Episode 1: Mega Mission

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A war raged on... monsters and Rangers fighting with everything they had to control the planet. The newest team of Rangers was on the scene, but their leader, the Red Ranger, was struggling against the monstrous foe before him.

"Red!" screamed Blue.

Red tried to stand, but the leader of the monsters kicked him down and raised his sword. Red knew it was over; his life would end here. At least, his friends would have a chance to save the planet with the other Rangers by their side.

"This planet will be mine!" the monster leader bellowed.

"Let my friend go!" another voice shouted.

Red, stunned, saw the shadow of another Ranger appear and push the monster away. He heard the sounds of fighting, but it took him a moment to focus and see who was fighting whom. They were near the cliff...


Red moved just in time to see Yellow scream and fall to her knees. Another Ranger and the monster tumbled over the cliff's edge. Red ran, his heart pounding, desperate to find his friend. But there was nothing. No monster, no Ranger. They had won the battle, but...

Was it truly a victory?

End Dream

"Hey, newbie! Wake up!"

Troy Burrows opened his eyes, feeling a profound emptiness. The dreams felt so real, as if he had lost something important in that fight too, but he couldn't place what it was—at least, not yet.

"You'll be late if you don't get out now!" the bus driver called. "Come on!"

Troy focused, grabbed his bag, and stepped off the bus. The feeling of loss weighed heavily on him, but he pushed through. He was new here, without friends, and didn't have time to dwell on this sadness. He needed to focus on his new life and the challenges ahead.

Troy sighed, putting on his best smile as he walked into his new high school. He checked his schedule to find his class and realized it had already started. Knocking on the door, he hoped he wasn't too late.

"Oh, come in," the teacher said.

"Sorry, I'm new. Troy Burrows," he introduced himself.

"Mr. Burrows, I'm Professor Park," the teacher replied. "Please, sit beside the guy with the soccer ball. We were just about to start."

Troy nodded and quickly took his seat beside a boy who seemed to be sizing him up.

"I'm Jake Holling. Welcome," the boy said with a smile.

"Troy," he responded, unsure of what else to say.

Jake nodded, seeming to understand how Troy felt, and turned his attention back to the class. Troy felt a strange sense of calm from Jake's few words and smile. Maybe, just maybe, this time he could have a normal life.


In Space

Andros was performing his routine check-up on the spaceship, enjoying some alone time away from his team. Though he loved his team and his wife, he had always been a solitary person. Sometimes, he needed a few hours to himself to appreciate how lucky he was.

This mission was simple, just a few routine checks. Ashley worried every time he went on these missions, but Andros couldn't blame her. Both he and Tommy Oliver had a knack for attracting trouble. However, this mission was straightforward—not like the time they almost lost their Pink Ranger and ended up losing the Lost Galaxy Pink Ranger.


Andros closed his eyes, pushing those thoughts away. Kendrix was fine now, caring for her and Leo's five-year-old daughter in a free universe.

Suddenly, a beep pulled Andros from his thoughts. He turned to see DECA locating an alien ship, ten times larger than DECA itself. Acting quickly, Andros activated shadow mode, thanks to Wes Collins's technology, and approached the ship undetected to intercept their communications.


"Creepox, how is Earth?" a voice asked.

"Humans are not a problem, Admiral Malkor. We'll have them begging for mercy in no time, and then... we will invade the planet," Creepox replied.

End Communication

Andros kept his composure and set DECA's course back to Earth. He needed to inform his team about this new threat and notify Tommy Oliver and Jason Scott. He had a feeling he knew who would be taking on this invasion.

"DECA, set course for Earth," Andros commanded.

"Course set. We will arrive in 3.6 hours," DECA responded.

"Not fast enough," Andros muttered. "Call Tommy Oliver and tell him I think the time has come."

"Calling," DECA confirmed.

Andros ran a hand through his hair and sighed. This wasn't good, but they had to remain strong. The Rangers who would face this new threat wouldn't be alone. They had a direct descendant among them—who better than Jacob to guide them through this new challenge?


It wasn't unusual for Jake to leave class before it ended, but he knew something was wrong when both his dad and godfather came to pick him up. Professor Adam Park's serious demeanor only confirmed that this was Ranger-related.

As Jake walked out, Emma Goodall glanced at her best friend, Gia Moran, who rolled her eyes. Since starting high school, Emma had noticed Jake's constant attempts to impress Gia, something Emma found endearing, though Gia seemed disinterested.

"He's gone again," Emma remarked. "Do you think he got in trouble?"

"I don't know why. He's the only nice guy on the soccer team," Gia replied, opening her book.

"Oh, so you think he's nice?" Emma teased.

"Don't start, Emma."

Emma smiled, sensing that Gia wasn't entirely ignoring Jake's advances. Maybe Jake did have a chance after all.

For her part, Gia focused on her book, trying not to dwell on Emma's words. Jake was nice—of course, he was. He was the only guy who didn't pressure her or treat her like an object. But she wasn't ready for a relationship, especially not with the star of the soccer team. She wanted to be known for her grades, not as someone's girlfriend.

She sighed; maybe someday she'd give him a chance, just not today.


When Jake arrived at the beach with his dad and uncle, he knew this was a Ranger situation. His dad was tense, and his godfather, despite his experience, looked worried. The real shock came when he saw his godmother waiting for him.

"Aunt Kim?"

"Jake!? You've grown so much!" Kim said, running to him.

Jake hugged his aunt and godmother with enthusiasm. It had been a long time since they'd seen each other, and even though they stayed in touch, it was always good to see her in person.

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