That's Entertainment (Pilot)

815 13 55

(3rd Pov)

A scene opens up showing Y/N, who just woke up, now brushing his teeth.

Y/N's Thoughts: Well, today is the interview with 666 news network, and apparently is going to be filmed live. I hope things doesn't go bad and make the hotel look bad. I'm curious to know if this redemption will work.

As soon as Y/N was done brushing, he suddenly started to have a headache out of nowhere, hurting him, causing him to lose his balance as he was holding onto the sink while grabbing his head.

Y/N: Argh! Not again! Ever since yesterday, these headaches won't stop coming back, and I don't know why?!

Y/N started to splash water on his face, hoping to ease the headache pain. Once he was done, he looked up at the mirror to see his reflection, and he saw something that made him jump out of fear.


What Y/N saw before he turned around quickly was three shadowing figures behind him who could only see their eyes. The one to his right has completely white eyes with no pupils or irises; the other one to his left has red spiral eyes; and the last one above him has eyes that are completely black with glowing red pupils in the middle and red glowing liquid running down its face.

Y/N turned around quickly only to see nothing, and he started to breathe heavily. Y/N turned back around to see his reflection again to see the shadowing figures were are now gone. He rubbed his eyes as his hands began to shake in fear.

Y/N: (scared) Wh-What was th-that?!

After a few minutes Y/N calmed down and sat on his bed thinking about what happened.

Y/N's thoughts: What was that I just saw? it was horrified... but for some reason I felt somewhat connected to them. Like they are apart of me. It just doesn't make any sense?!... Perhaps is best not to think about it; I should just get ready for today.

Y/N got up from the bed, grabbed his hat, put it on his head, and left his room feeling uneasy about what happened. Y/N is now walking down the hall going to the main lobby, thinking about the interview with the news network.

Y/N's thoughts: I wonder how the interview is going to go. Is it any different from Earth, or is it about the same as usual? but then again, judging by how not so different hell is from Earth, I won't be surprised.

Y/N was soon interrupted by a sound.

Y/N: Huh? Where's that coming from?

(Y/N Pov)

I then started following the sound to see where it came from. After a short while, the sound became louder and clearer, then I realized it was Charlie's voice. I was now at the balcony entrance. I peeked my head over to see her on the balcony singing. Her voice filled with sadness.

At the end of the rainbow there's happiness
And to find it, how often I've tried
But my life is a race
Just a wild goose chase
And my dreams have all been denied

Why have I always been a failure
What can the reason be
I wonder if the world's to blame
I wonder if it could be me

I'm always chasing rainbows
Watching clouds drifting by
My schemes are just like all my dreams
Ending in the sky

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Some fellows look and find the sunshine
I always look and find the rain
Some fellows make a winning sometime
I never even make a gain
Believe me

I'm always chasing rainbows
Waiting to find a little bluebird
In vain

I started to feel sad listening to her singing; I had never seen her like this before. Charlie always seems optimistic and joyful most of the time; it was depressing to see her like this. But I know I need to do something. I was debating whether to approach her or not.

Y/N's thoughts: What should I do? Do I approach her or not? I can't leave her like this, especially during the interview. But what if I make her sadder? What if I make this worse? I'm not very good at making people feel better.

That's when I made the decision to approach her. I gained a bit of courage, still nervous, but I took a deep breath and approached her.

Y/N: Charlie? Are you okay?

Charlie quickly turned around, showing tears rolling down her cheeks.

Charlie: Oh!

She then quickly wipes her tears away and puts on a nervous smile.

Charlie: Hey. Y-Y/N. What are you doing here?

Y/N: I was walking around until I heard you singing and I saw your crying. Why are you crying?

Charlie: What! I-I wasn't crying, I w-was- *sigh*

Charlie sighed and looked away from me and held her arms. I then walked up to her and stood next to her, struggling to think of something to say.

Y/N's thoughts: What do I do? What do I say? Should I just leave or stay?

Y/N: Do you want to t-talk about it?

Charlie stayed silent

Y/N: Y-You know the first step of getting b-better is to talk about your f-feelings to s-someone your t-trust.

Charlie: It's just that... I wanted to help my people and shared my ideas around the world, hope I can help make difference, but I just get denied and make fun of for being helpful. Despite everything I tried to do, it ends in failure, and it makes me feel so sad and wonder if there are right and that I'm bound to fail and never be able to make a difference.

Charlie shed more tears after she finished talking as I got even sadder hearing her talk like this.

Y/N: I-I don't think you're a failure.

Charlie: (looks at Y/N) You don't?

Y/N: No, in fact, I think you will be successful.

Charlie: Really?

Y/N: Yeah, it's just t-that it needs more time and patience to achieve your dreams. I mean, I'm the type of person who believes everyone deserves a second chance; it depends on what kind of person they are, and the point of achieving your dreams is that there's always something that will try to bring you down, but that will never stop you from keeping you going. Just because this is hell doesn't mean nothing good comes out of it. You just need to keep going, work hard, and stay positive because at some point you will finally accomplish your dreams.

Hearing those words made her feel comforted as she looked at me while wiping her tears away.

Charlie: You... really mean it?

Y/N: I do. Everything is possible as long as your mind is in the right place.

Then out of nowhere, Charlie wrapped her arms around me, bringing me into a hug as I blushed due to the suddenness, but I still returned the embrace.

A hopeless boy with a purpose (Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now