Everything falls into Place

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Evan drove to the bar and drank everything there. When he heard a familiar voice.

"Evan?" He looked who was it and it was the former co-leader of Dragonflies.

"Mr. Henry Gates, what are you doing here?" He asked drinking another bottle.

"Shouldn't I be asking that question boy?" He said looking at the bottle he is drinking.

"Sorry, I was... I was shock on what I saw and knew." He said making the old man laugh.

"Why? That the woman you fuck is actually a dude?" He joked making Evan chuckle a little.

"No. It's about the company we are up against" he said.

"We told you how to approach that. Always know your enemy." He said.

"But we have a new member and she believes in family. But what if she knew that we are up against her sister?" He said looking at the bottle he is holding.

"Oh, really? Well she needs to learn she need to face sacrifices." He said.

"I know but... That's not the main problem." He said, turning and leaning on the counter.

"Then what is it?" He asked.

"It's about Mr. Andres' daughters." Evan said making the old man shock.

"What about April and Lucy?" He asked.

"April is not really Mr. Andres' daughter." He said recieving a slap on the head by the older man.

"You are the leader of the top gang, but you are one stupid mother fucker you know that?" Henry said.

"What?" He asked.

"You should have come to the old members that actually knew Danny boy. Call for yor crew and we will put everything in place." He said.

Evan did, he called everyone on the meeting room inside the mansion. Mainly the dinning table.

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They are all inside the dinning table, except for April who was still watching the footage. She couldn't believe it, she is not Daniel's daughter.

"Dude, that must've hurt. Knowing your whole life is a lie." David whispered. But recieving slaps from each member of the crew.

"Nogla!" Some said.

"Ouch! Don't be pussies about it." He said.

"Still you don't have to rub it on her fucking face." Craig said.

"Yeah dude. Do you have to be such a douche?" Marcel said.

"Sorry. Geez" David said.

"Go talk to her!" Luke said looking at Sky.

"Hey! I know I am her best friend and all, but trust me you don't want to be a punching bag."  Sky said.

"So are we just standing here like retards and not comforting her?" Tyler said.

"Then you go!" Lui said.

"Hell no." Tyler replied.

As they all heard April burst into tears, they all went in silence. Until, "April? Wanna talk?" Brian said.

She looked at Brian who was right next to her.

"Oh, Brian. Why would I live a life of lie? I don't know who I am anymore." She said leaning and Brian hugging her.

He signal for the others to help him. They one by one, they went inside.

"Don't worry we still want you for you. Real one or not, you are you. You didn't know until now." Sky said.


"Yeah, look. In the past you don't know that and you are you." David said.

"Plus you are still the Badass, Mafia bitch President for us. Hanna" Tyler said then winking at the name.

"Guys! Meeting!" Evan said on the communicator.

"Come in guys. April?" Brian said then looking at April.

She just nod and smiled, "It's good to have a family like you." She whispered letting no one hear except for Tyler.

"Welcome, to the family Bitch." He whispered back.

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As they waited for Evan they eat what they could. But April was cooking, "why does Vanoss taking so long." Jonathan said.

"Let that bitch be. I hate him so much now." She said.

But Evan walked in with Henry, April still facing backwards and cutting carrots.

"You know, I will fucking kill that mother fucker if I see him. After that he could leave like that?! The nerve of some guy. And you know what I will fucking cut his dick off, if I see him again!" She said angerly cutting the carrot.

"And what did this bad boy did to my little princess?" She heard a familiar voice.

"Uncle Henry!!!" She yelled and quickly hugged him.

"How is my little princess?" He asked hugging back.

"Someone's introuble!" Jonathan said laughing making the others laugh but Henry just glared at them.

"He's your Uncle?" Evan asked.

"Dad and Uncle Henry here are like brothers. He always comes to our house for occasions. He is like the second dad to us." She said.

"What are you ranting about?" He asked but April's expression changed when she remembered it.

She faced Evan and pointed the kitchen knife she was holding. "This little prick here. Keeping secrets from me!"

"Baby, stop. Put the knife down." Evan said a little scared.

"Oh, don't baby me." She yelled.

"Just like her mother." Henry said making the others look at him.

"I thought she isn't really their daughter?" Brian said recieving a head shake from the old man.

"You guys have been embeded. I am so glad I found Vanoss here before you guys make a stupid decision that might kill all of you." He said. "Mae stop that and sit down." He said then April looking at his Uncle.

April just growled, "Now young lady." Her uncle said. Stabbing the table on her side.

"Now here's what really happen."

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Daniel didn't took it very well when the doctor said it was nothing they could do. Apple and Chanel gave birth at the same date. With April with Apple, Chanel with Hanna and Shaw. The twins, well they are twins but with different fathers. When Chanel had sex with his true husband Mr. Yamarima making Shaw, and she has sex with Mr. Andres making Hanna.

The nurse called the people on the speaker to go there because baby April is dying. Daniel run towards the nursary and took Hanna.

"Look at our baby Apple. Isn't she beautiful?" He said.

Henry looked at Apple she was sleeping and he know for sure that, that isn't April. "Look, I am going to call her Lucy." He said.

"Daniel?" Henry asked.

"Don't tell Yamarima about this." He said.

"What did you do?" Henry asked a little worried.

"Lucy is my daughter from Chanel." Daniel said not even looking at Henry.

"You did not." Henry said.

"Chanel druged me. Okay, I shouldn't have done it if it wasn't for that stupid arrangement." Daniel said.

"Alright but why left your real daughter?" Henry asked looking a little hurt. He know Daniel is a soft hearted man when it comes to family.

"Excuse me Mr. Andres. Grest news, we saved your daughter, April, she is showing normal significants. Congratulations." The doctor said walking in the room.

By then he will never do it again.

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"But you see April, Your dad loves your mom. I remember when they first did their honeymoon. He told us that your mom pointed a knife infront of your dad. You can say that your mom was the President of the house." Henry said chuckling.

"Like she isn't here." Jonathan said.

"Well, you guys are lucky. She is caring and nice. But startle her and she will cut your dicks off. She learn that from his uncle" he said winking at his niece.

"Sure did." She said.

"That reminds me, new year's eve is coming do you have plans?" Henry said.

"Wanna come to tokyo with the guys?" She asked.

"Sorry Princess. Family needs me here, next time when Hellen is good to go." He said.

"Alright. Thanks Uncle for clearing it up, I almost gave up." She said hugging her.

"Oh, princess. Don't give up, I know you have the heart of your father and the brains of your mother. And the muscles of your uncle." He said kissing his forehead. "Now, I trust you guys with our little princess or we will hunt you down. I maybe an ex-co-leader. But I can go back anytime I want." He said.

"Yes sir!" They all said.

"And lastly, Say sorry Vanoss." Henry said.

"Babe, I am sor..." he was cut off by a pair of lips.

"I forgive you." Then slapping his face. He was shock on what she did. "And that's for leaving without any permission." She said.

"Just like her mother." Henry said.

Henry went back to his business the Bar. And the guys are getting ready for the fight of their lives. When a video was shown on the T.V.

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