The Merging of Legacies

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The Jeon family is currently experiencing a stressful situation. There is a lot of yelling going on and it seems that no one is really listening to each other. Miss Jeon, the matriarch of the family, is particularly on edge. She’s running around the house, pressing the maids to clean surfaces even if they are already clean. She seems to be finding dust where there is none and is generally very agitated. The head maid is at a loss as to what to do in this situation, and the private chef is also feeling the tension.

The reason for Miss Jeon’s stress is the impending arrival of the KIM family, who are coming over to discuss the engagement of Taehyung and Jungkook. Miss Jeon is anxious about making a good impression on the KIMs and is obsessing over every detail. She has even deemed it necessary to change the menu several times as she keeps getting new information on Taehyung’s favorite dishes.

Meanwhile, Mister Jeon is in his office having an important business conversation with JungSook. Miss Jeon is worried that they will be late in preparing themselves to welcome the KIMs on time, but both dad and son reassure her that they are ready and will come out just in time.

Miss Jeon’s behavior is understandable in this situation. This is the first time the family is going through something like this, and the prospect of her son’s engagement falling apart is a source of great stress and anxiety for her. She is worried that what happened to her own engagement might happen to her son’s.

As she passes by Jungkook’s room, she remembers that she had bought him a necklace a few years ago and decides to give it to him now. She hurries to her bedroom to retrieve the necklace, which she has kept in a very private space. When she returns to Jungkook’s room, she finds him sitting in front of his huge gaming setup, with a video conference on his computer screen showing three familiar faces. Jimin, points at him to look behind him, and when he turns around, he sees his mother with a sweet smile on her face. He takes off his headphones and stands up to greet her.

“aigoo, still not ready and you’re wasting time chatting here” she said with a faux anger expression,

“Don’t worry mom, I have to just style my hair. Beside, those idiots are helping me with my stress” his friends couldn’t hear a word from them but they all are looking with curious eyes.

“Ok fine. Anyways, I came here to give you this” She held out the necklace to him and Jungkook took it, eyes glowing with how beautiful it’s the items in between his hands. He brings it up to his eye level to admire it up close. How wonderful ! It seems like Jungkook received a very special and rare emerald necklace from his mother. He is thrilled to hold the beautiful jewelry in his hands and admire it up close. He even notes that it complements his skin tone perfectly ! His mother is equally happy and suggests that he try it on. It’s heartwarming to see such a joyful moment between a mother and son. He cannot be certain but one thing for sure though is that this jewelry is very rare and almost impossible to find. The emerald necklace on his hands is so beautiful. He’s not unfamiliar with precious stones since he practically owns a huge collection of them. The only one missing is this green.

“it’s pretty, I like it a lot. Thanks, Mom” “You’re welcome”

She seemed genuinely happy as she suggested wrapping it up around her son’s neck “It complements your pale skin so well”.

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