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The scene begins with the aftermath of the battle. The swamp had flooded the tomb and destroyed the ruins, but luckily, Blue Pegasus was tracking the Fairies and managed to get them to safety. The Legion Platoon was gone, as they had managed to escape on their own and return to Zentopia, and Lyon was dropped off at Lamia Scale, but would inform the others of the situation.

It was also a bit of a struggle, but they had managed to remove the poison from their systems. However, if they get hit with another attack like that, the results could be more fatal than they'd like.

When looking into how the Oracion Seis came back, Lahar had checked the prison, and found that the entire prison was in a hologram that was so lifelike, no suspected any changes for years. Everything from the prisoners to the guards to even the security lacrimas were a perfect illusion. And once the hologram had shut off, they were greeted by the sight of a destroyed prison, dead bodies with maggots, and the stench of death.

Lucy had re-read the book and realized that they weren't supposed to collect the pieces at all. The book was in fact warning them not to assemble the clock from the beginning. Honestly, though, it's stunning that their youngest member, Asca, figured this out before. (A/N: Seriously, how was it that a 6 year old figured that out while the others thought getting the pieces together was a good idea?)

Even though Lucy was at first upset about it, the others cheered her up and convinced her that they can set things right and fix this. During this, Michelle looks off, and no one but Oswald noticed this. If he was being honest, something about Michelle was bothering him, but he didn't know what exactly. However, that would have to wait as the gang heads back to Fairy Tail to plan their next move.

Once back, they caught everyone up to speed on what happened.

Macao: The Oracion Seis... I was hoping I'd never hear that name again.

Wakkaba: I reckon that's why ol' Makarov was summoned by the Ten Wizard Saints?

Erza: Mmm... Our guild was responsible for their members' arrests following the Nirvana Incident. And now it appears that they've escaped from prison.

Gray: While we were asleep for those seven years, they got a lot stronger.

Carla: We were so utterly hopeless against them this last time. Especially from that Poison Kaiju Slayer.

Romeo: I couldn't do a single thing to help. I'm too weak!

Michelle: Sorry... I'm the one to blame for all of this.

Lucy: Please don't be so hard on yourself, Michelle... Don't you remember what Natsu said before? My dad dumped all this crazy stuff on us and expected us to figure it out without explanation.

Wendy: Do you even know how your father managed to get involved in all this business with the Infinity Clock in the first place?

Lucy: No clue, unfortunately.

Oswald: It's possible he got the hand piece from a dig-site somewhere and when he studied more on the clock, he might realized how bad it was. Either way, we gotta find the clock and destroy it.

Erza: Oswald's right. Our highest priority at the moment is to locate the Neo-Oracion Seis and recover the clock before they can fully use it.

Natsu: Well, then let's get moving! All we gotta do is start looking everywhere we can think of, and we're bound to run into them eventually, right?

Gray: Don't be stupid. We need to come up with a solid plan of action before we do anything.

Natsu: (angered) What?! Who're you calling stupid?! All I'm saying is if we wanna find them, we gotta get out there and look!


Gray: (equally angered) I called you stupid, flame-for-brains! Because only a complete idiot would go running around with no strategy!

They then began fighting until Oswald smacked them both with his shovel.

Oswald: Wish you both weren't so annoying and dense.


The Thunder Legion had returned from their mission and had been given the rundown on what's going on. Freed had also said that he heard about eye witness reports that the Oracion Seis are indeed the ones behind the church attacks.

Kinana had also woken up and had taken a fork to carve out writing on the wall. Levy and Freed took a look at it, and found that it was not only the same type of writing they found on the clock hand, but also about the same author who wrote "Key of the Starry Heavens".

It told how the man was a Celestial Wizard who had many followers, and was a cardinal of Zentopia who was dedicated to the church. However, one day, we left the church completely for unknown reasons, and later returned to the public as an author. To make it stranger, his official records as a Celestial Wizard and of his following aren't mentioned in official public records.

Natsu gets frustrated and wanted to know how this would help find their enemies. Cana then suggests she uses her fortune telling magic to find them, and to determine the best teams to fight.

Now, Oswald was approaching one of the areas with Mirajane as the pair were a team based on Cana's prediction.

Oswald: So, this is the place we're supposed to find one of the menders of Oracion Seis?

Mirajane: It should be. Let's see what we can find. (Beat) By the way, is it true that you can't use Super Kaiju Mode?

Oswald: (after a moment) I can't. After I spent 7 years asleep, my own power doesn't want to work properly. During that last training bit, I was sent to fight my inner magic. To prove that I was able to be stronger and earn the right to have Super Kaiju Mode again. But, I lost, and now it refuses to work.

Mirajane: But you remember what the master said, right? You can also absorb strong mana to use it.

Oswald: I know, but... I just feel like I have to prove I'm strong.

Mirajane: Oswald...

Before he could get into it further, rumbling was heard and trees shoot out with Biollante riding up on them.

Biollante: Looks like they were right about you being here.

Mirajane: The Kaiju Slayer.

Biollante: Lucky me, I get to fight the She-Devil and Monster King. This'll be fun while the others finish their jobs.

Oswald: Their jobs?

Biollante doesn't respond but snaps her fingers. Suddenly, the entire church nearby gets completely uprooted and destroyed.

Oswald: (shocked) What?!

Mirajane: (shocked) No!

Biollante: And it's over just like that. Honestly, if the others didn't want to have their fun, I could've been done with this in no time at all.

Oswald then fires a blast at her which she retaliated with her own. They go back and forth until they create an explosion. As it dies down, they jump in as Mirajane triggers Satan Soul.

Oswald: Atomic Claws!

Biollante: Thorn Blades!

Mirajane SS: Evil Slicer!

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