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THE next day, Penelope sneaked back to the camp where the adults were.

As all of them were getting ready to leave and get Henry, she kept quiet and in the back.

They met with Tink, Charming and Snow.

"We're here. Pan's perimeter."

Tink said, looking back to the Charmings, making sure they were right behind her.

"Its time."

The savior said, her eyebrows slightly lifter as she spoke in a serious tone as she continued.

"Tink will sneak us in the back like we planned. We grab Henry. In and out. Simple."

This made Penelope raise her eyebrow as she stood there with her arms crossed.

"Oh how i love two step plans."

She said, sarcastically,knowing they will fail.

Emma just let out a sigh and looked at Penelope and Neal.

"You good with Pan patrol?"

Penelope nodded, kind of uninterested. While Neal patted his bag.

"Locked and loaded."

The dark one took a sword from Capitan, holding it in front of himself.

"You mind if i, uh, borrow this?"

He asked as Penelope heard the blade zing, and he continued to speak. Penelope wanted nothing more them to grab that sword and push it into his throat. She imagined that very vividly.

"You said no magic. I agreed. But I'm not walking in there with nothing but my good looks."

The last line made Penelope scoff, her eyes once again rolling. She noticed she did that a lot, mostly with the adults. Probably cuz all they do it be stupid and annoying.

As Rumple started walking Hook spoke up.

"Now i, on the other hand..."

Charming, cutting him off, gave him his sword. The pirate thanked him and off they went.

The whole time Penelope wanted to just get away from them. It was weird to her. She wanted to escape them but at the same time she wanted to stay, she felt safe around them. Well most of them.

She still wanted to gut the reptile and the queen. She didn't do it, mostly because she didn't want to fuck up Pans plan.

But what will she do if he doesn't succeed? She wasn't sure.

As they stood in the bushes by the camp, Penelope stood next to Hook, watching as the boys happily talked and joked around.

"Can i at least use magic on these boys?"

She heard the ugly lizard speak up, making her eyes roll. As she opened her mouth, probably to insult him, Neal beat her to it.


Rumple, a slight disbelief printed on his face, did as he was told.

Regina on the other hand..

"ill do it."

She said, waving her hand over the camp, making the boys fall down to the group. This roused panic in Penelope, questions immediately flew into her head.

Did she do that to every person in the camp, or just the once that were on the clearing?

Did she get her little Julie?

What kind of s-

Her thoughts were stopped as soon as they all stood in the middle of the camp, weapons ready.

Penelopes eyes scanned around the camp trying to find either Pan or her girl.

Neal spoke up, looking over the camp as they got closer to the middle.

"Where's Pan?"

Emma immediately answered, her eyes scanning the camp as well. She called out for her son. As they looked for the boy, Penelope frowned, still having no idea what the evil boys plan.

Suddenly they heard a voice call out.


Penelopes eyes widened slightly, recognizing the voice and wanting to immediately roll her eyes. She really needed to stop that habit, she thought to herself. Maybe she should just start punching people,that would be easier.

The rest of the group went to fallow the voice, it made Penelope let out a soft, quiet, groan.

Emma was the first one to run ahead, the rest fallowed.

As they got to the owner of the voice, they saw a girl in a cage, panting slightly.

Penelopes jaw clutched, her eyes glaring at the girl as she crossed her arms.

As the two girls met eyes, the caged girls eyes widen in horror. It made Penelopes ego boost a bit.
A sweet smile on her face, her gaze fixated on the wavy haired girl.

"Hello Wendy~"

⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆

Heyyyyy uhm..how have yall been?

So heres a little life update

I have a crush on this girl SHE IS SO PERFECT like omg im full simping and not trying to hide it.

I have shit ton of stuff to study and I'm waiting for the winter break to write more but like yall i can't, i have no motivation and i keep wanting to start new stories. Someone needs to stop me.

But yeahhhh

Stay warm and hydrated my children

-xoxo Ana<3

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