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Maddy looked up to see a pair of golden eyes reflecting hers and this eased her "I'm Maddison Stone uhm im here because i just turned a hundred and im alone why are you here" she says looking back at the street below regretting the natural coldness she gave off to Alex "Well im here because i saw you up here alone." Maddy sighs "Oh uhm i didnt know they could-" Alex interjects "they cant they are too immersed in their own lives dont worry" Maddy smiles slightly "im a lost cause" Alex gets closer to her "Hey no your not dont say that." "I am, i came here to die only to realise loads of humans will see me shatter like a porcelain vase." Maddy smiles at her own joke and Alex looks at her with intrigue "Talk to me. What's on your mind?' Maddy looks at her with confusion 'okay I'll go first to ease tensions. I was born in 1939 and in 1950 two weeks before my birthday i was hit by a car i was bleeding out when Carlisle found me and turned me. His whole family is animal blood drinkers so it was hard at first but ive been doing good and ive loved the family i have had to be honest."

Maddy looks at her again "I'm so sorry that must have been awful at least you have your family" she whispers making Alex smile "so whats your story?" Maddy tells her about everything quietly sobbing by the end of it but Alex doesnt realise. "Shit Maddy im so sorry that's so awful. I'm sure your life will get better. Everything gets better. Hopefully Henry is gone and doesnt bother you anymore.' Alex pauses studying Maddy 'Hey why do you have yellow eyes?"Maddy smiles sadly "Thank you i hope too and i wanted to be inconspicuous so i havnt touched a human vein in a while I stopped before being with the volturi just after my ex died but the Volturi were very persistent I was a human blood drinker so i stopped then I started again just after leaving them. Plus i hated my red eyes it reminded me too much of Henry. I looked into them as i was dying to see if he really cared about me. Yellow is much better and softer. Red symbolises pain." Alex sighs this time it echoed with a touch of empathy "I'm so sorry Maddy. How about this. I'm your first non backstabbing manipulating friend that wont kill you." Maddy giggled for the first time in years "Okay yeah i would like that." Alex grins "Good okay. Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" Maddy nods and her and Alex discuss where and where they both live. They hang out everyday for a month and Maddy is finding a different part of herself someone who is happier. Maddy gets a job at a cafe and gets a small cottage on the outskirts on London in the countryside. One particular day Alex asks a question "Hey do you want to meet my family? They are a bit dysfunctional but they're home." Maddy laughs "Yeah of course." Alex smiles "Good okay I'll pick you up tomorrow."

Maddy properly dresses up but in a casual way losing herself in her mind worrying about first impressions when a knock at the door is present. Maddy runs over "Alex hey!" The two women hug and they walk to Alex's car that drives them to a lavish house further deep in the countryside hidden but safe. A girl with a pixie hair cut immediately hugs Maddy as she steps out the car "I'm Alice! It's really nice to meet you!" Maddy smiles hugging back "Im Maddy it's nice to meet you too." Alex leads her in and Maddy greets the entire family feeling a warm welcome in the air and immediately accepted.

They are all sat in the living room discussing various topics when powers come up. "I can see peoples decisions and futures." Said Alice sitting on jasper lap "i can change and feel emotions of others." Said jasper smiling kissing Alice on the cheek "i can read minds" Edward said who looked like he wanted to go in his room and blast rock music. "Well im just really strong." Emmet said smirking then Carlisle spoke up "do you posses any gifts Maddy?" Maddy smiles and speaks up "I do, soon after the transition I realised I could move things with my mind. Then I realised that also manifested into where I could find someone no matter where they are but only if they are thinking about it. I can also tell others my location with my mind mainly my loved ones and share my own memories. I can also bring memories to the surface. They seem like a lot but it's just mind games." Carlisle looked surprised "you are very powerful Maddy, i heard that you were with the Volturi for a while did they help?" Maddy laughed "thank you and kind of I got better control but in a whole not really they just used me for my powers and didn't care if it almost killed me and it nearly did because of a cursed object." Carlisle looks apologetic "I'm so sorry Maddy I was with them a few years ago they havnt changed it seems." Maddy smiles "No no thats okay being with the volturi helped me understand who i am and my powers." Carlisle shares the smile "Well thats good. We are going hunting tomorrow night would you like to join us?" Maddy grins "Yes i would thank you so much."

Yay! What do y'all think so far?

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