Chapter 6: Sakura's Pov

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I stretched slightly and, with a broad smile on my face, rose from the ground, where I knelt beside the just-dismembered corpse. I liked this freedom and the ability to make my own decisions more and more, although at times I missed that adrenaline rush that dueling in the arena gave me. However, that all came to an end at the same moment that the laboratory explosion occurred, which freed us all from the power of those psychopaths. I snorted quietly under my breath, dissatisfied with the fact that I was once again revisiting those worthless memories, and set off to find the next two who had accompanied the guy who had fallen for my charms like a fool. i may have been a beautiful woman, but I hated this condescending attitude of men who thought I was weak and fragile. I loved the look on their faces when, after playing the weak woman for a short time, I dealt them blows with such force that it made their bones crumple. It was then that they became weak and whined at my feet, begging for mercy. This thought improved my mood considerably, so I dashed ahead in leaps and bounds in search of my cute human toys.

It took me only a few minutes to find the two, as this silly lambs headed toward a barricaded alley from which there was no way out. In addition, one of my future victims was a girl who had been quietly sobbing the whole time, despite the fact that the guy accompanying her told her every now and then to shut up, because she would lure the zombies. I giggled under my breath upon hearing his words and stepped out of the shadows, causing a loud cry of fear to escape the girl's lips.
- You may not have lured the zombies, but you have attracted the attention of someone much worse - I laughed, walking slowly toward them.
- Don't come near us! I saw what you did to Carlos! - exclaimed the man, stretching out his hand with a knife in front of him - don't come near, or I'll kill you!
- Oh, really? - I reached him in two jumps and grabbed his wrist, gruffing his bones at once - don't scream like that, or you'll be the one who will lure the zombies - I hit him in the face, sending him to the nearby wrecked car.
- I beg you... don't... hurt me - the girl squeezed into a corner and curled up into a ball, trying to hide in this way - please... I didn't do anything....
- You did and a lot - I grabbed her by the hair and with a jerk pulled her to her feet - you are a nasty human being who had a life full of happiness and carefree. And mine? Mine was hell on earth, you know? And that's why I'm going to give you a substitute of this hell.
I leaned over the girl and sank my teeth into her neck, tearing a piece of flesh from it. She screamed loudly in pain and tried to get away from me, but I grabbed her arm with one hand and squeezed so hard that her legs bent under her as her bone was crushed. I burst into loud laughter, which broke off when I was pelted in the back of the head with a stone. I let go of the girl and turned toward the man holding the stone, who was now staring at me surprised.
- But... what does it mean... you should... - he howled, stepping back.
- I should fall dead? Is that what you wanted to say? - I smiled sweetly, taking another step toward him and moved my hand through my hair to wipe the blood from it, feeling the wound begin to heal slowly - I'm sorry, boy, but the only person who will fall dead in a moment will be you and you alone.
I snatched the stone out of his hand and hurled it furiously behind me to simultaneously immobilize the now panicked man with an efficient grip. I spun him around on the spot, forcing him to drop to his knees in front of me and with one swift jerk I pulled his arm out of joint. He jerked forward, screaming loudly in pain and terror, but I didn't let him break free, just clamped my hand firmly on his nape. He continued to scream, and I slowly drove my fingers more and more into his nape, trying to remember that trick I had picked up from my sexy crush, Jungkook. I closed my eyes for a moment and tried to focus on how I should carry everything out, but it still eluded me and at the last moment I managed to stop myself from crushing his neck. I pushed him furiously to the ground and crouched beside him, watching with disdain as he wriggled in pain, mumbling something under his breath. I hated them. I hated these weak humans so much that at times I felt nauseous at the mere sight of them. They were the ones who made me this way. They were the reason I didn't have a normal life and I had to grow up in that mangy laboratory, fighting to the death and enduring pain and all the humiliations. And those like them? During that time they lived their lives peacefully and carefree, wallowing in the sunshine, which I had seen only a few times in my entire life. I sprang to my feet and grabbed the man's ankle to pull him with me deeper into the alley, where the girl lay curled up in a ball. I had no intention of letting them go and letting them live. I wanted revenge and since I couldn't get my maker, I had to settle for those I had on hand now. And I already knew that I was going to spend a lot of extremely pleasant time with them.

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