"billie— wait!" lyra quickly hurried after the black haired girl, unwilling to let her run away this time.the cafeteria was crowded so it was difficult to manouvere through the swarm of students to catch up to her.
the blonde eventually made it out into the hallway, catching up to billie, placing a hand on her shoulder to keep her still.
billie froze under her touch, her shoulders tensing as she didn't make any effort to turn around and face the taller girl.
lyra frowned slightly, "can you look at me?"
the smaller girl slowly turned her head, her eyes brimming with tears making the blonde's expression soften.
"what was all that about?"
billie shrugged slightly, her mouth opening and closing as she tried to form words but the large lump in her throat was practically choking her.
"i need you to stay away from him", billie eventually spoke, her voice a lot more serious and steady than lyra expected and a stark contrast to her teary expression.
lyra sighed, she had no interest in spending time with that musty looking dude but she was getting fed up with being left in the dark.
all the secrets.
"you need to tell me what's going on".
billie ran a hand through her hair, her left brow twitching slightly as she thought for a moment before shaking her head.
"you don't understand—"
"billie, you won't let me understand".
lyra kept her voice calm and level, knowing that something as little as her tone could make the difference to whether billie chooses to open up to her.
billie genuinely looks like she's contemplating it but she's so conflicted. on one hand talking about this would relieve a huge weight of her chest and allow her to hopefully experience some much needed comfort.
however, telling her about brandon means telling her about her past, and once that door was open, there was no going back.
she couldn't bare the thought of lyra seeing her in more of a negative light than she does already.
"i— i just can't", the black haired girl sounded defeated as she glanced up at the blonde, billie hoped she could tell that she wasn't hiding this for no reason.
"you can't tell me to stay away from someone and not be able to provide an explanation as to why", lyra knew she pushing billie's boundaries but she needed her to let her in.
"you're just going to have to trust me on this", billie sounded desperate but lyra was not giving in so easily.
"how am i supposed to trust you when even after these past few months, it feels like i barely even know you?" lyra retorted, but that's when she realised she'd crossed a line as billie's expression darkened.
"i've told you twice now, no", billie spoke, her tone now growing colder, "just drop it. already".
lyra could see the black haired girl's patience wearing thin, she had an expression on her face that almost looked as if she were challenging her to ask again.
"i'm not trying to get in your business, billie", lyra tried, "i just need to know even an ounce of what the fuck is going on, i mean venus seems to know what's going on and i didn't even think the two of you were friends!"
"no, it's not fair, i feel like i'm the only one being left in the dark here, and i think i've proven time and time again that you can trust me, yet you still won't tell me anything, not about brandon, not even about alessia—"
"i said drop it!" billie practically yelled, her eyes filled with fury for a split second.
the sudden commotion caused everyone in the hallway to freeze, slowly turning to look at her whilst muttering snide comments to their friends.
her cheeks flushed dark red, embarrassment taking over her expression as she averted her eyes to the ground, taking a deep breath as she regained her composure.
"it's not that i don't trust you", billie's voice was quiet, "i just can't lyra, it's too big of a risk, so please... just let this go".
lyra was ready to question her on exactly what she meant by that but instead let out a small sigh, feeling a little defeated, their seemed to be no way she was getting any information out of billie right now.
"fine...", the blonde mumbled, folding her arms over each other.
billie let out an audible sigh of relief, her body relaxing slightly, "thank you".
lyra hummed slightly in response, not really feeling satisfied with the result of this conversation, but she knew she had to let it slide or risk pushing billie further away.
there was a moment of awkward silence before billie cleared her throat, "we need to go to the common room, well i do... ms miller will murder me if i do as much as stick a toe out of line".
"yeah... i'll come", lyra murmured, not making much effort to make any eye contact with billie.
she knew it was petty of her to be holding a grudge over this but really even though billie said it had nothing to do with trust, to lyra she felt as if it had everything to do with trust and the fact that billie couldn't trust her enough to give her even a hint of what was happening, made her heart clench slightly.
the walk up to the common room was silent, the only sound being lyra's shoes squeaking each time they hit the floor, the sound was starting to make her cringe.
the hallways were empty, everyone seeming to be in there common rooms or elsewhere, the white lights were flickering slightly above the pair.
lyra had no energy left in her to socialise and as they approached the common room she could hear the sheer amount of people inside, the sound itself was enough to drain away all that she had left in her and as she opened the door, she was met with a flurry of students.
by the time she stepped in, billie had completely disappeared which wasn't unusual but wasn't making lyra feel any better about everything.
"lyra!" she turned around and saw venus sat on one of the tables beckoning her over.
letting out a small sigh, she put on her best smile and walked over, "hey".
"you good? did billie get mad at you?" venus asked, patting a spot next to her for lyra to sit.
"no... she's not mad, but she's gone and disappeared... again", lyra's shoulders fell slightly as venus placed a reassuring hand her shoulder.
"try not to take it personally... she's always been like that", venus spoke with a soft smile, "i know it's not an excuse but, im just saying, i don't think it's anything against you".
"i know... i just feel like i'm being left out of all of this, like there's this huge secret and i'm the only one who's not allowed to know, i mean i didn't even know you were friends with billie".
"i'm not— well not anymore, we used to be a while back but you know... after that whole thing with alessia which even i don't have answers for, we stopped talking", venus explained, "well she stopped talking".
"who's brandon?" lyra suddenly asked, if billie wasn't willing to give her any answers, maybe venus would, "why does everyone know who that dude is and why do i need to stay away from him".
venus froze slightly, hesitating as she struggled to come up with an answer.
"he's just not good guy", venus spoke quietly, "not someone you want in your life, unfortunately billie and i made that mistake".
"but who is he? what does he want? and why does billie look so scared of him".
"look, this is her business not mine, but if she's not telling you something, it's probably for a reason, he's a really shitty dude, basically a sociopath, so please listen when i say, stay as far away from him as possible, him knowing you're friends from billie is bad enough", venus explains.
lyra nods slightly, "i just wish she felt like she could talk to me".
"trust me i don't think she feels like she can talk to anyone, but from what i've seen, she really likes you, and does trust you, i think she's just scared".
"scared of what?"
"letting someone in, letting someone be close to her again", venus' voice was soft as she played with the rings on her fingers, "you don't know what she was like before or during her relationship with lex, she was a totally different person to how she is now".
the bells suddenly rung, signaling that it was time for students to go back to there rooms and get ready for bed, the loud ring almost made lyra jump out of her skin.
venus hopped off the table shoving her bottle into her bag, "look all im saying is that this is not something to press her on, it will only drive her further away, she does care about you, but need to drop it, this is not something you want to get mixed up in".
with that she walks away and out the common room, not giving lyra the chance to respond and instead leaving her even more confused.
it's been a year and a half omg
idek if anyone is still interested in this book, it's been so long
this is a filler chapter i can't lie
but you shld be getting another update soon :)
i won't leave you hanging for over a a year i swear
how's everyone doing?