What more can the system do.

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They decided to do it right away, Even if it had been getting slightly late, They all felt like they should have done this. Momo was the first one at the door. She knocked on the door. The girls behind her trying their best to look proper, They did this without even thinking about it.'' Yes hello?'' Toshinori opened the door, wearing green pajamas.'' Oh, Oh Mister Yagi, he-hello.'' Momo had started slightly panicking. She didn't know what she could say. In her mind she had to say it to Inko, She had planned what she could say against Inko, But now seeing the other parent, started messing with her head.

'' Sir, We came to ask about Izuku, To try and help him,'' Fuyumi said as she stepped forward.'' Oh, Let me call Inko to join us, Please come in.'' Toshinori allowed them inside. It was the entire female part of the class.'' Oh, Hello, Good evening.'' Inko said holding a glass of wine, wearing all might-themed pajamas with unicorn puffy slippers.'' Hello ma'am.'' Fuyumi had taken the front as she seemed more steady.'' Can we help you?'' Inko was confused as to why the girls had come by.

'' Uhm, No ma'am, We wanted to ask if we could help instead.'' Inko raised an eyebrow.'' With Yagi, Uhm Izuku.'' Oh?'' Kyoka stepped forward, her cheeks bright red, and looked at the floor.'' I-I-I-I-I-I-I O-overheard Yagi t-talk with Mi-Miss Midnight.'' Ah, I see.'' Inko nodded her head slightly.'' You Accidentally overheard the conversation with Midnight. Talking about Izuku's bad night.'' Kyoka nodded. Inko merely smiled.'' We just want to know if we can help.'' Yamato added. The girls all nodded. Even if they were embarrassed, They were willing to help nonetheless. Inko smiled.'' I think that would be very kind of all of you, However, it's up to Izuku.'' Inko started leading them outside again.

As they were all on the outside Inko decided to mess with them a little.'' But I don't think any of you could Sleep with Izuku like Midnight did today, But perhaps if you really want.'' She instantly closes the door, Slamming it shut to not allow any more questions. The lights went off Right away, But both of them were peaking through the windows with smiles. Toshinori had heard what had happened just a few minutes ago.

The girls were all bright red. Frozen in place completely shocked and confused as to what Izuku might have been doing with their super seductive teacher. They stood there for nearly 10 minutes completely shocked. Before they started moving back.'' D-do we have to sleep with izuku to help him.'' Uta said in a soft embarrassed voice. The girls didn't answer. They were too embarrassed to talk about it. They just went home. Instantly they went to their dorm rooms. Each of them didn't leave their room until late the next morning. Each of them had different levels of embarrassment.

Izuku however walked down with a smile.'' Why are you smiling bro?'' Kirishima asked having not seen Izuku smile like that before. '' Well.'' Izuku had to think back to the night.


'' Yo Izuku.'' Oh, hello System.'' Izuku said softly as Eri slept in his arms.'' We found a way to help Eri.'' Indeed, Truly a masterful way, It shall challenge you like a true warrior should be tested.'' While I appreciate that you see me as a warrior, I would just want to help her.'' Izuku had no other want than to help her.'' And that is the reason why We like you.'' The system said with Zero adding multiple Emotes'' So what is it.'' A dungeon.'' The system said.'' a what?'' Izuku asked back confused.

'' Okay, stay with me. Each night, we can allow you to enter something we call a dungeon. Think of it like a small map of a video game. The first level. Floor F.'' Izuku nodded, he was with them so far.'' In this dungeon, you have to beat monsters. Like they are villains. Like a video game. When you clear more than 95% of the map, A Boss door will open. A waypoint will be made, You have to move there and beat the boss. With that, you will get loot. Which for you will be health potions, Stamina Potions, Exp, and Gold. They will be very little, But it should help you at least a little.'' The system said with Izuku confused as to how this would help Eri.'' Ho'' Let me, please'' Fine, Just explain it well Zero.'' I will best buddy. So, Izuku. The boss that you will have to beat up is like the bad guy of Eri's dream, You beat him, Eri will have less trouble sleeping.''

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