Morrigan awoke to the smell of frying meat and the sound of arguing. She hadn't slept well, though she couldn't recall a time she had ever slept well, even when she was a child. Her lodgings were nothing grand to speak about, a simple room with a bed, table, chair, dresser, and wash station. The table and chair she had traded for a day's labour cutting wood for someone who was going to scrap them. Hardly a fair exchange but she appreciated having somewhere to call her workstation. It was mostly used for practicing runework, repeating patterns Eithne had instructed her on in order to commit the sigils to memory. It was exhausting after a day's work not just for the physical toll, but also the way in which it drew on her own magic reserves. At the very least the feeling was proof that her practice was working.
She pulled herself out of bed and got dressed in her usual work clothes. Heavy pants, boots, and a simple tunic, all forever embedded with dirt and dust that no amount of washing could ever truly clean. Before heading downstairs, she gazed out at the forest in the direction of Eithne's Cottage mentally prepping herself for what the day would bring.
In the common room of The Loping Gait several patrons were already getting drunk. This did little to stem Morrigan's uneasiness and so she did her best to ignore the raucous chatter of the group. She sat at a table far from them and waited for the barkeep to bring her whatever he decided to pull out of the stores that morning. Food and board were paid ahead of time, and she didn't even need to say a word to Fion in the morning to get her meal. To her surprise though he loitered for a moment after setting a plate of salt meat and hard tack in front of her.
"Hm?" was all she could muster; she was in no mood for conversation.
"Couple of the boys are going out on a boar hunt. Beast has been causing some trouble and they figure we can have a little feast and deal with the bugger at the same time. You in?"
Morrigan thought for a moment wondering if the witch had somehow set this up.
"What time then?" she asked.
"This afternoon. Meet with Micah then if you're interested," the man didn't say another word before departing leaving Morrigan to reflect on her choice.
Show them some good faith, and hopefully we can smooth things over and avoid another incident, Eithne's words kept running through Morrigan's mind.
Morrigan felt strange about hunting. Hunting, killing, and consuming were part of the natural way of things, the cycles of nature wouldn't exist if animals couldn't hunt, and humans were part of this cycle. But when it began to be treated as a sport it rubbed her the wrong way. Still, in this case they were protecting what was theirs and the animal wouldn't be going to waste if they had this feast of theirs. At least that's how she justified it to herself, but she couldn't help but have a bad feeling about the entire situation.
She took a sip of water as her curiosity got the better of her and began eavesdropping on the conversation of the other patrons.
"Bloody thing is gonna be the end of us! Eileen is making a mistake I tell you," one of them was practically shouting.
"Aye, we should be taking matters into our own hands, don't want that thing coming after my daughter I tell yah," another added.
"It's just some bloody walking talking rocks, let's smash it and be done with this entire argument."
It seemed Eileen's decision regarding Macha wasn't popular. This was something she'd have to tell the speaker and Eithne about when she could. For now, however she doubted she could safely confront these men given their demeanour. She quickly finished her meal and set off, unlike them she had work to do.

LobisomemMorrigan regretted little when she left her birthplace behind, seeking a new start for herself in her family's ancestral home. Apprenticed to a witch, she became content with a meager living, even if her poor luck and worse social skills drew the ir...