Chapter 24

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Naira's Pov

I dashed to my bed, the day always feels boring when I don't meet Karan. Suddenly a notification popped up. NOOOO, The Japanese final test is tomorrow, I haven't prepared anything, well I will still pass, I was attentive in most of the classes but what about Karan?

I called him, it was already ten. Yes, he picked up.


"Hey, uhmm.... The finals for the Japanese class is tomorrow..."

"Oh, Okay...", woah, he sounds unserious.

"Karan, do you know anything about Japanese?"


"You will fail..."

"It doesn't matter..."

Look at the audacity of this guy, "Not on my watch, video call me after five minutes, we can study together and cover at least enough to pass..."

How can he be okay with failing, I am really rethinking about my choices now. I jumped to my dresser, fixing my hair, what-so-ever, he was still a guy I liked till the extent of Love. My phone started ringing, this would be the first time I have ever cut his call. I opened my laptop and there he was, WITHOUT SPECS.

In the moonlight, this guy is video calling me without his glasses, doesn't he know that with glasses he seems sensible and cute, but without them, damn he looks hot and cute at the same time. How can a person look hot and cute at the same time?

I could tell by his face that he was feeling sleepy. But still, I began, "You didn't make any notes in the class, I am sending you a PDF of my class notes, Read them. There is going to be an oral too, written exam is not a problem but you are on your own during the Viva."

"Yes ma'am...", he said out loud but in a baby voice.

Although he looked too cute but still, I still couldn't show him that I was turned on right now, "Karan, can you be a little bit serious."


Awww, I just wanna pull his cheek and kiss him on his nose, "I have sent you the pdf, read it at least..."

He picked up his phone, blue ticks on my side, he is a good boy. I glared at him, I wish I could see him like this all day. Just to break the ice I asked, "Well, how much you scored in your, 12th standard?"


"Ninety-six? How come?"

"Well, I had humanities and then Music was my elective"

"Oh, that's why..."

He squinted his eyes, and looked at me with that teasing look, bit his lower lip and asked, "How much you scored?"

"Ninety-Five", I answered without meeting his gaze.

"Oh! Maybe I should teach you", here it is.

"Come on, it's just one per cent."

"Still, it's higher."

"Karan", my voice has a tone of 'okay, you win, can we move on now', but sure he wasn't done.

"You know I like it when you take my name..."

"Karan will you stop flirting with me!"

"No Naira I won't stop flirting with you, how can I stop flirting with you Naira, when you look so pretty in this moonlight Naira..."


And just like that there was no end to teasing, we weren't studying at all, we were just busy going on and on about each other, flirting at the topmost. Finally, at 1, we both were too tired to continue and every time I used to yawn, Karan went 'Aww', a guy named me Panda that day. I hugged my pillow, imagining it as Karan and went into my dreamland, where I again met Karan. I no longer care about passing or failing, even if we fail, we can take the course again and see each other every day. This end might be a new beginning.
Karan's Pov


We slept at the same time, and kind of by her 'good morning' text, I could tell that we even woke up at the same time, how come she had this much energy in the morning? The same sunshine smiles with her same energy-filled hand wave. Kaira said once that Naira hasn't changed at all since their school days, I love how we have progressed in our relationship and yet she hasn't changed at all. Although there are a few changes in me, I will call them growth. I am over my stage fear, I have learnt how to enjoy life, all thanks to my sunshine.

We sat beside each other during the test, this girl who stayed up late just to teach me so I could pass also revealed to me her entire answer sheet. I wasn't putting much head into it but teaching. When the orals came in, Sensei just asked us to translate a sentence. I picked up a random chit from the bowl, and as I unfolded it I was happy to read my phrase, written in English, which I had to translate into Japanese. The phrase was 'I Love You'.

My mind diverted back to the time when I stood on the chair and screamed 'Taaye Suki Dayo' out loud when it was kind of my first confession to Naira. Is this a sign to finally confess to her? I can't forget when she said that she felt the exact same way, so, should I confess? I love her, I have always loved her. No matter if we don't get physical, I just no longer wanna call her a friend, I wanna address to her as my girlfriend.

