Chapter 7: A Thread Of Hope

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Miyuki, Grey, and Shade exited the old temple building and made their way back towards the temple. The scenery was completely different now that the filth licker had been exorcised and the cursed object removed. The dark clouds were gone, the cold damp feeling was gone, and the various sounds of birds, frogs, and bugs normally associated with spring had returned to the area. Miyuki let out a breath she hadn't even known she'd been holding as the warm afternoon sun hit her signaling they were finally clear of the damp interior of the dilapidated building behind them.

Shade seemed to pick up on her nervousness immediately. "Hey, it's ok, we took care of the spirit creating that space, you're free." Miyuki gave him a weak smile and sighed* "Is it really that obvious how nervous I am?" Shade's ears folded back and he scratched his cheek. "Er...maybe a little, I didn't mean anything by it, sorry" Miyuki returned an earnest smile this time and gave Shade a small bow "Thank you, really." Grey, who had been walking a bit ahead, noticed the two had slowed down and turned back to check on them. "Everything ok?" Miyuki looked up and nodded "Yeah, I guess I'm just still pretty shaken up by all this."

"Well, that's certainly understandable, that was honestly a lot, even for an experienced priest, veils aren't something we come across that often." Miyuki was surprised by this revelation, she had thought this was all pretty standard stuff for a priest or geomancer or whatever it was Grey did. "Really? So veils aren't normal?" Grey shook his head "no not at all, the caliber of spirit powerful enough to create a veil isn't common. Also, like I said before, this particular spirit isn't usually that powerful or aggressive. Filth lickers are a lower level spirit which hangs around old temples or holy sites, literally licking the filth off of them to keep them clean in the absence of priests or vassals to care for the shrine or site. Usually if a person comes across one they shy away from contact and the worst the person gets is a creepy story to tell someone as their appearance can be a bit unnerving."

Miyuki shivered at Grey's explanation and her hand subconsciously raised to touch the area where earlier, the same spirit being discussed had tried to strangle her with it's tongue. The memory paired with the explanation made Miyuki feel sick. Grey could see Miyuki was still shaken up and pulled his friend into a hug. "I'm sorry Miyuki, this is my fault, I thought this would be a fun trip for you, that you'd ask Kifu some questions, that I'd check my boxes, and we'd be back in time for lunch, I honestly had no idea this would happen." Miyuki tensed up for a moment but then allowed herself to relax and returned the gesture. "It's not your fault Grey, really." Miyuki broke the hug and stepped back with a smile. "You've been nothing but kind to me and I don't blame you for this, if it's all the same though, I would very much like to leave." Grey smiled and nodded in affirmation. "Sure, let me just pass on this necklace to Kifu and then we'll be on our way."

The trio walked back up the path to the main Temple where Kifu was anxiously waiting for them to return. When he saw Grey and Miyuki he breathed a sigh of relief and rushed over to them. "Grey! Kanagashira-san! Thank goodness you're ok. Has the veil been dealt with?" Kifu asked Grey hopefully. Grey nodded and gestured towards Shade. "It has been, thanks in part to Shade, who helped me a great deal with the exorcism." Kifu gave Shade a small bow. "You have my thanks, not only have you provided a service for my temple, but also to my friend." Shade gave a small bow in return. "It is my duty as a priest, nothing more."

Kifu smiled and sighed, taking a moment to appreciate the gentle breeze and the delicate scent of the cherry blossoms blooming around them. "It's moments like these that make me think that maybe the world will be ok, thank you, all of you. It's nice to see the old traditions being carried out." Kifu turned towards Miyuki with a smile, his tail wagging gently. "That includes you to Kanagashira-san. It's nice to see someone young interested in the old traditions. I invite and encourage all of you to attend Sakihara here next week, but especially you my dear. I think attending a real fox festival would do a lot for your understanding and Sakihara is a very popular festival to begin with. It's sure to be a lively event."

Tall TailsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora