Chapter 25: Press Conference Day

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Taylor's POV———————-My alarm went off bright and early

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Taylor's POV
My alarm went off bright and early. Caitlin stayed at my apartment last night so we could get ready for the press conference together. I got out of bed and got into the shower. It wasn't long before Caitlin joined me. We both hopped out of the shower and start getting ready for the press conference.

My nerves were shot and I couldn't eat any breakfast, but I still cooked for Rosie, Amelie and Caitlin. "Baby it's going to be fine. We're gonna clear everything up and then show that your mom is the problem." Caitlin tells me as she puts her plate in the sink. She wraps her arms around me and I lay my head on her chest.

The past few days were filled with nothing but hate. A bunch of trolls found my socials and started hate messaging me for everything my mom said. Blaming me for "stealing" my sisters, keeping us all away from her, etc etc. I had to delete all my socials to get some peace of mind.

We rode in a car Caitlin's agent booked us over to Gainbridge. My heart pounded and I was shaking on the drive over. We pulled up and Caitlin's agent Alisha was standing outside. "Hi Taylor, it's very nice to meet you. I'm sorry about the circumstances but we will be clearing everything up today." She said and I smiled and shook her hand.

She walked Caitlin and I onto a little stage with a table of microphones. The two middle seats had mine and Caitlin's names on them. We sat and cameras started flashing. Caitlin opened up the conference first. "Hello everyone, thank you all for coming. I'm sorry to not be speaking on better circumstances but my girlfriend just flew in today for this conference." I looked up at her confused. She nodded at me, signaling that she would explain later. "Before Taylor starts, I want to first introduce her. We've been dating for a couple months now and she is the light of my life. We didn't immediately tell the world because we are entitled to the privacy of our relationship, I'm not going to apologize for that. However, I'm very excited for the world to know who she is. She is amazing and one of the sweetest women ever. Now, I introduce you all to Taylor Rojas." The room claps and I shakily grab the microphone.

"Hello everyone, like Caitlin said, my name is Taylor Rojas. I'm the oldest of three siblings, with my little twins sisters, Anna and Kylie, being 4 years younger than me. I'm here today to clear up some things that were said about me that were completely untrue." I pause and take a deep breath.

"Laura Rojas is my mother, and Fernando Rojas is my father. My mother went on TMZ a couple days ago to say that I stole my sisters from her, and that I have completely cut her out of my life without any reason. That is not true in the slightest. I have been taking care of my sisters full time since I was 14 years old and they were 10. My parents both moved to Mexico and left us to fend for ourselves. I got them dressed and ready for school every morning, made them breakfast, and took the bus with them to school every day. When I was 18 and had just graduated high school, I gained legal guardianship of my sisters. I did this because I wanted to get my college education at UCLA and wanted to move my sisters with me. I worked two jobs as well as going to school to pay for our little, one bedroom apartment. My parents were very upset that I took my siblings out of school in Arizona and moved them to LA with me. My parents were so upset in fact, that they did not attend my college graduation or my sisters' high school graduation. Months later, my mother reached out to extend an olive branch and offered to pay for my sisters' college education at UCLA. They kept our little apartment and I moved back to Arizona where I was married." I took another breath, my voice becoming a little shaky recalling everything that had happened in the last few months.

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"About 2 months ago, I found out that my ex-husband was cheating on me. I then moved and left everything behind. He went and visited my parents and told them I left him because I liked women. I then got a phone call from my mother telling me, and I quote, "this is not the person we raised you to be. He was the perfect man for you. He took care of you, and treated you with respect. This little phase of yours will be over soon and once it is, you better hope he forgives you.". She then changed her phone number and my little sisters numbers so I could no longer reach them. The next day my sister Anna called my best friends phone, and told me that our mother was pulling them out of school and moving them to Mexico, because they could no longer trust me since I liked women. Anna called me crying and begged me to go get them, and since I still have legal guardianship of them, I did. We got there the day before my parents were supposed to be there, and we moved everything into a U-Haul and took my sisters to a hotel. We had left everything my parents paid for, the twins car, their phones, and anything else in a bag in the car. My sister, Kylie, forgot something in their car so we went back the next morning, and that's when we ran into my parents. The pictures you all saw, those were taken that day. My mother and I got into a very harsh argument in which I told her to leave my sisters and I alone. Not before she called me a "disgusting lesbian". I then changed all our numbers and we had no contact with her." I feel wetness under my eyes and Caitlin rubbing circles on my back to calm me down.