I passed the test, I met her outside, she asked me how it went when I smiled at her she hugged me. I was living in the present, but my mind was hovering over a future decision. I made my decision, during lunch I am gonna confess to her.

"Karan..", she shook me, "Where are you lost? We passed! I taught you and you passed, we passed. You are treating me to momos, we are going to Majnu ka Tila. You coming with me?"

"Where ever you lead me Sensei...", it's so sweet when she gets excited at little things. I can't wait to see her reaction, when I truly confess to her.

We went to this famous place in Majnu ka Tila, it was a good dumpling restaurant, we placed our orders and sat in front of each other. Okay until the order arrives, I have got time, time to confess. I placed my hands on the table, it just makes me less nervous knocking on the wood, reminds me like I am playing Tabla. I took a deep breath, "Naira, I wanna tell you something..."

She looked intrigued at first but soon her attention was broken in a sec, she looked across me, "Wait...". She got up from the chair and moved towards a curly haired guy, she tapped on his shoulder, and as the guy turned around. She smiled, that excited smile, that smile which lits up her face, that smile which she gets when she sees me. Why does she have the same smile when she saw this guy.

My horrors turned into reality, she hugged that guy, that guy was smiling too. What is happening? Who is this guy? What relation do they have? She held his hand and brought her to the table. HELD HIS HAND... Naira have never held my hand. Who the fuck this guy?

She was still giggling along with that guy, when she looked at me, I sure had a digusting confused expression on my face.

"Karan, this is Arsh, my college friend. Arsh, this Karan."

He waved at me 'Hi', I waved at him. College friend? Even if he is a college friend, why are you this close? He is a college friend, isn't your college over? What happened to Naira? She always used to read my mind by my face, what happened this time?

That guy, Arsh, dragged a chair, and settled down between me and Naira, ME AND NAIRA. How dare he? Naira began talking to this guy, why? Why is she talking to this guy with such excitement? Why does this ought to happen on the same day, when I was about to confess...

"When did you return to Delhi? Why haven't you told me?", Naira punched on his bicep, I don't even think this guy has got a bicep.

"I was about to... Guess whom I ran into yesterday?"

"Not that bitch again, how the heck are you still friends with her? Sometimes I feel you are better friends with her rather than me."

"I am not friends with Anvi, and you are my friend not her. I was just going in metro, she approached me."

They were so engrossed in talking about the people I have never heard of, that Naira didn't even once paid attention to me. Worse of worse things, they both were eating together, like really together. Arsh took one bite of a momo and then handed it over to Naira, who happily ate it, what he thinks of her, trash bin? When the bill arrived, Naira insisted on paying it, didn't we decided in the car that it's my treat, as a thankyou for her teaching me last night. Finally, time to leave, time for Naira to be with me, only me.

"How are you heading home?", Naira asked Arsh.

"I'll take metro", bloody bastard replied.

"I'll come with you."

What just happened? Did Naira really ditched me for a guy like that? I can't believe it. Worst happened when she just didn't even look at me and just blandly waved at me Bye. What's Bye? Where is your usual energyflux Goodbye?

I stood there, with my car keys in my hands. I can't believe this and that too on the day when I was gonna confess to her, I want info, who the fuck is this guy? So, I called him, he who knows Naira well.

"Hello, Vineet."


"Who the heck is this Arsh? Naira's College friend?"

"Uhmm... You just answered yourself bro."

"Vineet I am not joking, I was just going to confess to Naira and this guy just shows up and Naira ditched me and went away with him."

"Wait, What? You were going to confess to her! Bro!"

"I want details, who is this guy?"

"Well, it's her college friend right?"

"So? She seemed so close with him and then ditched me!"

"Karan, we are college friends, and probably she met him after a long time that's why she wanna spend some time with him. You are overreacting on this one..."

"Overreacting? When I tried to kiss her she pushed me while happily hugged this guy."

I hung up the phone, I don't want to hear any feedback on my emotions right now. I want to hear something which can get me back in the game, that Naira leaves that guy and comes back running to me.


What do you think, is something going on between Naira and Arsh?

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