So this is to a person who has broken my heart the 'hard' way. So... I'll call the guy H. My friends will know who I am talking about.
Dear H,
So. You had the really cool account I liked, and that's how we hit off. I think you messaged me first. But that was around Christmas time. And then a month later, although it felt like an eternity, you asked me if I actually meant it when I said 'I love you'. Now, I didn't. And I actually cried at about 1am, January 1, 2015, because of you. You hurt me beyond imagination, because I knew I had lost a friend. And now, I am afraid to be myself around my new internet friends. I have told them many times that I am asexual and aromantic, I am still afraid to tease around with them. To tell them I love them when I win an argument, or get my way. So, that's it. That's all I have to say. Bye.

30 Letters Challenge
Short StorySo, I have done this already, and that was two years ago. So I decided to do it again. I have different people I want to write to, and obviously a different veiw of myself. So, I believe the challenge is to upload one letter a day. So, that is what...