Who are you

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Emma's pov
I was sitting in my apartment just watching TV and then I Hurd something coming form my back window I look over and I see a kitten all wet.I open it and grabbed the kitten and but a blanket around the kitten your probably hungry I scared my cabinet for some food.I found a some sardines form my last room mate which was about a month ago so they should be fine I opened then and put it down on the ground for the kitten. Tomorrow I have to find the owner so I went to bed kinda early come in little kitty it just kept meowing until I put it on the bed i finely fall asleep.
*next Day* 
I get up and get ready as soon as I was done I got the kitten and put it in my car and I drive around looking for missing signs all over and then u came to this one neighborhood and it look like for wealthy people.I looked at the paper and it said there was an hundred dollar award for finding this can and it look the same and the one in my car so I pull out my phone and call the number and the Hello and familiar voice said.Hi I think I found your cat ok thanks just meet me at my house I grabbed the kitten and I rang the doorbell and it was Andy that opened the door.H-hi ummm this must be your cat I joust got lost in his eyes you must be a fan he said running his fingers through my long brown hair Y-yes Iam well thank you for bringing him back so here is you hundred dollar check no no I can't take that just watching the cat was enough.well how bout I take you to lunch tomorrow that sound fair I said with a smile on my face I walked off to my car and went home.

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