1. Metting new people

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Uranus pov

I floated around my orbit as I saw the solar system. I had barely been formed but I already disliked the name the sun gave me. There's also 4 other planets. I think their names are jupiter, Saturn, neptune, and x. Now that I think about it why was x just named x? I might never know, i mean his name was still better than mine. Either way I still haven't met any of them.

I was then suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by a blue planet, I think his name is neptune?

Neptune: "Hello, ur Uranus right?"

Uranus: "Y-yeah, I know it's a pretty bad name."

Neptune: "What's so wrong with uranus though?"

Maybe this is my chance to make a friend, i thought as a small smile formed in my face.

Uranus: "Never mind, your neptune right?" I said as I looked up and down the blue planet. It appeared as if I was slightly bigger than him.

Neptune: "Yep! Uranus can we be friends?"

I felt a rush of excitement go through me. My first friend!

Uranus: "Of course!! I mean yes" neptune chuckled at my excitement. How Embarrassing!

-after some time-

Me and neptune were playing with small asteroids that we found in the kuiper belt when suddenly the sun screamed at us.


Uranus: "I guess I'll see you later" I told neptune as I left to go back to my orbit. Neptune looked a bit sad as I left.

The sun was always so paranoid about us leaving our orbits, I think it's because the rocky planets are always colliding against each other or getting destroyed. I still don't know why he cares about us leaving our orbits, I don't even think our orbits are close enough to impact the rocky planets.

(Not gonna lie, I think that planet x is going to win the battle, but then he's going to notice how his revenge is effecting everything and get jupiter back. I mostly think this will happen because of the soundtrack)

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