Chapter 34 - Journey's Beginning

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The next few days were even more busy than Libby could've ever imagined. Patrols were sent out consistently. Training and trainee participation intensified. Wolves from the allied Packs would stop by to help with the preparations, or to talk to Dreven and Diamond.

Things are really getting started now, Libby thought dourly. They shook their head, trying to focus on what was in front of them.They were facing their larger brother on a tiny clearing in the eastern side of the territory. "Go!" Red Spirit, who was overseeing the practice, bayed.

At their sign, the two siblings started to circle one another. They were both wearing their helmets and gauntlets, however their fang extensions and the gauntlet's claws had been removed. They needed to be preserved as much as possible for the real battle, should things ever come to that for the trainees.

In the blink of an eye, Alex lashed out at Libby, but quickly retreated—it was a pretend attack.

Libby snarled and launched themself at their brother. Alex bared his teeth. Before he could grab their neck in his jaws Libby dived below his belly. They kicked out with their hind legs. One hit Alex in the chest, the other struck his lower jaw.

With a grunt, Alex was knocked off his paws. He rolled over and sprang back up and charged. Libby managed to get back on all fours in time to catch his blow on their shoulder. Alex's weight pressed against their shoulder. Libby growled as they were forced to the ground. They tried their kicking trick once again, but Alex had them pinned. They were pummeling his belly to no avail.

Seeing no other option, Libby grabbed a gauntlet full of dust and thrust it upwards. Their brother grunted as the particles hit him straight in his left eye.

Libby squirmed out from underneath him while he was distracted and got ready to pounce.

Alex's closed left eye started to tear up. The duo both jumped and collided in mid-air. Alex had the upper paw due to his size, and had them down on the ground once again. Libby knew their dust trick wouldn't land a second time, so instead they bit Alex's front paw before he could truly pin them.

They didn't draw blood, but it was enough to throw him back. Libby rolled out from underneath him. They crouched to pounce again.

Red Spirit cut them off. "Okay, that's enough."

"Let me finish, I can still win!" Alex protested, still squinting.

"No, I've seen enough. You're both ready." Red Spirit looked pleased. "Sit."

The duo settled down in front of them.

"You were the final two to be assessed. You've both proven yourselves to be capable fighters. Of course, you're not fully trained yet, but you're ready to go to war with the Pack."

Libby shared a glance with Alex.

"All right!" he bayed.

"I can't believe it," Libby murmured in disbelief.

"Remember, you'll only be there as messengers and helpers–you'll not be actively fighting if we can avoid it," Red Spirit pressed. "These skills are only for a worst case scenario."

"I'm brave enough to fight any Army scum," Alex boasted.

Red Spirit chuckled. "I'm sure of that. Come on, you two, get going to the rendezvous site. We're leaving in a day."

"Exciting, isn't it?" Alex asked Libby on the way home.

They let out a noncommittal grunt but didn't reply any further.

Alex's brow furrowed. "You're scared."

"Aren't you?"

"Well, no." Alex cleared his throat. "I mean, yes. A little. But I'll master my fear. Remember, this is our chance for revenge. For Mom and Dad. For our Pack. For Brighten. For Kotan. For all those other wolves they've hurt and are going to hurt in the future."

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