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Im so sorry to tell everyone but sadly this book with be discontinued for these reasons :

- lack of motivation
I loved this book, don't get me wrong but sadly i can't keep up with the constant writing. I just can't find the joy jn writing something that feels like a chore than a fun thing to do..

- not as hyperfixated in crk :
This is mostly in my head often, but i still like crk as a whole by plot but i am not as hyperfixated as i used to be and have other things i like too that i want to write.

Now with that out of the way, thank you ladies and gentlemen for enjoying the show, i hope my book entertain you all with great joy.

May we meet again when i write another book, i hope you all have a sensational day and adios

- Xeno (creator)

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 10 ⏰

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