"Okay so I was thinking Chipotle. How's that?" Brayden asked as we hoped in my car. "Yeah that sounds good." I said with a smile as we drove off.
* * *
Once Brayden and I sat down with our food, he began to speak, "I don't understand."
"What?" I asked, taking a bite from my burrito bowl. "What do you see in him?" He asks, sipping his drink. "Jason is such a sweet guy. Plus, he's a really good kisser." I can still remember his lips on mine. So soft and delicate yet powerful and lustful. "He's just another asshole that is going to break your heart, Ter." I don't believe him, Jason is such a sweetheart. And, Brayden doesn't even know Jason. What could go wrong?
"Anyway, enough about me. Let's talk about you. So.... Tell me about Tyler!" I begged and his cheeks turned bright red. "We're going out tomorrow night! He's taking me to see The Gallows and he's picking me up!" This was the cutest thing ever! I love seeing Brayden happy, plus, Tyler is a babe. "I'm so happy for you!" I said, hugging him tightly against the table. Then my phone buzzed. I sat back and pulled my iPhone 6 out. It was a text from Jason.
Jason<3: Hey babe
Me: Heyy
Jason<3: We should do something tomorrow ;)
Me: Like what? ;)
"Is that Jason?" Brayden complained and I blushed. He just smiled and playfully rolled his eyes.
Jason<3: You're home alone this whole week right??
Me: yea...
Jason<3: Perfect I'll be over tomorrow at 8
Me: Watcha got planned ;)
Jason<3: Oh you'll see
"Oh my god you're not sexting him are you?" Brayden exclaimed and I gasped. "No!" I protested and smiled, playfully hitting shoulder. He chuckled lightly.
* * *
"Bye Ter!" Brayden said, hopping out of my car, grabbing his backpack. "You better tell me everything that happens tomorrow!" I said pointing at him. He just smiled and walked into his house.
Once I got home, I was extremely tired. I could feel my eyelids become heavy and a yawn escaped my lips. I basically dragged myself upstairs and into my bedroom. I flopped onto my bed and got comfortable. I was so happy at the moment, until my phone started to ring. "Ugh." I groaned and picked it up, "Hello?" I muffled, half of my face stuffed in the pillow. "Hi sweetheart, how are you?"
"Oh, hey Mom." I was happy to hear her voice. "I just wanted to remind you to feed the dog! I knew you'd probably forget. You usually do."
"Gee, thanks Milf." I can hear her laugh through the speaker.
"I love you, your father and I will see you soon, alright?"
"Wait, can I talk to Dad?" I beg. "I'm sorry hun, he's on the phone right now with work."
"When is he not..." My head fell in disappointment and my eyes became watery. "I'll have him call you later tonight. We love you."
"I love you, too." And I ended the call. My father is always working. Always. I never get to see him and it kills me. We use to do everything together. Play football together, go to the batting cages, the movies, sporting events. We were bestfriends, until work really kicked in. Now he's never around. By the time I wake up, he already left. When he gets home, I'm already asleep. It hurts. It feels as if my father doesn't exist anymore. Then my mother's words pop into my head. I've got to feed the dog!
"Rocky!" I yell and run downstairs. I find him laying down on the kitchen floor. I laugh and playfully roll my eyes. I grab his metal dog bowl and pull his food out of the cabinet. I can hear him panting behind me and I giggle lightly. I poured his food into his bowl and placed it wear it was before. He walks over to it and looks into the bowl. I can hear him whine. "You are so needy." I laugh and look in the fridge. "Perfect!" I find a container of left over chicken that Mom made the other night. I pull out the container and open it up. I grab a piece of chicken and place it on the cutting board and walk over to wear we keep the knives. I grab a small one walk back over to wear I was.
I cut up the chicken and put the pieces in my hand. Rocky looked up me with wide eyes, begging. I walked pasted him and headed towards his bowl. I threw the chicken inside and he came running towards me. I threw the cutting board and knife into the sink and put the rest of the chicken back into the fridge.
* * *
I glanced over at the clock and it read: 10:36. I'm so happy it was Friday. I grabbed my Windows 8 off of the floor and placed it on my lap. I opened it up and typed in my password. My Michael Jackson background made me smile and I clicked on Skype. My mouse swiped over other contacts until it reached Brayden's. I clicked on Video and it began to ring.
"Hey Bitch!" Brayden's voice came through over the speaker. "Hey Bray." I smiled and grabbed my bowl of Hersey Kisses and sat it on my lap. "Gimmie!" He demanded and I laughed, popping one of the chocolates into my mouth. "Not fair." He crosses his arms and looked to the side. "Has Tyler texted you?"
"Yes!" He says, whipping out his iPhone and scrolling through his messages. "Okay wanna hear what he said?"
"YES! Tell me!" I said, unwrapping another chocolate. "Fatty." He muttered playfully. "Shut the fuck up! Okay, tell me!" He chuckled and glanced back at his phone.
"Okay, so he said 'hey'
I said 'Hey'
He said "What's up babe?'"
"He called you babe!?" I exclaimed, nearly choking on my chocolate. "CHOKE!"
"CHOKE!" I laughed and he kept reading. "I said 'Nothing much ;) hbu?' and he said 'thinking about you'"
"Ugh, I'm jealous he's so fucking hot!" I screamed since I had the freedom because nobody was home. "You have a boyfriend!"
"So are you and Jason doing anything special tomorrow?"
"Actually, he's coming over tomorrow." I remembered and Brayden's jaw drops. "No he's not."
"No, no, no, no, no, NO!"
"What?" I questioned with a confused look on my face. "Okay, I've been hearing things around school."
"Jason is planning to take your virginity. Then dumping you." My smile dropped. My heart ached. It stopped.
"W-What?" I stuttered and tears formed into my eyes. "I'm so sorry Ter-"
"How could you say that?" I snap, my eyes full of tears. "Excuse me?" I can tell that Brayden is pissed but I keep talking, "Why would you even lie about that? You don't even fucking know him Brayden!"
"I'm just trying to be a good fucking friend Terra!"
"Well guess what? All you're doing is pissing me off!"
"Terra quit being so fucking bitchy and listen to me-"
"You know what, Brayden? Fuck you. I hope I never have to see your sorry ass ever again."
"Oh my fucking god Terra. Are you kidding me? You're literally fucking yelling at me because I care about you."
"I don't even know why you want Jason and I to break up, he loves me."
"HOLY SHIT TERRA! Open your fucking eyes god damn it! Every time he's with you he shoves his hand down your pants!"
"FUCK OFF!" I slam my laptop shut and by the time my head hits my pillow, I'm bawling my eyes out. It feels like my best friend came and ripped my fucking heart out. My emotions are everywhere. Sadness and angry are killing me and I don't know what to do.
* * *
The Next Night
My doorbell rung and I jumped off of the couch. I walked over to the door and opened it, reveling the face of my boyfriend. "Hey, Jay."
"Hey babe." He smirked and made his way over to me, placing his hands on my hips and pulling me into a passionate kiss. His lips moved with mine and his tongue explored my mouth. He picked my up and brought my legs around his waist. Our lips never broke apart, then I realized something.
We were in my bedroom.