talk with Ross earlier in the week, Carson had been conflicted over the first year of college interaction with him. More so than he had before that meeting. He hadn't wanted to talk to anyone about how he felt, as there was the possibility he might let slip he wouldn't be returning for the second year.
Being this close to Alicia, though...
Carson had been entrusted with making local deliveries for clients around Stourbridge for the past few weeks. His manager knew he couldn't travel far, and so everything he had delivered usually involved a walk or a short bus hop. What he had with him today was the furthest delivery he had made.
The fact it had put him close to Alicia had made his mind up. He had to talk with her. Of everyone in the group, she had the answers to everything. The most level-headed. An easy listener.
He could easily just ignore the conflicting thoughts, but he was certain it would affect the interactions with the group should he have them. As he was going to Elizabeth's birthday meal, knowing that would be his one chance to tell them all he wouldn't be returning for the second year, he had to sort them.
Knocking on the door of the person he was delivering to, he looked over to Alicia's house, wondering if she was in. Would he be able to sort through things if she wasn't?
Hearing the door open, he looked back. Showing the person their item, they confirmed they were happy with it. The person then retreated back inside after saying goodbye.
Now free of that responsibility, Carson pulled his phone out to report the completed delivery and that he would be taking a lunch break. Now committed, he walked over to Alicia's house.
It didn't take long for an answer when he knocked on the door. Almost as if Alica had already seen him coming.
"Hey Carson!" she greeted. "What are you doing here?"
He hadn't exactly figured out how he wanted to ask the question yet, so simply replied with, "I was in the area and wanted to have a talk with someone. Got time?"
She quickly retreated inside for a few seconds, then returned with a bag.
The two started walking automatically to the town once Alicia had locked the door. It wasn't until they reached the roundabout that Alica asked, "Something troubling you?"
He had to say something now, but he still wasn't sure what. He tried for as much of the truth as he could get away with.
"I met Ross last week at an event in Stourbridge. We got on well together. But..."
"You're thinking of how everyone feels against him. Hardly interacting with him. And how this new relationship established will affect the dynamic of the group in the second year."
"Exactly that, yeah."
"No-one means anything by it. After all, there are definitely times where he has been included in conversation. Maybe not much, but it has happened. He just seems happier doing things his own way. Which, in a way, causes many conflicts when the rest of us are such team players."
"Except when it comes to Ross."
"It's funny. I can't ever remember a reason it happened. It's not like it could have happened overnight."
"I've never understood it, either. It just felt like Ross was persecuted by Daniel and Quinn one day, and the rest of us started to avoid him to avoid a similar fate."
As they sat at a table in the pub opposite the church, neither having made mention of heading to it, Carson reflected on what Ross had said when he'd stated that reasoning to him. He had to wonder what Alicia would think.

The Alternate Extras of Halesowen
ContoAlternate Extras comes from the same stories as Alternate Adventures - my first self-published ebook on the Kindle store - offering some extra details and bonus stories from the world and characters it portrayed. As the summer holiday progresses, th...