"As of now, I live somewhere far from her, somewhere she doesn't know. My sisters are re-enrolled in college, to finish off their degrees, somewhere that my parents aren't familiar with. All I want is for Laura and Francisco to leave us alone. I want the be able to raise my sisters and give them the life they deserve without having my mother to pretend like she cares about us. She doesn't and has never cared about us. I have a video the twins recorded and wanted me to show as well." I finish and nod my head at the A/V guy.

A picture of my sisters comes up on the screen, and soon their voice starts to come out. "Hello everyone, my name is Anna Rojas and this is my twin sister Kylie Rojas. Taylor is our older sister, and the mom we never had but needed so badly. She has taken care of us since our nana passed away, which was when we were 10 and Taylor was 14. Our nana raised us up until that point in our lives, we only saw our parents when we'd get back from school." Anna started.

"Taylor has always done the most she could to give us the life she says we deserve. When we were freshman in high school, our sister worked all day and went to school all night just so we didn't have to help pay rent in LA. Even now, our mother threatened to pull us out of school, move us to Mexico, and never let us speak to Taylor again, and Taylor drove hours to get us, bought us a new car, new phones, and is paying for us to finish college." Kylie added.

"Taylor doesn't need to apologize to our mother, because she is our mom. Taylor is the only person I consider to be my mom, because I've never had to question whether or not Taylor would be there for me, she always was. Whether it was a softball game, high school graduation, or college orientation, she was there. My sister is my mom and Laura, if you're out there, leave us alone. We don't need you and we know you don't need us." Anna finishes and the screen goes black.

I wipe the tears from my eyes as Caitlin lightly kisses my cheek. Caitlin grabs the microphone to finish. "Thank you all for being here on what was supposed to be exciting, getting to announce this beautiful woman as my girlfriend. However, I thank you all for listening to Taylor, Anna, and Kylie as they told their side of the story. Have a great night, thank you." She said as she grabbed my hand, stood up and walked off stage.

Caitlin and I walked straight into the car and drove back to my apartment complex. We sat on my bed and I just cried. Caitlin sat there, supporting me as I wept. "Okay CC, mark my words, this is the last time I will cry over that woman. Laura will never make me cry again." I tell her and she nods, kissing me.

"I also thought by saying you flew in, that it would help her not know that you live here." I nod and kiss her.

"You're so smart baby, quick thinking." I tell her and smile. We lay in my bed just chit chatting before Caitlin's phone rings. She looks at the contact and jumps out of bed. "I'll be right back baby, hold on." She says as she walks into the bathroom.

I looked her way, confused. I followed outside the bathroom. Putting my ear to the door, I can't make out what she's saying. Before I realize, she opens the door and smacks me with it. I lay on the floor rubbing my head as she kneels by my side giggling.

"What are you laughing about?? You probably gave me a bruise." I tell her still rubbing my temple. She shakes her head and gives me a kiss on the spot. "You were eavesdropping, it seems karma worked fast." I laugh back at her.

"If you want to know, I can finally say because it's all taken care of. I paid off Kylie and Anna's school. I saw the bills in the glove box of the U-Haul and I called the school." I looked at her my eyes wide.

"Caitlin, the rest of their 2 years? That's so expensive are you serious? Please let me make payments to you!" I tell her and she shakes her head. "No baby, like I said, I love them just as much as you do, but I care about you even more. I know you want to give them the best life you can, and I want to be able to help you give that to them if I can." She tells me and my eyes well up with tears again.

"Thank you so much baby, I will never be able to repay you for this, but I will try for the rest of our lives." I tell her as we put on a movie and lay down.
A/N: hey yall! Thank you so much for reading! Please let me know if there is anything you want to see! Keep commenting and voting! Kay <3

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