Next class...

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*Sometime later, Claire was noticing that another student was missing. She looked at Engel, who was unnerved.*

Claire: "Uhh, Engel...? I think another student went missing..."

Engel: "I know."

Lana: "Hey! Quiet! Language class is starting!"

Abbie: "You're louder than all of us."

*The next teacher, Miss Thavel walks into the class. Claire was a little unnerved by her torn clothes and what looked like fur on her arms and legs.*

Thavel: "Hello, Hola, Bonjour, and Namaste. Welcome to Language Class, my little fawns."

*She sees Claire, smiling at her newest student.*

Thavel: "Awww, we have another little deer with us today... What's your name, mon petit faon?"

Claire: "Uhhh... Claire?"

Thavel: "Well, Claire... I am Miss Thavel, your language teacher! I love all my little deer babies, and I want them to learn all about languages and cultures!"

*Meanwhile next to Claire and her friends, the bullies were watching her like a hawk.*

Ollie: "You guys thinking what I'm thinking?"

Ed: "Another surgery?"

Zip: "Fire?"

Ollie: "What? No! I mean being mean to the new kid so they fail. Uhh... Zip, what are you eating?"

Zip: "Fish..."

*She had small pieces of cloth and a small eye in her mouth along with chunks of... Fish...*

Ollie: "Okay...?"

Zip: "I just like fishy Y'know?"

*Oliver goes back to watching Claire. Back to Thavel, she was passing out basic Spanish lessons to the class. Once they were done, she took them back.*

Claire: "Okay, it's free time... so, what do you guys wanna do?"

Engel: "We could go to the library..."

Lana: "I'd like that!"

Abbie: "Shhh... You're way too loud, Lana."

Thavel: "Be quiet, Lana... I'm not a big fan of noise..."

Lana: "Sorry..."

Bubble: "I'm just gonna go with you guys because I like y'all."

*The 5 students left the classroom after class was over and went to the library. Abbie then stopped.*

Abbie: "Uhh, guys... I need to use the bathroom, I'll catch up with you later."

*Abbie ran to the bathroom. He saw the music and art teachers, Demi and Sasha flirting with each other as he went there. He then proceeded to do his business. He then went to wash his hands. When he was done, he left and saw the two teachers still there. But now they were looking at him, waving and smiling. He got back with the others, trying to catch his breath from his running*

Abbie: *Pant* "Okay guys." *Pant* "I'm..."  *Pant* "Here."  *Pant*

Lana: "Come here, bae!"

Claire: "SHHH!!! This is a library."

Lana: "Sorry, I just can't help it. I've gotten used to having to yell. It was a thing in my old school."

Claire: "Sorry, I'm just getting used to being with you guys again."

Engel: "You guys wanna get a book?"

Bubble: "Of course."

*Claire, Bubble, and Engel went around the library, trying to find a book. Claire found a book about cats, Engel found one about paleontology, and Bubble found one about hygiene and health. They then returned to the table to see Lana eating a glue stick from Claire's backpack.*


Lana: "Nom nom nom nom!"

Claire: "Lana! What are you doing!?"

Lana: "Shh... this is a library..."

Claire: "Ugh..."

Lana: "Also, I found this cat in your backpack."

*She grabs a small black cat and puts it on the table.*

Claire: "That's my cat, MoeMoe."

Abbie: "Aww, she's adorable!"

Claire:"It's a he."

Abbie: "Oh, sorry."

Bubble: "Can you two be quiet? Me and Engel are reading."

Claire: "Sorry... I'm just gonna go."

*She left to check out her book, but then she tripped on Oliver's leg, dropping her book to the floor.*

Ollie: "Well well well, if if isn't the new kid on the block."

Claire: "Hey! What is it with you? First your fellow bully almost set my hair on fire, now you made me trip? And why just me?"

Ollie: "Because I like messing with new kids to let them know their place."

Claire: "How about you know your place, huh? You're still a student."

Ollie: "You don't know who you're dealing with."

*He grabs her by the shirt.*

Ollie: "You don't scare me. You think this is a game?"

*He lets go, making her fall to the floor.*

Ollie: "I love games, because I always win."

*He then went to her face.*

Ollie: "You'll never make it past the first week, now stay down. And never talk to me like that again, understand?"

*He walks out of the library. Claire gets back up, very pissed off. She goes and checks out her book before coming back, still not in a good mood.*

Claire: "I can't believe that stupid Oliver just gave me a death threat!"

Engel: "Shhh... Quiet, Claire. What happened?"

Claire: "So I went to check out my book, then Oliver made me trip on his leg, and then he gave me a death threat about me not making it through the first week."

Engel: "Don't listen to him... He's usually bluffing."

Bubble: "I don't even care about him. He's a wimp... especially with his girlfriend."

Claire: "He has a girlfriend?"

Engel: "Bubble! I told you not to talk about her!"

Abbie: *Has been petting MoeMoe this entire time.* "That girl is a monster..."

Lana: "A thing not of this world!"

Claire: "Who is this girl!?"

Bubble: "Shhh!"

Claire: "Sorry..."

Bubble: "Listen, you think Oliver is bad? Wait until you hear about his girlfriend... She's the reason why the teachers have been so violent."

Claire: "This Alice was the thing that came in after I left?"

Engel: "Yes... I felt like it was a coincidence, but a lot of the others think otherwise. That's kinda why they were so mean to you."

Claire: "It's weird... Isn't it?"

Bubble: "I know..."

Lana: "I'm shocked that the principal has done nothing about this..."

Abbie: "Yeah, it's been many years and nothing has been done..."

Claire: "Something isn't right... First the killer teachers, now this Alice person? What's next? We're all gonna die soon?"

Abbie: "Don't say that... I'm very worried."

Claire: "Umm, when's next class?"

Engel: "It should be in a couple minutes. We should go."

Bubble: "Yeah, we should."

*The 5 of them made it to music class, where Mr. Demi introduced himself before giving everyone different instruments to play. Abbie was given a violin, which he sucked at. He tried playing it, but it was loud and screechy. Demi was visibly annoyed by the way he played it. After music class was over, they then went to art class. Miss Sasha welcomed everyone, giving them canvases to paint with. Abbie again was being bad at it, finding it hard to get the paint right. Sasha was also very upset at Abbie's incompetence. Afterwards, they went to history class. Miss Emily then greeted her students. Abbie felt the need to use the bathroom again.*

Abbie: "Uhh, miss. May I have the bathroom pass?"

Emily: "Of course, Abbie."

*Abbie got out and ran to the bathroom again... Not knowing of the fate he would face.*

To be continued...

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