Walking the Same Road
Jaune: Aang?
Aang: hello Jaune....I know you have a lot of questions...
Jaune: yeah lots. Why? How?
Aang: the soul is unbreakable.
Jaune: but Korra....
Aang: she was young and brash when she became the Avatar. She had a lot to learn but did little as he time was cut short.
Jaune: you mean the End of the first Cycle?
Aang: yes when Raava and Vatuu fought another pair of celestial beings entered our world.
Jaune: the Brothers....
Aang: they claimed to be the creators of this world but the Spirits disagreed.
They were denizens from another world who came here with barely any knowledge and demands that he be worshiped.
Jaune: he?
Aang: the brother of Light who audaciously demanded to be treated as a deity.
But when humanity chose not to bow he took his brother with him and taught us a lesson.
Korra did her best but she was killed....
In an act of self preservation the Avatar spirit and Raava his in the Spirit World.
Jaune: and the Second Cycle starts anew....
Aang: it was within that cycle that the Avatar spirit returned to the world when the Brothers mysteriously vanished.
Jaune: so...
Aang: you have to be trained to take on those brothers if they should ever return.
Jaune nods
Aang: it is time.
He picked Jaune up as the clouds on the mountain cleared and we see a multitude of people floating in the air and their eyes glowing and staring at Jaune
Aang's eye glowed as well
Jaune then began to glow and the Spirit World was engulfed in a flash of light
Back to the crossroads Iroh sat with a cup of tea ready for his friend
Jaune came back and was more stable
Iroh: I see you have found your way.
Jaune: thanks to you.
Iroh: I just pointed you in a direction, the rest was all you.
Jaune saw down and Iroh gave him some tea
They had a chat until someone else joined the tea Party
???: I hope I'm not late.
Iroh: you're just in time I'm entertaining a guest. You should know him.
Jaune looks towards the man and he instantly stood up
It was Guru Laghima
Laghima: you have grown my young Air Bender.
He was caught off guard as Jaune gave him a hug as he chuckled and oats the boy's back
Jaune: I missed you Master......
Laghima: I missed you too my child.
He then takes a good look at him checking his progress
Laghima: good. I can be at peace. You have truly grown up to be a fine young man.
Jaune: it's all thanks to your teachings Master.
Laghima: let's just say we all did our parts.
They all sat together and chatted about old times
Iroh shared his stories with Jaune's past lives and Laghima shared his time raising Jaune
Jaune shared his time meeting his family and his time as a student and meeting new friends
Laghima: I'm happy that you were able to move on.
Jaune: it was hard at first especially travelling alone. But I made it work.
Laghima nods proudly
Iroh: hmmm.
Jaune was fading
Iroh: it seems like we have to cut his meeting short. You have to get back to the real world.
Jaune: I wish we had more time.
Laghima: we will young Jaune. I will always be here. Until then.
Jaune: it was nice seeing you again Master. And it was nice meeting you Iroh.
Iroh: I'll have the tea ready next time.
Jaune smiled as he fades away
Jaune woke up in the Park as it was night time
He then heard crashing as he stood up and looked for the source of the disturbance
He saw a towering machine heading for the free way as he sees a group of people trying to stop it
The people in question was familiar to Jaune and no it's not his friends but the attire they wore
It was Adam Taurus and his friends stopping the White Fang Rally
Roman and a group broke off to cause chaos but Adam prevented them from getting into a populated area
Jaune was shocked when a pillar of earth suddenly jutted out and smashed the Paladin in the face
He sees the leader of the Lotus Earth Bend and creates a wall cornering the extremists
Jaune decided to lend a hand
Adam led his squad against Roman
Roman: you cultists again?
Adam: first animals then extremists then cultists. Do you have nothing but names to throw around.
Or are you not man enough to fight with actions.
Roman: I'll show you action!
Weapons on the Paladin deploys as Adam heard
He then stomps on the ground and four large rocks shoots upwards
He then back spin kicks and launched them at every turret on the Paladin, disabling it's weapon systems
Ilia and Trifa then jumps on the back and damages it's servos to disable it's movements
Then a squad tries to save Roman only for Deery to take them down before they could make a problem
But Roman was not done yet as he grabs Ilia and Trifa in each hand and he spun the torso like a Helicopter and then sent the two crashing into cars
Adam clicks his Young's and he gets ready to launch another attack
Until he felt heat build up
He looks up to see someone with fire in his hand lands on top of the Paladin
The Paladin's cockpit was sliced open by intense heat as Roman was exposed
And he then used his wind to blow him out of the mech
Roman: do you know how hard it was for us to steal this damn thing!?
Now it's worthless!
Jaune: I suggest you rethink your current life choices.
Roman: oh we got another one of those hippies.
Jaune: what?
Roman: what you smoke too?
Ilia: oh shut it you jamoke and just take your Lumps!
Roman: I have better things to do than debate with a bunch of pacifists.
Then suddenly a girl with an umbrella appeared out of nowhere and stood beside Roman
Roman: well I will see you next time you goody two shoes!
Jaune launched a fire blast at them and they shatter to glass
Adam: they were gone a few minutes ago.
They used the chaos to escape.
Jaune: you're....
Adam: I know...and you are.....fire and wind.....you're the Avatar.
His friends all looked at each other
Jaune: how did you know that?
Adam: I spent time in a Temple reflecting on my past actions.
Jaune: I see.
He hears sirens coming from the distance
Jaune: let's talk about this somewhere more private.
They all nod and went back to Tukson's Bookstore
Jaune: you are wearing the uniform of the White Lotus. I have to question you're intentions for that.
Adam: I saw the error of my ways and decided to correct it by stopping the violent elements of the White Fang.
I found books, texts and scrolls about you and the White Lotus and how you all brought an age of peace in the world.
I was inspired to also make a difference.
Ilia: you called him the Avatar, what does that mean Adam?
Adam: he is the one person chosen to bear the responsibility of bringing balance to the world.
He is the only person who can control all Elements at once.
Trifa: but if he is this Avatar guy many years ago. How is he here?
Adam: he returns through a reincarnation cycle. He reincarnates to the next Element of a certain nation.
Deery: that is crazy? So these stories were true?
Adam: I saw you use Fire and Wind. Can you...
Jaune then shows he can use water and a little bit of earth
Adam: that is strange. You should be an Earth Bender after the last Avatar, Korra was a Water Bender from the Water tribe.
Jaune: I was raised by an air bender.
Adam: makes sense with you're more indirect approach.
Jaune: yeah I am adept at Fire and slightly good with Water but I haven't done much with Earth.
Adam: this can't be an accident.
Jaune: what do you mean?
Adam: I felt a pull to do this Battle with the Fang and it led me to you.
I have been training to be an Earth Bender for 3 months now maybe my purpose now is to teach you how to earth bend since you've been having trouble.
Jaune spoke about what Adam just said only for them to speak at the same time
Jaune and Adam: there are No Accidents.
Jaune: so you follow Guru Laghima's teaching.
Adam: yes.
Jaune: since that is true I can trust you.
He gave Adam his hand and the two shook it
Jaune: let's bring balance back to the world.
Adam: the White Lotus will follow you.
The two nods and gave the sign of respect
Jaune got to know the members during the night as they hide from the cops still searching all night
Change is coming
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