A beautiful scenery appears in front of me. I stand upon a hill of what seems to be a golf course hole. The large and expansive sea on my left moved at a tranquil rhythm, an orange sky resting upon it on the horizon. The hole rested upon a small cliff that was as green as a forest. Short vegetation grew on the sides of the fairway and moved in the same way as the sea did, tranquil and soft. A small house sat at the back of the course and contrasted with the green and blue.
I begin to think to myself how many hits until I get to the flag? In my absentminded thinking, I take out a driver and position myself to hit the ball and then my brain catches up to me to let me know that I probably will overshoot it if I use the driver. I laugh to myself and put it back into the bag of different golf clubs. I look around to try and find the best one but none of them quite fit the bill for what I am looking for. I take the closest one for the situation and ready myself to hit the ball.
I position myself to take the hit and breathe softly. I hit the ball and this one inexplicably ends up at the green. I smile with pride at the hit and begin to walk over to where the ball landed. As I did, the house on the hill started to become more and more of a distraction for me as my eyes started to focus on it more and more. I decided to drop what I was doing and walk up to the door, I instinctively opened it and was greeted with a small living room. There was a sofa for 3 people facing a wall with a TV mounted on it, and a ceiling-to-floor window on my right illuminated the room which wasn't there as I approached the house from the outside. The living room had warm colors that reflected the outside in a way.
As my eyes focused on the details I noticed a woman was sitting on the sofa. She turned around to see who had come in. Her smile fills my heart with joy as I smile back. Her hair was in-between blonde and ginger, long and slightly wavy, thick glasses were resting over ocean blue eyes, and her lips were a bit thin but had red lipstick that made them more noticeable.
"Hey honey, come here, sit with me!" she ordered as she patted the sofa she was just sitting in as she stood up. The curves on her body became noticeable as she stood and I caught my eyes wandering through them. Her body was as beautiful as a Greek goddess's with a stomach that pressed slightly against her dress and a slightly wide and soft frame that made my mind spin.
I nodded and went over to sit down, the seats were longer than I expected so I decided to sit and scoot back a bit so my back would be against the sofa's backrest. The woman smiled and sat in the space in front of me, between my legs. She sighed slightly as she sat and an almost innate feeling came over me to wrap my arms around her and rest my head on her shoulder, my hands slowly wrapped around her sides and instead of a surprised reaction from her, she welcomed my embrace and even seemed to expect it from me. I slowly rested my head on her left shoulder and closed my eyes as I breathed onto her neck.
A familiar and welcoming feeling washed over me as I felt her fingers slowly scratch my scalp. I instinctively kissed onto her soft warm skin with a smile, my chest swelling up with emotion. A soft giggle could be heard escaping her mouth before she spoke. It's hard to describe this part of the dream given that dreams have a peculiar thing about them. They always ponder to your sense of understanding.
For example, if a cat crosses you on the road that has the colors of the rainbow on it, inside the dream that would make sense because for you it has a deeper meaning than its physical representation, but thinking about it afterward it's bizarre.
In the same way, the dream girl began to speak but I couldn't hear the words she spoke. Regardless, I understood what she meant and spoke back in the same way. We talked about how our days went and how we were feeling. She felt warm and cuddly as did I, describing this to be as close to perfection as I could get. I nuzzled into her neck and whispered sweet nothings into her ear as she giggled again. She turned her head and kissed the first thing she could find, which was my nose. She laughed along with me and turned completely around.
She laid on the couch and petted the spot beside her. Inexplicably I stood up and asked her to scoot over so I could lay on the border of the sofa. She did so and moved to the side, leaving my new space available for me. I smiled and laid there with her. Again, the familiar instinctive feeling came over me, it told me to put my hand on her cheek and I obliged. My hand rested on her warm cheek as she smiled, her white glistening teeth showing. She laid on her back and sighed as she closed her eyes. I hugged her close to me and put my cheek against hers. She turned her head to shower me with kisses all over my face as I chuckled, trying to return the kisses she gave.
How could she allow me to be so close to her? We don't know each other but we treat one another as if we knew of each other for ages. But there we were. Giving each other expressions of true love even though we had spent a small amount of time together.
Frases floated around that living room that were or felt, there were no secrets between us; "You're so beautiful", "Soul as bright as the sun's warmth", "Hold me close forever", "Love me", "I'll be yours forever". All of these phrases fed into our hearts as we loved each other in those moments. But not carnal love or even spoken love, it was more of an ethereal love. Something you couldn't touch or feel. It is complicated to explain as the terms and the feelings leave me to this moment. Every time I try to grasp the feeling or thought behind an explanation it vanishes from my mind. The closest thing I could think of is the phrase: "Being with each other felt as if two pieces of the whole were reunited meanwhile being wholes in their own right. Not complimentary love but a love that overlays on the other and creates something new"
As I write this a lump forms in my throat and tears swell in my eyes. But I do not know why. My fantastical mind thinks that maybe there was a deeper connection than I understood inside that dream. Or that perhaps what I had inside that dream will only remain there, never to be experienced outside of it. Never to be found again, only in my fantasies or dreams.
After that, the dream fades. The last thing I remember was her face as she lay there beside me on that sofa. Then darkness. I woke up incredibly tired and with my hand outstretched to nothing. I do not know what the dream meant or what it will entail for later but I do know that what I went through in that dream was special.
"Will a see you again?" the phrase appears in my mind but I don't know if its mine or someone else's.