John ran into the labor and delivery center in the hospital. Clover was anxiously waiting for John in the hallway outside of Iris room.
Both of them could hear Iris screams echoing off the walls which made John jump a bit.
"How's she doing?" He asked Clover quietly.
"GET THIS FUCKER OUT OF ME!!!!" Iris yelled.
"Eh she's been worse. Brian and Roger are on their way I think and I phoned garden lodge about an hour ago. Jim said he's on the soonest flight out." Clover said and John nodded.
"Are you excited?" John asked with a smiled and Clover nodded.
"I've waited 9 months for this how could I not be?" Clover asked.
"Okay okay come on. Iris wants you in the delivery room. You have the pictures of Freddie and Finley right?" Clover asked. John nodded patting the side of his bag.
Clover pushed open the doors and was welcomed by the sounds of screaming. John set up the pictures on the bedside table as Clover took on of Iris's hands.
"Clover it hurts I can't do this." Iris cried as she gripped tightly onto Clover.
"Yes you can baby it's just a little longer til the baby's here. We'll get to find out if it's a boy or girl! You've got this lovey just push." Clover reassured her.
"I'm here too baby girl. I love you so much. You got this lovey." John said placing a hand on Clovers back.
"Theirs someone in the corner of the room get them out!" Iris yelled violently. Clover and John looked at each other confused.
"Lovey theirs no one there." Clover said.
"The hell there isn't!" Freddie yelled at them.
"Dear they can't see us remember? We're dead." Finley answered and held Freddie back.
"Then how come Iris can?! You never saw anything when you gave birth!" Freddie argued with Finley.
"I just screamed my head off until Iris came out love. But, if Iris can see us does that mean?"
"WE'RE LOSING HER!" One of the doctors yelled.
Iris was paler than ever before and was running a fever.
"IRIS! PLEASE PUSH!" Clover yelled.
"We have to preform a epidural now!" One of the over doctors yelled and they all sprung into action.
"IRIS DONT YOU DARE CLOSE YOUR EYES." John yelled as both him and Clover panicked.
Finley and Freddie could no longer take seeing this and both ran to her bedside.
"Mom... Freddie?" Iris asked weakly.
"Baby it's not your time. You gotta be strong, we're here for you. We're always here." Finley said touching her daughter's head.
"It... hurts." Iris cried.
"Oh my sweet sunshine, I'm so sorry, but you're so close you just need one more push and he'll be born." Freddie smiled.
"It's a boy?" Iris sighed softly and Freddie nodded.
"ITS A BOY!" The doctor yelled as the whales of the baby filled the hospital room.
"You did it baby." Clover smiled and kissed the top of Iris's head.
"It's a boy! It's a boy!" John yelled and jumped up and down.
Iris looked to the side where both Clover, John, Finley and Freddie were celebrating.
Finley hugged John though he couldn't feel it. "Oh Johnny boy you got what you wanted. You got a grandson." Finley laughed.
"Oh sunshine you rest now. We'll cya soon." Freddie smiled.
"But..." Iris said holding out her hand to Freddie took it.
"I miss you." Iris smiled. Freddie smiled back kissing the top of her head.
"I miss you too, but I'll always be here. Rest your eyes now sunshine." Freddie said and both him and Finley disappeared as Iris's eyes drooped shut.
~~~Iris slowly opened her eyes. Her head hurt and her body was aching but a smile still found its way onto her face when seeing Brian and Roger holding her baby boy.
"Oh you're awake." Clover said and came to Iris's side. She gently kissed the top of her head and slipped into bed beside Iris.
"How do you feel mama?" Clover asked.
"Alright thanks, where's dad?" Iris asked.
"He's gone out to meet Jim and Phoebe at the airport." Clover calmly stroked through Iris's hair.
"How long have I been out for?" Iris asked and Clover shrugged.
"Not long probably 3, 4ish hours. Brian and Roger have been looking after our baby boy." Clover smiled as Brian and Roger waved at them.
"Freddie, that's his name." Iris said softly.
"What?" Brian asked and his eyes lit up.
"Freddie, that's his name. Freddie John Deacon. If we had a girl it would've been Finley Diana Deacon but we had a boy." Iris explained.
"And if we ever want another kid I'll be the one getting pregnant." Clover joked
Iris smiled. She turned her head to the corner of the room and there Finley and Freddie were standing proudly.
"I love you sunshine. Thank you. For everything." Freddie and Finley both smiled then dissipated into nothingness.
"Give me Freddie would you?" Iris asked and Brian gladly handed the baby over the Iris.
"Listen baby boy, you gotta live up to your name so let's sing." Iris smiled and began to sing the opening to someone to love.
Clover smiled. Sure it only felt like yesterday Iris and her had met but now, they had a kid. And life truly couldn't get any better.

What lays ahead
FanfictionA continuation of new girl in town where the main focus is on Freddie's declining health and what that not only means for the band but for the family that's been created. HOPE YOU LOVE THIS ❤️❤️❤️ Tw: death, strokes, suicidal thoughts and HIV and A...