Benny's head shot back to Jules, who was sitting next to her at the Hufflepuff table, and who she hadn't been listening to for the past five minutes, despite the animated storytelling. "I'm sorry," she mumbled.
Jules just laughed and shook her head. "You'd think with a serial killer on the loose you'd be more alert," she joked.
"That's not funny," Roman said, sitting across from them. He then buried his nose in his book. "My parents' paranoia is getting to me."
Benny was staring at Jules blankly, until she gestured towards Carrie, who was sitting at the Slytherin table.
Benny was quick to grab Jules' hand and shove it down. She avoided looking directly into Jules' face.
"You know that you're gonna have to tell her eventually, right?" Jules asked. "You can't just gaze longingly across the Great Hall forever. Besides, you'll give yourself an aneurysm."
Benny continued avoiding her gaze.
"Tell her what?" Roman's curiosity was getting the best of him. Jules just looked at Benny.
Benny had thought that Carrie was the prettiest girl she'd ever seen on the day they met. Unfortunately, the feeling grew rather than faded. She admired her quick wit, her drive, her creativity. It was reaching a point of no return.
Not that Roman had noticed, which Benny took solace in. He tended to go back and forth between the most observant person in the room to the most oblivious, depending on the subject. His lack of awareness about her situation was peaceful, and helped Benny relax. Jules was the opposite. She was very aware of Benny's anxiety and was good at talking her through it, but it usually ended in the very Gryffindor suggestion of "just go and tell her" even though Benny knew for a fact that Jules would never take her own advice.
"How have you not noticed?" Jules asked.
"Noticed what?"
"I can't believe you."
"What did I do? What's happening?"
"Nothing, you're just..."
"Just dreamy," Carrie said. She had seemingly come out of nowhere, appearing behind Jules and draping her arms over her friend's shoulders. Benny's eyes instantly became fixated on the table, as did Jules'. Roman covered even more of his face with his book, allowing Carrie to be able to read the cover.
"Rarest Magicks? Is that Benny's biography?" Carrie asked.
"Don't you mean autobiography?" Jules struggled to look up at Carrie.
"No. I'm definitely going to write it, and I'm going to call it something like that." Carrie pondered for a moment. "Hopelessly Charmed? Lovely Enchantments?"
Benny finally looked up. "Don't steal my ideas for your biography," she warned, "I'll sue you for copyright."
"I'm not afraid of you."
"You should be."
"Perhaps, but your smile is just so disarming."
Someone at the Slytherin table shouted Carrie's name. "Gotta go, my loves," she sighed, "I have a study date with my potions partners. Catch you later!"
She shifted her bag on her shoulder and walked off toward the entrance hall. Benny's posture sank what seemed like six inches.
Roman put his book down. "I think I know what you were talking about," he told Jules. Jules emphatically nodded. Benny grunted and stood.
"I'm going for a walk," she said. "I feel like my brain is about to explode."
"Hey, do you want to come to my dorm later?" asked Jules. "My roommates are going to be out till late, apparently."
"Sure," Benny said without turning around. She quickly exited the hall, and soon after, the castle.
The lake was Benny's favorite place to be at sunset. The way the colors reflected off the water always dazzled her, and sometimes the giant squid would poke his head up and wave at her. She leaned back on her hands and let her bare feet dangle in the water.
"Hey," said a familiar voice. Carrie plopped down next to her and began to take her shoes off. "You were supposed to meet up with us."
"I guess time got away from me."
Carrie studied Benny for a moment, but set her shoes down and turned her gaze to the lake's surface. "Roman's checking the library, and Jules is up in the owlery and the Astronomy Tower," she continued. "It's almost curfew. We should head back inside."
Neither girl made a move to leave.
"Can I ask you something?" Carrie didn't look at Benny as she spoke.
"What's up?"
"If you were to ask somebody on a date to Hogsmeade, how would you do it?"
Benny's heart sank. She wasn't going to make Carrie aware of it, however.
Her hesitation caught Carrie's attention. "Are you okay?"
Benny cleared her throat in an attempt to get rid of the lump forming in her throat. She nodded, and let out a deep breath.
"I'd probably find a time where everything was peaceful, when you're alone, and I'd list off things I'd be interested in doing with them."
"Like what?" Carrie sounded intrigued, but still wouldn't look at her.
"Like... going to get a butterbeer, maybe with friends, and then walk around alone to the shops and things and maybe even to the Shrieking Shack if you guys feel brave enough."
Benny was trying to find a point in the conversation where it wouldn't feel rude to excuse herself. Carrie finally looked at her.
"So I was wondering," Carrie reached for Benny's hand, "would you want to go to Hogsmeade with me? I'm thinking about maybe grabbing a butterbeer with Roman and Jules, and then I can buy you things at Honeydukes and Zonko's, and maybe we could even walk up to the Shrieking Shack if we're feeling brave enough."
Benny couldn't decide whether she wanted to slap her or kiss her. She settled for leaning her head on her shoulder.
"That sounds wonderful," she murmured.
They sat together and watched the sun slowly sink below the horizon. Just before twilight set in, they made their way back to the castle.
They found Roman and Jules in front of the entrance to Gryffindor Tower. Jules was pacing like a madman, and Roman was sitting against the wall watching her. They both seemed worried. Benny didn't realize why until Jules saw her.
"Benny!" Jules exclaimed, and she threw her arms around her. "Roman's paranoia is contagious. I thought you might've been -"
She stopped when she realized that her friend was only hugging her with one arm. She pulled away and finally noticed Benny's hand in Carrie's.
"I knew it!" Roman exclaimed, jumping to his feet.
"Excuse me?" Jules was half-glaring at Roman.
"I knew it!"
"Only because I told you!"
"I would've figured it out eventually."
"Yeah, maybe at their wedding."
Roman and Jules continued bickering as they crawled through the portrait hole. Carrie and Benny smiled at each other before following them.
"Do you think it would've been until the wedding?" Carrie asked.
Benny didn't even hesitate. "Definitely."

Tales from Hogwarts
FanfictionA collection of short stories about four friends, each in a different Hogwarts house. From day-in-the-life to date nights to big fights, the many years at Hogwarts are certainly eventful. Note: Benny, Jules, Roman, and Carrie are two years ahead of...