Bonding Time

141 18 1

I know I rarely update this story but that's mostly because of the low response and lack of feedback but I'll keep trying to update it's better not to force myself all the time . Sora and Rang ,🦅 & 🦊

It was another busy night  at Myoyeongak.  Sora and the other gisaengs were performing that evening . Playing her instrument for the customers always brought a sense of serene for Sora.

The half breed noticed one of the Japanese men misbehaving with one of the gisaengs.

"Want to try it? Drink it.You can drink it"

Sora's concentration faltered the longer she witnessed the sight in front of her.  Men , precisely the colonists tended to believe they were prostitutes. Her talons came out causing the strings of her instrument to cut off. 

"Yah!" She stood up and folded her arms , "i can't believe I have to deal with this again. Let go of her."

"Do you want a fan time too." The man slurred.

She covered her nose to block the scebd od his alcoholic breath , "here at Myoyeongak we are artists and performers . We are not prostitutes. "

"Who the hell do you think you are." The man pointed a pistol under her chin but it did nothing to deter her.

A sadistic smirk appeared on her face , "A joseon bitch."

"Is there a problem?" Hong Joo appeared just on time. "You'd like to buy her for the night?"

The Japanese man simply stated , "So, you're the Madame?"

"Talking to her," he pointed his pistol at the gisaeng placing it underneath her chin,"  is like talking to a wall. And this one talks too fast and too much for my liking."

Sora wanted to pounce on him but one look from Hong Joo said the latter had the situation handled.

  "You speak Korean very well." The older of the two sisters complimented the Japanese lying through her teeth.

"That's because I've spent many nights with Joseon bitches.
And tonight, it'll be her." He then turned to face Sora , "including this insolent one as well. A real man has to put her in her place."

"They're not prostitutes. They are artists." Hong Joo stated

"I already told him Eonni.  But he's too thick headed to understand."

"Sora. Don't be rude with the customers." Hong Joo' chided ' her .

"Listen to your madam wench. " He turned to face her , "if  I say I'll be paying, you'd better sell art and your bodies too."

Sora fake a smile when he threw his money at her and the gisaeng.  She was this close to attacking him but her sister  spoke up once more .

"And if we don't?"

"Then, there will be a hole in both their  head." He aimed his gun at them

"How about me?"

"" Sora stuttered

Hong Joo had taken off her robe making all the men stare at her bare shoulder  

"If you'll have me, instead of those  girls." She offered

"Wow. Amazing!" The Japanese was basically drooling over  the sight of Hong Joo's body  , "How much are you worth?"

The former King of the wild smirked , "Even better. I'm free."

"You're a cheap one, huh?"

Sora's hand formed into a fist but she reframed from doing anything knowing her sister's cunning mind operated - she had something in mind.

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