Peaceful rooftop

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Part 2- Peaceful Rooftop

The shivering boy shot up from his sleep, the atmosphere around him was getting even chillier by the second, he groaned and checked the window to discover it was open.

His cold heels clicked on the ground as he reached for the window, he suddenly felt another cold hand grab his wrist, his eyes burning blue and grey through the dark night.

"Get off me idiot" the male reaching for the window states, he examined the other boys eyes, his eyes were trembling not because of the cold but also some kind of fear.

Todoroki realised his mistake and instantly let go "Im sorry I didn't mean to.. you just startled me, you can close it" He placed his hand over his face and returned back to his futon, "tch, DONT you realise how cold it is" He scoffed and closed the window, Todoroki mumbled something but the fiery one did not hear.

"I usually use my quirk to heat myself up.." Todoroki spoke louder

"If I wanted to do that I'd have to cover myself in my own sweat, and I don't want to do that" He trudged back to his sleeping area and shuffled around a bit.

"Im sorry again" he quietly spoke

"Don't sweat it idiot, you DIDNT do anything bad" he reassured the other

Todoroki felt a special warmth envelope him, he's never felt such comfort before, and coming from Bakugo was even more surprising but felt more genuine. He began to slowly melting into slumber, however the other was still thinking about the fragile eyes what pierced him before, he felt a discomfort never like before. He wanted to know more about him. He soon sunk into sleep.


A big yawn woke up the sleeping male, the spiky hair stretched his arms out and patted his hair down, the other one however slept comfortably before bakugo yawned, he rubbed his eyes and snuggled back into his covers

"Get up, we're going to be late idiot" the feisty one glared at the sleeping figure next to him, Todoroki rose up and waddled to the bathroom, he truly hated waking up in the morning but he had to If he wanted to become a hero, he took a cosy shower,then brushed his teeth, combed his hair and got everything prepared for the new day. Bakugo on the other hand waited at least an hour for Todoroki to get ready.

The door opened, steam flowing out of the steamy bathroom, the angry one shot up "you take SO DAMN LONG TO GET READY, NOW I NEED TO RUSH" He shouted and grabbed his towel from his bag retreating to the bathroom, Todoroki shrugged his shoulders and prepared his school bag, he noticed that Bakugo left his school clothes out here.

He waited till the spiky blonde was done until he knocked on the door "What do you want icyhot" his voice deeply groaned

"You left your clothes in here" Todoroki mutters, he heard bottles fall to the ground and saw the door knob turning, it was opened to a very intriguing sight, bakugos wet hair dripped on his toned body, every single drop added a bit of gloss to his muscles.

"Are you going to give me them.." he broke Todorokis vague thoughts and he quickly gave him the school clothes. He then closed the door and Todoroki froze, replaying the same scene in his head in repeat until his classmate snapped him back to reality.

"Let's leave" Bakugo grabs his bag and walks out the room, Todoroki follows expecting him to walk away but instead he waited, Todoroki locked the door and they began to walk to the  school premises in silence but it was a comfortable silence.

They reached their class to see students talking in their individual groups, Bakugo walked passed Todoroki and avoided any type of communication, he copied him and sat down in his seat facing the front, he tried to avoid any eye contact but a certain person caught his eye, the freckly boy walked to him.

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"Did you sleep well Todoroki, It's different than being at home right?" Midorya scratched his neck and smiled "It was alright.. a bit cold though" he plainly replied, the door opened which was a sign that everyone immediately sat down, they did as planned and the morning period began.

"I hope you guys are adjusting to your dorms, school will proceed as normal until next week when you will get 3 days off to handle any problems or changes with your dorms, do I make myself clear" the grumpy teacher sighs as the kids all reply at the same time.

"Todoroki and Bakugo please remain after school, we need to chat about your dorm situation" Aizawa called out, the rest of the room began staring at the two individuals which made Todoroki very uncomfortable.

"Stop LOOKING AT US IDIOTS" Bakugo screamed, Todoroki smiled appreciating Bakugos defence while pulling out his work books for his first period, Aizawa left the classroom where Ectoplasm soon replaced him and began his lecture.

It was now Lunch where the cafeteria got extremely full, Todoroki at first didn't like the loud noises surrounding him so he found himself up on the rooftop alone, he quickly got his lunch and found the way to the rooftop. To his surprise he found someone sitting on a bench, reading something.

He inched closer to the figure trying to figure out who it was until he realised it was bakugo, he let a sigh of relief and sat down next to him, Bakugo surprisingly didn't care about Todoroki sitting next to him

"So what are you doing here?" Todoroki started a conversation, Bakugo turned his face to look at the Dual hair eating out of his bento box, "Why do you care?! And why are you here.. I thought no one comes up here anymore" Bakugo muttered and looked back down at his book, it seems to be a study book for English.

"I always come up here, it's too loud for me in the cafeteria, I'd rather be here in peace" he answered the blondes question with a calm demeanour, the blonde scoffed and flipped his page.

"I agree, them stupid assholes DONT know how to shut their mouths" Bakugo said out of the blue, Todoroki smiled and stuffed some more food in his mouth, at last the air was timid, lightly blowing the hair of the two, leafs around them shuffling indicating the season of summer is about to end, it was a comfortable silence Todoroki never thought Bakugo was capable of.


The bell rang, signing it was time for a new lesson, Todoroki stood up and brushed his lap incase of any crumbs, Bakugo closed his book and strutted away leaving Todoroki on the high top, his eyes shifted to the trees on the ground, how beautiful life change be, how he missed the outside feeling. He shook his head and walked to his next lesson.

RING.. RING.. POV change

It was finally the last period, my head was slightly hurting from no where and I couldn't think straight, I tried to act normal and collect my stuff together but it seemed like someone noticed

"Todoroki are you okay?.." Midorya asks me in a sweet voice, I nod reassuring him Im fine, Im not the type to lie but I don't want to worry my friends.

"I have to stay back today so you can walk back without me" I reminded him, he took the hint and waved goodbye to walk with Iida

It was just me and bakugo in the room now

"I hope this stupid shitty ass room situation is fixed quickly" she crosses his arms, I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's not a burden to have you at my dorm, although I respect your feelings"

"YOU BET-" the door slid open revealing Aizawa and Cementoss

They both came up to the both of us and had a regretful look in their eyes.

"As you know Bakugos room had been recently destroyed because of the recent incident, we examined the situation and decided that it will take around 5 months to reinstall everything back to normal, apologies for the inconvenience but Bakugo did some great damage to his room.." Cementoss awkwardly smiles, I turned to look at the silent spiky blonde to see such horror, his face was turning red and his eye was twitching, he looked like he was ready to blow

"Before you say anything bakugo, we also discussed this and we thought this would be the best situation, as you know you have been targeted before and as two strong individuals it is much safer to have you together." Aizawa raised his hand trying to silence the Blonde, although a loud burst of anger shook the room, "I HAVE TO STAY WITH THIS STUPID ICY HOT FOR 5 MONTHS?!!! 5? WHAT I-" Aizawa wrapped his mouth with his scarf and gave me a slight smile of pity, he pushed Bakugo to my side and took us out of the classroom

"Please don't explode another room" Aizawa and Cementoss left and I was now stuck with a ticking time bomb, he grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me, my hard started to hurt even more now as his voice got louder and louder I tried to push him away but his voice was getting quieter and quieter until the last thing I heard was him calling my name.

(Sorry for the long chapter-)

Opposites Attract (Todoroki x Bakugo/TodoBaku)Where stories live. Discover now