A snow Female Bunny was getting ready to make dinner for her and her kids named George and Chloe . They were both hopping and running around outside. The Mama Bunny watched the babies play and made snowballs to throw at each other. "Look at me babies! Getting alone, and, not fussing for the first time!" Said The Mama bunny as she put some cole into the oven, "Tag your it!"Said George tapping Chloe's shoulder, "Hey! No fair!" Chloe started to chase George in a circle around a tree. The Mom saw both, George and Chloe going too far where she could not see them. See raise up the window to peek her head out. "Hey-Don't go too far Kids, Mama is still watching you!" The 2 stopped and turned their little heads, realizing what they did. "Sorry Mama..." "It's fine, Just please stay where I can see you!" The Mama bunny then went back to her cooking. She grabbed some vegetables, A cutting board out of the drawer, And a sharp knife. She grabbed a tomato and put it on the cutting board, she made sure to make each of them equal.
After a few minutes, She was finally done cutting out all of the vegetables. The Mama bunny Got out plates, napkins, and some forks. She was now done setting up the table while the food was steaming and ready to eat! "Kids Dinners Ready!"Said the tried Mama Bunny while ringing the bell. "Dinner?!" George then turned to her sister Chole with a smirk, like he was gonna race to her. "Wanna see who gets home first?" Chloe tied her green and white scarf around her neck while fuzzy neck. "You're on!" Both the little energetic bunnies get ready to race each other, but then, a noise starts coming from the woods. It didn't sound normal, at all, it was like an owl dying while trying to breath but failed. Chloe's ears were now down, on her shoulders, skanking in fear. "W-what was t-that..?" George turned his head, facing the dark woods. "I don ' t know, Its probably just some owl, don't let it get to you!" The noise was now getting louder. Both of theyŕe pupils were now small as dots, feeling something dripping from both 2 eyes. "That is no, owl, George!" Chloe was now in tears, hoping the disturbing sound would stop. George was frozen, looking at the blank, white, snow. "George What do we do?!" "We should run-" There was now a bloody scream, It felt like someone was getting stabbed. "Come on! We need to go home before it gets worse!" "Right behind you!" George and Chloe were now running for their life hoping whatever was in the woods wouldn't catch them. "Run Faster!" "I'm trying!" George turned his head to see if something was behind them. It was shadows covering the trees, making them fade out leaving only ashes, some started to burn. "Chloe! Run faster!!" "I Cant it-" George grabbed her by the arm, then put her on his shoulder. "There it is, the door!" Chloe covers her eyes, trying not to cry. "Mommy!" The Mama Bunny was all done washing the dishes and felt relaxed until she heard, "Mommy!" The mom ears pricked up, feeling like a strike through her heart. "Oh my god-Chloe!!" The Mama Bunny dashed to the door just in time for George to run inside. "Mom!" The mom could believe what she was seeing in front of her eyes. "Kids get in here!" Both, George and chloe got inside safely. "Oh my god-Are you kids okay?!" George was trying to comfort Chloe, who was breathing very hard. "It's okay! You're safe now!" "Mommy!" Chloe jumped to her Mom, feeling like she hasn't seen her in forever. "What happened?! George, I thought I told both of you to stay where I can see you two!" "I know! We were racing each other to the house, then we both heard creepy sounds and-" "Screaming!!" "Oh my god"! "Yeah and then There were shadows coming up and half of the trees were burning!!" The mother was trying to think of what to say, but it was hard to think while Chloe was bailing out tears and screaming in her ear. "Was there anything out there- like, did you see any type of creature?!" "No mom, I'm telling you the truth!" "Okay you to go sit down, I will make you something to drink-maybe hot coco!" The mom put the crying Chole down. "Honey go sit in the living room with your brother. And go ask him to go get some blankets for you." "But, I don't leave you Mom! I'm scared!!" The Mom put her paw on Chloe's cheek then rubbed her head. "Honey....I know, I'm scared to, but you have to listen to me, okay?" "Okay....Wait!" Shouted Chloe, still standing in the kitchen. The mother turned her head, thinking was her daughter was going to say. "I-I....love you..." The mom felt her heart beating at normal speed and feeling relief. "Oh...Chloe! Don' t be scared like that!" Chloe looked down at the ground, And was about to cry again. "But- love you too sweetie!" Chole walked in the living room, seeing George sitting on the couch, feeling empty inside, then he faked a smile as soon Chloe came in. "Hey....uh..you okay sis?" George wrapped his arm around Chloe's shaking neck. "N-no..." Said Chloe while trying to get warm, "Here is your blanket." "Thanks..." Chloe made sure her whole body was covered by the blanket. "It's very soft..." chloe then looked out the window to see whatever was chasing them still there. But all she could see was snow flanks. "Good... It's gone..." "What's gone?" Chloe turned to George with an irritated yet questionable look, "That black smoke!" Chloe hid under her blanket. "Oh! Sorry...I forgot..." Kids your hot coco is ready!" "Be there in a moment, Come on Chloe!" "I'll stay here..." George tilted his head "What do you mean?" "I mean that I want to...stay here!!" "Chloe!" The mom walked in to see what Chloe was yelling about. "Why are you yelling?" "I want to be alone!" "You will not talk to me like that, young lady!" Chloe huffed and stomped out of the room. "Where are you going?!" "To my room George!!" "But I-" Chloe slammed the door before George could say another word, "Just leave her alone George, It's been a long day for both of you..." "I just don't know why she just started to yell! Not too long ago she was crying about you, now she wants nothing to do with anyone right now!" "I'm pretty sure she will be better by tomorrow, Just...let her settle down for a bit..." "Alright" "Love you!" The mom grabbed her son's face and kissed it good night. She watched as george went upstairs. "Tell you sister I love her!" "Okay mom!" The mom chuckled to herself.
After some cleaning up, She made sure to lock the door and that everything was put away. "Alright time for bed for me!" Before The mom walked away, she heard this knocking sound on her kitchen window, "Hey! W-whos there?!" She took a step closer. "Stay away from me, and my children!" On the window it was spelling something. She was trying to make it out.
Hello Carrots! :3 (That's what I'm calling you guys now! :3) I just want to say thank you for reading this first chapter of my story I will actually complete! It means alot me! :3
I will see all of you in the next chapter! bye bye! :3
Burning woods
HorrorI don't have a description for this story yet! (Will update soon!) :3