(CW: blood, transformation, trauma)
In the deeper parts of a forest put to rest by the comforting curtain of night, hardly a sound fills the quiet night air. Apart from the gentle rustling of leaves blowing in the breeze, or the occasional flapping of a bird's wings, most of the forest rests silent and undisturbed. Yet, in a small glade somewhere in the forest, where the full moon's light could shine down on the red-haired woman pinned to the grassy floor, a frightening sound shook her to her core. A werewolf, fur almost as black as the night itself, held the woman down with nearly the full weight of her muscular arms and large paws, and from the beast came a deep, malicious snarl. The beast flashed its fangs, as white as the moon above, and brought them closer to the woman's face, looking into her eyes with a deep, ferocious hunger. The woman's face turned from one of nervous shock to a pained wince as she felt the light sting of the werewolf's fangs pressing lightly into the skin between her shoulder and neck. As she gritted her teeth to brace for a much more agonizing sting, the loud snarling in her ears changed to a soft and hesitant whisper as the werewolf spoke:
"A-are you really, really, really sure you want me to do this? There's no going back when I bite you and-"
"Ugh, c'mon babe." interjected the woman, annoyedly rolling her eyes at the beast's repeated hesitation. "This is what, the third time you've asked me this exact question tonight?" The werewolf lifts her paws up from the woman's shoulders and lets her sit up before laying down on the ground with her head resting in the woman's lap. The woman frustratedly pinches the bridge of her nose with one hand as she pets the sullen-looking beast's soft, fluffy head with the other hand.
"I know I know, I'm sorry hun. I know we already talked about it and I know you really want this, but..." The werewolf lets out a long, self-disappointed sigh. "It's just, giving someone a bite is a really hard thing for me to do, yanno?"
"I wouldn't know, actually. I've seen you split a caribou in half with just your teeth before. Seeing something like that would make me think biting something is as easy as tying a shoelace."
"You know I have a hard time with shoelaces, my paws are too big to grab the-" The werewolf quickly sits up and shakes her head to bring herself back to the topic at hand. "We're getting off track! The point is, it's not the act of biting into something that's the hard part. A werewolf bite is a life-changing kind of event and I'm just a bit anxious about making you have to go through that."
"What, you think I'm afraid of a life-changing event or something?" The woman brings her face close up to the wolf's, pressing her hands to the werewolf's cheeks and softly moving them in circles. "Falling in love with a big ol' mopey werewolf was definitely a big life-changing event. One that I wouldn't trade the world for. So what's one more life-changing event I get to share with you on top of that?" The sight of the werewolf's obvious blushing and wagging tail gives the woman a large, self-satisfied grin.
"W-well, even if you put it like that, becoming a werewolf isn't all moonbeams and shooting stars. There's a lot more to the experience that those werewolf movies you keep having us watch don't portray properly."
"Alright, tell me what I should be getting for, then! You're always telling me 'It's more than you think it is' or 'this movie's off base, it isn't really like that,' but you never tell me what turning is like!" With both of her hands, she grabs one of the beast's massive paws, rubbing her thumbs on her paw pads as she speaks. "So come on. Talk to me. Tell me what it is you're so worried about 'making me have to go through.'"
With her other free paw, the werewolf grabs her arm and begins to rub it gently. "Well, for one, there's going to be a lot of pain."
"I figured as much. I don't expect a bite from those chompers to be a gentle tickle."

Sounds Among the Glade
Loup-garouIn a small glade with the full moon high above, a werewolf and her human girlfriend work through why the werewolf has reservations about transforming her partner.